Philip Thrift

  • Joined Apr 24, 2020
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    rom MaxSynBio - Max Planck research network in Synthetic Biology


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    I would prefer consciousness-realist materialist to panpsychist.

    @philipthrift (Twitter)

  • Vladimir,

    Thank you for your comment and questions.

    I will have to think some more about these issues, but as Galen Strawson writes here, "matter is a mystery":


    Perhaps in addition of the canonical fields of matter


    there is a psychical (consciousnessics) field.

    Analog and quantum computers also make us of "unconventional" technology and so should be part of the mix as well.


    Philip Thrift

    (@philipthrift · Twitter)

  • Edwin,

    Mathematical relativity theory is a bit outside my expertise, but I was interested to see Wolfram's "hypergraph" theory - discussed a lot recently - brought in. It will be interesting to see if this "new foundation" of Wolfram works out.

    And thanks for the nice comment on my "Essay", which I revise here:


    Philip Thrift (@philipthrift · Twitter)

    • Thank you very much for the nice and informative comments.

      I will ready your essay this weekend.

      Philip Thrift (@philipthrift · Twitter)

    • Essay Abstract

      Substrate-targeted programing (STP) is a programming paradigm that consists of programming languages, frameworks, and methodologies where the programs are compiled into objects of a specific substrate. The compiled objects - which are not machine code objects of a conventional computer - may have uncomputable features that are outside the standard Turing machine model.

      Author Bio

      Philip Thrift writes on programming theory at his blog, codicalist.wordpress.com.

      Download Essay PDF File