Jianhong Zuo

  • a month ago
  • Joined Jun 2, 2023
  • Dear Colleagues,

    We are delighted to invite you to the VCQ & quantA Summer School 2025 on "Quantum Many-Body Physics: From the Fundamentals to the Frontiers of Research." This exciting event will take place from September 15th to 19th, 2025, at Atominstitut, TU Wien.

    This year’s summer school is particularly special as it coincides with the 100th anniversary of Quantum Mechanics, making Vienna—which played a pivotal role in the history of quantum physics—the perfect place to celebrate the ‘International Year of Quantum Science and Technology’.


    The summer school is designed for Master’s and PhD students who are eager to explore the fascinating field of Many-Body Quantum Physics. The school featuring leading theorists and experimentalists will start with introductory level lectures into the field, among others exploring connections of quantum many-body physics with quantum information theory. The second part will be more specialized, featuring current experimental and theoretical developments.

    Confirmed lecturers:
    Jean Dalibard (LKB Paris)
    Simon Cornish (Durham University, UK)
    Géza Tóth (UPV Bilbao)
    Michael Buchhold (University of Cologne)
    Oleksandr Kyriienko (University of Sheffield)
    Maia Vergniory (University of Sherbrooke)
    Public Speaker: Jorge Kurchan, (LPENS Paris)
    In addition to engaging lectures, the program includes a poster session, where students are encouraged to present their research, as well as many opportunities for networking and socializing such as a Summer School dinner. These activities provide a great opportunity for participants at all career stages to connect and exchange ideas.

    We strongly encourage Master’s and PhD students to showcase their research through poster presentations.

    Registration & Fees:

    Deadline: June 1st, 2025 (places are limited!)
    Fee: €175 for external students (includes dinner & coffee breaks)
    For more details and registration visit: https://vcq-quantum.at/vcq-quanta-summer-school-2025/

    We look forward to welcoming many of you to Vienna for this exciting event!

    Best regards,
    The Organizing Team

    Dipl. Ing. (FH) Nadine Hilmar

    Coordinator VCQ-PhD Program

    TU Wien - Atominstitut

    Stadionallee 2

    1020 Wien


  • Dear colleagues,

    the Department of Mathematics & Statistics at the University of Calgary is inviting applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the areas of Quantum Information or Quantum Foundations. This is an excellent opportunity to join a vibrant research community and contribute to cutting-edge work at the Institute for Quantum Science and Technology (IQST), as well at the newly established Quantum Horizons Alberta institute. The application deadline is: December 31, 2024

    We are seeking candidates with a strong research record and a commitment to excellence in teaching. The successful candidate will have opportunities to collaborate with leading researchers in quantum science, contribute to ongoing projects, and develop new research directions.

    For more information and to apply, please visit the official job posting here: https://careers.ucalgary.ca/jobs/14976394-assistant-professor-in-quantum-information-or-quantum-foundations

    We would greatly appreciate it if you could circulate this opportunity within your networks.

    Best regards,

    Carlo Maria Scandolo

    Carlo Maria Scandolo, DPhil
    Associate professor of mathematical physics
    Department of Mathematics & Statistics
    Institute for Quantum Science and Technology
    University of Calgary
    2500 University Drive NW
    Calgary T2N 1N4, AB, Canada

  • 32nd Annual
    Barcelona SPAIN
    July 6-11, 2025
    Workshops, Plenaries, Concurrents
    Exhibits, Demos, Social, Poetry Slam, Dancing

    Abstract Submissions
    Deadline (January 5, 2025) - Notifications (January 12-20, 2025)

    followed by and in concert with

    4th Annual
    Barcelona SPAIN
    July 11-13, 2025
    Music, Art, Experiential, Inspiration, Spirituality,
    Education, Business, Evolution
    The Science of Consciousness (‘TSC’) conference is the world’s longest running inter-disciplinary gathering on the study of consciousness, the nature of existence and our place in the universe. TSC has alternated yearly since 1994 between Tucson, Arizona USA and elsewhere including Italy, Denmark, Japan, Sweden, Czech Republic, Hungary, Hong Kong, India, California, Switzerland, Finland, and in 2023 Taormina, on the island of Sicily. In 2025 TSC will be in Barcelona, Spain preceding and in conjunction with The Festival of Consciousness.

