@[deleted] your name matches in a way the essay you wrote, imagine an octopus that has special tentacles that can be broken and rejoined , except that you are a human and you use arms and objects
i have learned and enjoyed reading , it is a lecture for the profane/ layman
An act as simple as opening and closing the door of a car it is also a dissipative process that involves using a single hand. If als gedanken experiment the door would have been designed to involve using both hands or even going further instead of a single hand or even two you have eight or 100 little baby hands- like some kind of field or grabbing forest (for a mutant human), and also the door of the automobile is broken in to many little individual openings, that are overall in a way equivalent to a single hand and a single door in the normal life , and in order to enter the car ,every single hand must execute the action in the right way for the right little door . Differently phrased the car entrances have not been designed to take in to account -low margin-specific amount of effort to enable access inside, if the hands were hypothetically tiny the degrading would have happened differently or perhaps less. Wait what degrading ? , you are opening and closing the door of a car , in this example the degrading happens at a rate way slower rate then the actual life time of all the parts that can be called to make the car object, or the human that use it . elaborating more the car of the future would open entrances automatically with no human input, if the human touch it a little while opening, the opening mechanism should break like a f1 race car ,ideally, on the finish line . The human is not mutant he doesn't want to use a perishable -easy to break- high attention demanding- opening car- door . That would be like a ritualistic religion , what if this is something good and desirable with potential evolutionary advantages, but not accessible via -the normal societal behaviors selecting -fashion.