The wolfram physics idea(s) falls into the superdeterminism category and if any of t their (deterministic) theories turns out to be right that would falsify my idea.
Ccarl sebastian
- Joined Apr 21, 2020
I think we will figure it out eventually.
There are multiple ways to explain quantum entanglement
My only objection to the wormhole explanation is that it seems unnecessary since quantum entanglement doesn't allow for faster than light communication and that there are other explanations.
Yes it's technically "CPT symmetric".
I kept my text simple to cater to a wider audience.
I think we should do a second experiment.
Essay Abstract
By rethinking time we will be able to make sense of quantum mechanics and maybe get an idea of whats happening fundamentally. We can also get a better idea of what free will could be assuming it even exist.
Author Bio
I have a bachelor degree in mathematics I want to know the true nature of reality and because of this i keep up with the development in physics, new theories, discoveries, etc.