    We are at a crossroads in the age-old study of consciousness. Over the past thirty years approaches to understanding consciousness have diverged along two distinct paths: 1) ‘neurocomputational’ views of the brain as a complex computer of simple neurons, a view compatible with AI systems becoming conscious, and 2) ‘funda-mental’ views in which consciousness is intrinsic to the universe, connected to the brain through quantum biology. Exploring the funda-mental view, TSC embraces neuroscience biology far more rigorously than AI-compatible simple neurons. Ironically, conscious AI may be most likely to occur in biomimetic quantum computers.

    2025 TSC Conference Themes
    Consciousness and Fundamental Reality
    Brain Oscillations, Waves and Multiple Scales
    AI, LLMs and Consciousness
    Theories of Consciousness and Brain Modulation
    Anesthesia and Consciousness
    Biomimetic Quantum Computing
    Quantum Biology, SuperRadiance, Time Crystals
    Consciousness in Action
    Consciousness and Quantum Measurement
    Astrobiology, Origin of Life and Evolution
    Prospects for Extraterrestrial Consciousness

    2025 TSC Confirmed Speakers
    Anirban Bandyopadhyay
    Jimo Borjigin
    Thomas Brophy
    William Brown
    Nathalie Cabrol
    Deepak Chopra
    Avshalom Elitzur
    Federico Faggin
    Ivette Fuentes
    Alex Gomez-Marin
    Stuart Hameroff
    Nassim Haramein
    Don Hoffman
    Santosh Helekar
    Sabine Kastner
    Robert Lawrence Kuhn
    Philip Kurian
    Farhan Lakhany
    Matthew Larkum
    Dante Lauretta
    Earl K. Miller
    Sir Roger Penrose
    Giulio Ruffini
    Jay Sanguinetti
    Rupert Sheldrake
    Javier Sierra
    Michael Wiest
    Brannon Wheeler
    Nicole Yunger-Halpern

    Sunday July 6, 2025
    3 parallel sessions 9 am to 1 pm, 2 pm to 6 pm, 7 pm to 10 pm
    (speakers subject to change)

    The Varieties of 'BCI’ - Brain Computer Interfaces
    G Ruffini, A Maiques, Z Cinker, A Bandyopadhyay, J Sanguinetti, B Lord, Arnaud Delorme (Sponsored by Neuroelectrics, Starlab, PuzzleX, DDG, SEMA Lab, Sanmei)

    Is Consciousness Funda-Mental?
    Nassim Haramein, Rupert Sheldrake, William Brown, Don Hoffman, Thomas Brophy, Karla Galdemez, Bernard Carr (sponsored by ISF, IONS)

    Quantum Biology
    Travis Craddock, Karla Galdemez, Nicole Yunger-Halpern, Philip Kurian, Aarat Kalra, Jack Tuszynski, Adrienne Vancura

    Education and the Landscape Taxonomy of Consciousness Studies
    Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Paavo Pylkkänen Alain Morin, Brian Lord, Jeffery Martin

    Other Workshops TBA

    Consciousness in Action
    Morning Experiential and Inspirational Sessions
    7:00 am to 8:15 am, Monday July 7-Friday July 11,
    Organized by Festival of Consciousness - Program TBA

    Workshops Proposals
    Send in via email to: center@arizona.edu
    by November 15

    Abstract Submissions for the TSC Conference | Barcelona
    Deadline (January 5, 2025)
    Notifications (January 12-20, 2025)
    Abstract Submissions

    Barcelona | Links & Information | to be announced:
    Hotel / Reservations
    Conference Registration Fees - (standard, student, both events, volunteers)
    Sponsorship Opportunities

