Wow very complex, love the effort and the flow charts to give a better view of things
AAntoine Pinnock
- Joined Jan 18, 2020
Thanks for the up vote
His logical and realism are definitely on point (and pretty hard to argue against)
Amazing work... I especially love this extended version of the essay;
The ideas encapsulated within your comparison of the turning machine to biological complexity is breath taking
In defining mass, matter and energy the concept or movement and constant relocation us definitely important.
Here is will use some quick concept to illustrate this point. I was trying to write this all quickly but as connected as possible.
Throughout human history, mankind has always gazed up at the night sky, in amazement, mesmerized by the elegance of the moon and an endless ocean of the brightly shining lights in the heavens; which are celestial features that were once thought to be individual stars like the sun, but are now known to be entire galaxies.
And just like the sun, most of the shimmering or radiant objects in the sky or in the observable universe are objects that are in a plasma state or a excited or superheated state; which, essentially, makes plasma or the energy enriched state, one of the most abundant physical states within which matter can be found throughout the universe.
As, all stars, solar systems, galaxies and clusters of galaxies can be classified as objects or structural entities that predominantly contain plasma, which exist as continuously and consistently rupturing, exploding and radiating mixtures of heat, electromagnetic energy and mass.
Essentially, this makes plasmoids the main types of celestial structures, whose momentum, gravity, electromagnetism, eruptions and explosions dominate all galaxies and systems across the universe (where a plasmoid is a coherent structure of mass and energy in a plasma state whose properties mainly manifest as radiant heat and electromagnetism and/or as electrical, gravitational and magnetic fields).
Furthermore, all the heat energy that all the objects now possess would not be new energy or newly created energy but would be energy conserved or preserved from previous systems that have now been transmuted and transformed to these newer systems or pockets of confinement.
Consequently, the concept or model (or theoretical framework) that would be borne from this idea that the universe has always been dominated by matter in a plasma state, is one where all the matter and energy, which is now strewn across the vacuum of space as fragmented, but gravitational connected, pockets of plasma (or which now exist as asteroids, moons, planets, stars, galaxies and clusters of galaxies), all would have came from one main or central source that was already energy and rich in heat or some from of dense concentration of kinetic energy.
In other words, for this model to hold, this central source or primary object that all this superheated energy enriched matter would have originated from would have also been a tremendously dense or vastly energetic structure.
Essentially, it would have been an object baryonic matter in it most condensed form, held together by gravity and many of the other fundamental forces of nature (with a compact structure made entirely ultra-fast vibrating or oscillating parted exuding a tremendous amount of energy).
Subsequently, from this object is where all the all normal matter (which now exist as oscillating and vibrating particles such as photons, protons, neutrons and electrons now contained within the plasma of galaxies and stars) would have spring forth, not as isolated fundamental particles, as depicted in other models, but as all large blobs or as galactic size viscous chunks bursting out from this once self-enclosed object. Where an irreversible spillage, ruptured it structure and caused it of its entire energy enriched internal makeup outwards creating the tapestry or web of strewned plasma objects now observed across the matter universe, still racing away from each other and the one central source that they all originated from.
So, within this model, all the energy, mass and matter that now exist within, or is now scatter throughout what mankind precieve as the observable universe, came from or was once housed inside a single object or structure.
Which would not have possessed infinite values for its size, mass or density but would have been polyhedron of a finite size and density and possibly a definitive irregular or spherical shape.
And, rather than this object or structure being responsible for the creation of the matter and energy in the universe and simultaneously responsible for the creation of medium that all this matter is moving within; this object or structure would simply be responsible for first housing or holding and then eventually distributing or spreading energy, on a cosmic scale, not as a wave of tiny particles but in large viscus chuncks of superheated plama condensed matter (where these fragments would be the mass of entire galaxies and the mass of entire clusters of galaxies).
Which would differ somewhat from the general consensus which reigns across the scientific community which is that an infinitely density singularity was responsible not just just for the creation of matter and energy within the universe but created the finite medium and time scales within which all the mass and energy of the universe now reside.
In essence, within this new model, this primordial object at first would merely have been a storage unit, which would have store (or sealed away) all forms of energy, after which it became a conduit through which energy was transmuted into various forms, and then conveyed violently outwards, via an explosion on a cosmic scale, due in part to some newly developed instability within or throughout its very condensed structure.
It structure would have been ripped apart not at the Planck scale, but instead, would have created or would have released superheated full size stellar and galactic mass object; and these would eventually became the stars, galaxies, quasars and other plasmoids now observe across the universe that are still yet to have fully cool down from the initial superheated state that they were dispersed with).
