Jack Casali

  • Joined Jul 12, 2021
  • We are accustomed to thinking that the Universe formed as a result of a magnificent explosion. All mass/matter, perhaps collapsing under its own density, exploded into space (and creating space) and has ever since been flying through the void as projectiles, only being ordered by the laws of physics. However, there are problems with this assumption. Mainly, that General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics do not work together in this understanding. We are, however, given two clues:

    1: "Space" is expanding. i.e. bodies in motion far from us are accelerating at a faster and faster rate. Nothing about a "big bang" can account for this - projectiles from a detonated bomb do not randomly start accelerating as they are being tossed through space. There is some other force than a mere initial propulsion of energy - the energy is continuous and all-permeating.

    2: ONlY light is constant from all relative points. All of "space" must obey light, which should naturally lead us to an understanding that this Universe is "light's" universe, and we are all just part of it. We know that light is a display of electro-magnetism - We should consider this more carefully.

    I find that, while Einstein is obviously brilliant for solving the mythical force of Gravity as merely an affect of General Relativity - super massive bodies accelerating through space- the concept that reality is actually just massive bodies whipping through a void is no more logically comforting than to assume an unexplainable force of gravity. Indeed, nothing is really "solved" about the nature of the Universe's origins by stating our reality is merely accelerating bodies. Think of it literally - if we take GR on its face value, we have a Universe of matter speeding through what may be an endless void. The image is no more sensible than that of a gravitational force-field. Where do these bodies come from? What are they made of? Where are they going? What causes them to accelerate? What is the sufficient reason (I dislike the term, but at least give me that it is no more logically clear to assume massive projectiles whipping through an endless void than to think the objects possess an orderly gravitational magic)? The reality of our Universe as we understand it seems to me incredibly arbitrary.


    Einstein's equation E=MC2 provides us with the information that energy and mass are equitable. Also, the Cathode Battery Experiment confirms that the energy given off by a charged battery assumes the form of both a "wave" of electromagnetism, and a "particle" of single electrons that are observable when "motion" stops.

    Let us stop and consider what a "wave" is: a bit of energy traveling from point A to B at a certain frequency through a medium (particularly, the electromagnetic medium). The Cathode battery emits a negative magnetic field, and these individually are electrons. They are known to behave like tidal waves do - forming crests, cancelling each other out, creating disturbances and superpositions.

    Let us think of what matter is: you are matter. Your computer is matter. Your house is matter. Good - now, what are these made of? Materials, elements, and finally, a mixture of protons and neutrons (we are not interested in "Quarks" for now, all we need to focus on is the electromagnetic function of particles). Everything we consider to be "matter" is equivalent to what we just said about the Cathode battery's electrons: they are merely protons, neutrons, and electrons. But consider this: are not you also moving on planet Earth? Is not the Earth made of similar matter? Is not the Earth traveling around the sun in a elliptical pattern, indeed, a three dimensional wave through space? Are not you yourself and everything you know equally a uniform motion of electromagnetic relations traveling through space in a wave formation?

    You are.

    Now let us revisit the center of the Universe, the Big Bang. Now assuming that, rather than "matter" we are all simply energy, electrodynamic waves "frozen in (relative)time", a new picture might come to mind. Consider the Cathode Battery. Why do the electrons "move"? Repulsion. The electrons are emitted from the source because they share the same magnetic orientation. Or rather, the magnetic field is formed. This field is obviously stronger near the source: the electron closer to the magnetic is repelled with a greater force. It accelerates much faster. Good. Now, what does GR tell us? That a massive body with massive acceleration causes extreme warps in space-time, which are mistaken for gravity. The extreme gravitational force we see at the center of the milky way could equally be an extreme repulsion of energy. This concept is further strengthened by there being a "cosmic noise" of "radiation" "left over" from the Big Bang. No! This background noise is the electromagnetic field! It is felt everywhere! I argue that all of this is an electromagnetic field - there is no "matter" separate from the concept of energy within this field. More on this later.

    We also know that Maxwell's Equations perfectly align with General Relativity. Indeed, Einstein discovered GR as a result of his understanding of electromagnetism. All that can be said in terms of a super massive explosion of matter may be said of an electromagnetic field.

    We must then turn to the concept that the Universe is expanding at a faster and faster rate. I say that this is also explainable. Consider both flat Euclidean space and the chaotic mess we find ourselves in within the Galaxy of accelerating matter (or, as I say, electromagnetic repulsion). To go from A to B - to go from our Earth to a distant star will obviously factor in the warped spacetime. We will twist and turn although we feel ourselves on a straight trajectory. But is not the fastest way from point A to point B a straight line? A literally straight line through spacetime is faster than a relatively straight line through space time, given than not all of spacetime is warped uniformly (which is true).

    If we admit that this is not possible for us, due to the heavily curved spacetime, to travel in an objectively straight line through space relative to a lesser-warped field of spacetime, it seems obvious to me that matter very distant from us and not so warped will be moving "faster and faster" as it move away from us. As a massive body finally escapes the "gravitational field" of the outlying stars in our Milky Way, it is finally free to follow its inertial trajectory without interference. It is from then on travelling in the fastest way possible - a straight line of spacetime. They appear to move faster and faster the farther away from us they are because they are going farther and farther away from warped spacetime. No matter how you slice it, the object will always appear to be moving "faster" as it escapes our spacetime. Because the distant object is moving at an ever-more "straight" line through space-time, it will seem as through the object is moving at an ever-increasing speed relative to us.

    One final point: I have argued that all of us as matter are actually waves of electromagnetic relations. We obviously do not feel as though this is true. Let's have a thought experiment. A man standing on the moon watches a light beam travel by, far away. Or even, a man going one third the speed of light sees a light beam travel by. It will have its accustomed shape to this type of viewer - a wave. This will be true for any speed except the speed of light. Or rather - a relatively equal speed. Imagine two light rays traveling parallel through space. To each other, they are fixed point. They are electrons - not waves. When these energy fields travel at relative speeds, their waves appear as matter to each other. That is why you, a field of protons and neutrons, can interact with the protons and neutrons and electrons of the Earth and most of those in the general space time region/speed. You are traveling at a speed equivalent to them. They do not appear to you as waves or energy, but as particles and matter. We are all traveling on the same wavelength - the same speed or force through an electro-magnetic field being repelled by whatever is at it's core. The Universe is Eminence.