    Additional Links

    Join TSC E-list
    CCS-TSC Website
    YouTube Channel - Archives | CCS-TSC
    Facebook | CCS-TSC

    2025 TSC Conference Sponsors-updating

    Tiny Blue Dot Foundation
    Request for Proposals: Science of Perception Box
    Deadline for the letter of intent: October 28th, 2024

    *2025 Graphic: 'Gaudi's Brain' - Credit: ChatGPT/Xavi Ginesta

    Save the dates - The Science of Consciousness
    The Science of Consciousness, Barcelona | July 6 – 11, 2025
    The Festival of Consciousness, Barcelona | July 11 - 23, 2025
    The Science of Consciousness, Tucson | April 6-11, 2026

    Center for Consciousness Studies-UArizona | PO Box 64981 Tucson AZ 85728 Attn: Abi Behar Montefiore | Tucson, AZ 85728 US

  • Dear Colleagues,

    We are currently advertising five permanent Lecturer/Senior Lecturer (equivalent to Assistant or Associate Professor) positions in the Department of Physics at Imperial College London with a closing date of 19 August 2024.

    These positions are open to candidates from any area of physics. Applications are particularly welcomed from these research areas:

    Atmospheric dynamics of extreme weather.
    Direct search for dark matter.
    Physics implementation of neuromorphic hardware.
    Quantum technology.
    Quantum Field Theory and gravity.
    Application of Artificial Intelligence to astrophysical modelling.

    Individuals who identify as female and those from underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.

    For full details, see https://www.imperial.ac.uk/jobs/search-jobs/description/index.php?jobId=19563.

    Best wishes,


    Arttu Rajantie

    Professor of Theoretical Physics

    Imperial College London

  • To whom it may concern,

    My name is Carlos Zapata, I am the founder and president of the Society for Multidisciplinary and Fundamental Research (recently registered as a non-profit), and currently a postdoc in mathematics and computer science. We have launched our main yearly event, a summer school intended for students and researchers of all backgrounds and education levels to learn about a wide range of topics, exploring many traditionally distant disciplines while socializing with like-minded peers in a dynamic and creative environment. Here is all the information:


    We believe that members of the Foundational Questions Institute may be interested in our Interdisciplinary School. In-person places are limited, we encourage prompt registration. There is a general publicity email copied below and a poster attached for your convenience.

    Do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions or suggestions.

    Best regards,

    Carlos Zapata on behalf of the SEMF team

    announcement email

    Interdisciplinary Summer School 2024 in Valencia (Spain) 22-26 July

    This summer… learn about computation, evolutionary biology, physics, philosophy of science, literature and mathematics… enjoy beach parties, art jam sessions, mind-bending debates, local cuisine and nightlife. All of this, and more, in the scenic city of Valencia, situated on the Mediterranean coast of Spain.


    Places are limited, be sure to follow the link above and register to secure your spot early. Participants in the SEMF Interdisciplinary School travelling to Valencia get access to sponsored accommodation at a reduced price and in an excellent location, minutes away from the School venue, and within walking distance of the beach and the city centre.

    The aim of this event is to gather a group of young researchers, creators and students that engage in a very unique intellectual environment while attending talks and short courses by leading figures. Here is a handful of speakers and topics covered:

    · Stephen Wolfram (Wolfram Institute) - Computational Evolution
    · Rossana Mastrandrea (IMT School of Advanced Studies) - Networks and Entropy
    · Irida Altman (ETH Zurich) - Literary Aspects of Mathematics
    · Tom Froese (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology) - Biology, Cognition, Computation, Complexity
    · Mel Andrews (University of Cincinnati, Carnegie Mellon University) - Machine Learning in Science
    · Sandra Ranilla-Cortina (Credit Suisse) - Industry & Academia

    We encourage participants to attend in person but remote online attendance is also possible, you can choose your modality when registering in the link above.

    We look forward to welcoming you in Valencia or online soon!

