Philipp Strasberg

  • Joined Aug 21, 2023
  • Very nice essay. I enjoyed reading it and completely subscribe to the content. Perhaps the title is a bit misleading (after all, discovery in science is still important) and the suggested "pragmatic steps" at the end are not very pragmatic according to my taste, but that doesn't change the important message of the essay in my view.

    • Arved Huebler
      Hello BronzeLamprey. Thanks for your feedback.

      Writing that the idea of "science" (as an abstract concept) should be about truth (and only truth) does not imply that the "scientific system" (as it is practiced today) complies with this idea. I think I write quite clearly that there is nowadays a big difference between science as it theoretically should be and science as it is practiced.

      My claim is that this difference (which creates many troubles as I argue) could be tamed if we return to the idea "science = truth only".

      In contrast to you, I do not think that the idea "science = truth" (without "only") conflicts with the majority view. Even the "blackest sheeps" often declare that they act in a scientifically good manner. However, the point is precisely that the view "science = truth + other goals" creates these black sheeps, among other problems. This could be avoided by returning to "science = truth only".

    • The picture of the truth-seeking scientists sitting alone in their ivory towers is often used negatively. Instead, science is supposed to drive society forward, to create impact, provide solutions, and to be the basis of growth and prosperity. I argue that this expectation is detrimental for science and society. It creates a toxic scientific system with too many incentives to break the rules, and it hinders society to face its most important challenges. Seeking the truth and nothing but the truth is enough of a societal responsibility for science. At the end, some practical suggestions how to conquer back the ivory tower are given.

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