Essentially, the splitting apart of this object or structure on this cosmic scale would represent the start of a systemic process were all energy that was once contained by or contained within this single object or single centralized structure, would spend the next 10's of billions of years being dispersed, outwards, futher and further from where it was all once centrally confined.
Furthermore, this dispersed material would spend these next of billions of years gravitational pooling up in different localized reason why still maintain a somewhat collective organized motion away from the centralized location they were all expelled from.
Additionally, during this time get all the energy and mass would essentially less dense (or compact or concentrated form), and in their superheated states would all radiate away both some of their heat and mass, to eventually reduce their collective temperatures as they move further away from each other, both in terms of their collective distances away from the central location they emerged from and in terms of their respective individual distances from each other (or to eventually change from a form of very energetic plasma into cooler states such as solids, liquids and gases).
So, within this model, the big bang would not have dispersed Planck scale subatomic particles but would have dispersed galactic and cosmic size fragments of superheated matter, which themselves would undergo further decay and instability overtime to themselves breark in slightly smaller solar and planetary size fragments as a means to become less concentrated energetic entities and as means of getting cooler or less superheated. Additionally, many of those steller size and planet size fragments themselves could break into smaller fragments which would be the size of moons and asteroids, etc. So, moons and planetary ring would have also been plasma as well and would have been ejected from a given planet structure very early in the planets lifespan when the planet was get to fully stabilize its rotation and overall structure.
In other words, within this model the Big Bang would not represent the creation or emergence of space-time and fundamental principles, but instead would simply represent the explosion or eruption of a cosmic scale primordial object or structure.
Subsequently, the nature of the universe is such that the matter in the universe is always in motion and is always trying to disperse itself to the widest volume possible; so, matter is constantly trying to get released in order to spread to the largest volume or least concentrated orientation possible; while simultaneously being opposed or actively restricted by various forced, mechanisms or processes.
The mass, matter, and energy in the universe is currently in the process of spreading itself out in a sustained expansion process as its heat, mass and motion is conserved.
An example of this fractal nature of galaxies: Each rotating galaxy is made of moving or rotating stars systems, each star system is made of moving or rotating stars, planets, moons, asteroid, dust and gas clouds; each star, planet, moon, asteroid, dust and gas is made up of moving or vibrating atoms; each atom is made of moving, vibrating or oscillating neutrons, protons, electron, photons; and so on.
Therefore, all these fractal structures are the structural entities, object and mechanisms in the universe that organizes and confines matter and energy and the interaction, activity, stability or instability of these fractal system determines the systemic and continual dispersal of mass, matter and energy throughout the universe.
So, all objects or structures in the universe that are made of matter at any fractal scale in the universe (whether at the subatomic or galactic scale) are the physical constructs that release energy and interacting with already released energy, and this release energy cause the matter that remains to gain momentum (linear or angular momentum), to gain heat or an increase in temperature, and to be bathed with electromagnetic energy (light and magnetism).
Therefore, all entities with mass in the universe contain energy trapped at fractal level within their structure that can one day be released, which fits into the laws or conservation of energy as well as conservation of momentum; which states that energy or mass can neither be created or destroyed only changed from one for to the other. In essence, matter is simple pockets of stored energy; or, unreleased energy held in confinement.
So, in this universe all matter has energy and this energy has only two states, which is that: this energy can either be confined within a specified volume or be trapped within one or more fractal structures of a specific volume as structure; or this energy can released and free to travel without being confined, which can endow other matter in its proximity with heat, light and mechanical energy.
Boris Thanks for your sentiment.
From om my perspective unification it's not simply about unifying concepts within mathematics and physics only, but instead it is about uniting those concepts with concepts from fields such as chemistry and biology as well.
I will post a brief remark about energy, matter and space on your entire.
Ok, thanks I will work on getting my ideas more refined, concise and to the point; however, this essay is a small part of a much larger puzzle that I'm work on;I will use your advice to shape my approach going forward.
Essay Abstract
In essence, this paper is not an attempt to explain collapsed gas clouds, proto-planetary disks, Higgs bosons, neutrinos, black holes, dark matter, relativity or quantum mechanics, by way of filtered telescopic data, selective physical experiments, recursive mathematical patterns, complex differential equations, mathematical constants and infinities, or complex computer simulations; instead, this paper is simply an attempt to use basic sequential thought experiments, coherent standardized explanations, and plain standard language that can stretch across all fields of science, to conceptually explain, some of, the mechanisms and processes that facilitated the transfer of energy from the core of the Earth, to the first set of primordial ecosystems on the surface of the planet, or to conceptually explain, some of, the nuclear, chemical and physical properties of the newly formed planet, which culminated in the emergence of both water and life on the surface of the Earth
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