    The SEMF team

  • ===========================================

    Causalworlds 2024 - Second Call for Papers

    Causalworlds 2024: The 2nd International Conference on Quantum, Classical, and Relativistic Causality

    Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
    16-20 September 2024

    Understanding causality is fundamental to science and inspires wide-ranging applications, yet there are several distinct notions of causation. Recently, there have been important developments on the role of causality in quantum physics, relativistic physics and their interplay. These have unearthed a plethora of fascinating open questions regarding the nature of causation, emergence of space-time structure and the limits of quantum information processing. At the same time, causal reasoning has become an important tool in machine learning and statistics, with applications ranging from big data to healthcare. This conference brings together experts from different areas of physics working on questions related to causality, as well as selected researchers who bridge the gap between fundamental research and current industrial applications. The aim of the conference is to provide a venue for cross-pollination of these ideas through scientific exchange between these communities. The conference will focus on the following facets of causality:

    Quantum and classical causal inference
    Indefinite causal order and quantum reference frames
    Causality in quantum field theory and quantum gravity
    Experiments and applications of causality


    Important Dates

    Paper submission deadline: 17 May 2024
    Paper notification: mid June 2024
    Registration deadline: late August 2024
    Conference: 16-20 September 2024


    Submissions Guidelines

    Prospective speakers can submit a paper for a talk and/or a poster. Submissions for a talk will automatically be considered for a poster if not accepted for a talk.

    The conference website www.causalworlds.ca is now open for submissions:

    Talk: Submission will consist of (1) a 1-3 page summary, and (2) optionally a link to the full paper (published/preprint) or a draft of the manuscript.
    Poster. Submission will consist of a short abstract.


    Invited Speakers

    Jessica Bavaresco (University of Geneva)
    Cyril Branciard (CNRS Grenoble)
    Rafael Chaves (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte)
    Giulio Chiribella (The University of Hong Kong)
    Doreen Fraser (University of Waterloo)
    Anne-Catherine de la Hamette (IQOQI Vienna)
    Ciarán Lee (Spotify)
    Tein van der Lugt (University of Oxford)
    Joris M. Mooij (University of Amsterdam)
    Mio Murao (University of Tokyo)
    Alejandro Pozas-Kerstjens (University of Geneva)
    Renato Renner (ETH Zürich)
    Thomas Richardson (University of Washington)
    Sally Shrapnel (The University of Queensland)
    Sumati Surya (Raman Research Institute)
    Rainer Verch (University of Leipzig)


    Programme Committee

    V Vilasini (ETH Zürich & INRIA Grenoble) (PC Chair)
    Alastair Abbott (INRIA Grenoble)
    Časlav Brukner (IQOQI Vienna & University of Vienna)
    Eric Cavalcanti (Griffith University)
    Chris Fewster (University of York)
    Lucien Hardy (Perimeter Institute)
    Hlér Kristjánsson (Perimeter Institute & IQC & Université de Montréal)
    Giulia Rubino (University of Bristol)
    Robert Spekkens (Perimeter Institute)
    Jacopo Surace (Perimeter Institute)
    Elie Wolfe (Perimeter Institute)


    Organising Committee

    Hlér Kristjánsson (Perimeter Institute & IQC & Université de Montréal)
    V Vilasini (ETH Zürich & INRIA Grenoble)
    Robert Spekkens (Perimeter Institute)
    Lucien Hardy (Perimeter Institute)
    Elie Wolfe (Perimeter Institute)
    Jacopo Surace (Perimeter Institute)



    Perimeter Institute
    PI Causal Inference Initiative
    QISS Consortium

    A limited amount of travel funding will be available for students who would otherwise not be able to attend the conference.

  • Dear FQXI,

    Please circulate the attached call for papers.



    Dr John Pickering
    Psychology Department
    Warwick University

    Call for papers

    The Legacy of David Bohm

    The Journal of Consciousness Studies plans to publish a special issue to mark the fortieth anniversary of David Bohm’s Wholeness and the Implicate Order.

    Bohm’s position remains problematic. While his contributions to quantum physics were highly regarded, his proposal of an implicate order was not.

    But developments in science and philosophy since the publication of Bohm’s book make his work seem more prescient than marginal. Moreover, his search for wholeness through dialogue between scientific and spiritual traditions has meant that his influence has been felt far more widely than that of most scientists.

    Papers are invited on any aspect of the work and life of this remarkable man. If you wish to contribute one, please email a brief abstract to the address below.

    The deadline for full submissions will be early 2025.

    Dr. John Pickering, Guest Editor.

    Psychology Department, Warwick University, UK.

    Email: j.a.pickering@warwick.ac.uk

  • Dear friends and colleagues,

    We are pleased to announce that the conference, Emergence of Classicality: New Perspectives on Measurements in Quantum Theory, will take place from the 15th to the 19th of July 2024 at Trinity College Dublin, and that abstract submission is now open for both posters and talks.

    From thermodynamics to quantum information, from cold-atom experiments to many-body simulations, and beyond, this conference is intended to bring together a diverse group of researchers to address deep, conceptual questions surrounding quantum measurements and the emergence of classicality. We will present and discuss new perspectives in these age-old problems, including talks on measurement paradoxes, information flow in closed system-environment interactions, and experimental results showcasing quantum thermodynamics in action.

    You can learn more about the conference here:

    And you can submit abstracts here:

    Invited speakers include:

    • Časlav Brukner
    • Nicole Yunger Halpern
    • Lina Jansson
    • Jarosław Korbicz
    • V. Vilasini
    • Howard Wiseman

    with more to be announced soon.

    On behalf of the organising committee, I am excited to welcome you to Dublin, and look forward to seeing many of you in July. Please feel free to distribute this invitation to any interested colleagues.

    Kind regards,
    Tom Rivlin

    Dr. Tom Rivlin

    Postdoctoral Project Assistant,

    E141-08 - Research Unit of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information

    Atominstitut, TU Wien,
    Stadionallee 2, 1020 Wien, Österreich
    Email: tom.rivlin@tuwien.ac.at

  • Applications for the Brian Dunlop Fellowship at The University of Western Australia is now open.


    This is possible due to a very generous living bequest from Gordon and Merle Dunlop in memory of their late father/husband.

    Specific instructions state that the fellowship supports a postdoc/ECR to perform research in theoretical/pure physics that may not readily attract government funding and does not have commercial outcomes.

    Professor Jingbo Wang (she/her)

    <QUISA> Director, The University of Western Australia

  • Dear Colleagues,

    Please find here

    https://inspirehep.net/jobs/ 2712900

    the announcement for postdoctoral positions in Theoretical Particle Physics, Theoretical Cosmology/Gravitation at IFAE, Barcelona.

    Feel free to distribute this information widely! Thank you very much.

    Best regards,


  • Dear colleagues,

    We are looking for one or more postdoctoral researchers in quantum computation to join the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Dalhousie University.

    Our department has expertise in quantum programming languages and the theory of quantum circuits, with an emphasis on the use of mathematical techniques coming from algebra, logic, number theory, and category theory. Familiarity with one or more of these areas would be an asset.

    Each position is for 2 years. The salary is CAD $60,000 per year plus benefits.

    Applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. Applications will be considered on a rolling deadline until all positions are filled. An application package should consist of a cover letter, a curriculum vitae (including a complete list of publications), a research statement, and two letters of recommendations.

    Application packages and any inquiries about the positions should be sent to neil.jr.ross@dal.ca and peter.selinger@dal.ca.

    Dalhousie University is committed to fostering a collegial culture grounded in diversity and inclusiveness. The university encourages applications from Aboriginal people, persons with a disability, racially visible persons, women, persons of minority sexual orientations and gender identities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community.


  • Lorraine Ford

    Please ensure your comments are respectful and refrain from personally abusing other forum users. Violations will not be tolerated. Review our community guidelines for more information.