In an attempt to re-focus toward the topic of Faster than Light speculation, and its proposed explanation of the Horizon Problem, the following is offered:
Now, if you want to believe in Faster than Light theory that is obviously your choice. However, as far as its interpretation as a viable explanation of the Horizon Problem is concerned, the following is my proposed solution, and which works within the framework of "c" as a maximum limit that need not (cannot) be exceeded.
Foremost, note that there is respectfull disagreement here.
Very well then, my offered solution:
From horizon to horizon, there need not be any "mixing" in order for identical temperatures to be found if those temperatures have been created in an isolated manner unaffiliated with the matter on the opposite horizon. This is exactly what CIG offers.
Particulate matter traveling at the same rate, and regardless of where it travels will unfold into "identical temperatures (spatial field densities with identical energy equivalencies per unit volumes)" . At the speed of light, stellar masses unfold into Space (with its inherent temperature signature) in exactly the same fashion. The volume of Space may be different, since it is mass dependent (the more mass, the more spatial potential), but the temperature will be the same.
Stellar masses unfold into spatial quantities independently from what may be another stellar mass on the opposite horizon, or anywhere else for that instance. They are there own Little Bangs. (this happens on the quantum level too as observed new Bohr orbitals).
Similarly, Dark Matter halos will be at the same temperature no matter where they are found, as long as they represent the same manifested Spatial signature [(i.e. they are the same Spacetime field density)(or, in CIG this represents a varying cosmological constant)(they must travel at the same rate -that is, light must be affected, gravitationally speaking, equivalently, for the rates to be identical)].
Also, again similarly, Black Holes will be found at the same temperature for the same reason, regardless of where they appear in the Universe.
This same philosophy is carried over into the reason that Space is found at the same temperature on both horizons. It is the manner in which traveling mass unfolds into the different spatial field densities, each with identical temperature signatures as long as that mass is traveling at the same rate.
As excerted from CIG Theory:
If the very nature of light (matter) , per MT =S, always manifests itself according to its intrinsic values [To variations of Space (dark matter, dark energy, etc.), based on rate (c or percentages thereof) - and according to CIG Theory, of course], then, even though the distinct opposite ends of the Universe cannot logically correspond (talk) to one another due to their distances exceeding the limts of time, there shall still be an exact match of their temperature. In fact, CIG Theory demands this. CIG Theory offers a reason why the universe is in fact extremely homogeneous. It is based on the very nature of the manisfestation of mass to space. At pure space (the darkest of dark energy), temperatures are identical, and there is no need for communication between two horizons. Each separate side of the Universe is following the same CIG transformation (mathematically no different from the other when mass travels at an identical rate), so of course they will be at the same temperature.
The Horizon Problem states, in part "This presents a serious problem; if the universe had started with even slightly different temperatures in different areas, then there would simply be no way it could have evened itself out to a common temperature by this point in time."
The temperatures are a direct result of the mass to space transformation process. There is no need to "even" anything out. It is inherent to the CIG process. CIG Theory requires it be, because at the rate "C", any entity will manifest itself into the identical Space, no matter what side of the Universe that entity is on.
Therefore, they will be at the exact same temperature. This is the nature of CIG Theory. The same Dark Matter on one horizon will be at the exact same temperature as the same Dark Matter on the opposite Horizon, as its calculations (transformations) are one and the same.
CIG Theory appears to allow for a coherent explanation of the Horizon Problem. In fact, to CIG Theory, it is no problem at all, since CIG would expect that the universe be formed with precisely the same properties everywhere (space for space, dark matter for dark matter, i.e. - the same transformation is only comparable to its like transformation - you cannot compare the temperature of dark matter with dark energy - here the dark matter will be hotter)(by the very nature of the manisfestation itself- the transformation of matter to space). It could also have formed decidedly slower, without an inflationary aspect having to "freeze" in these properties. The properties are inherent to the CIG transformation.
An analogy:
If you bake some bread on one side of the Universe, and you bake some bread on the other side of the Universe, and they taste the same, did the loaves have to talk to each other? CIG Theory says no, because in CIG, we are baking the bread. Current theory says how can the bread taste the same, they must be talking to one another (but they can't, because they exceed the limits of time). Current Theory forgot to bake the bread!
These are just a few thoughts on the Horizon Problem. Please make every effort to understand CIG Theory in this regard.
CIG also explains where the Space comes from for there to be an expanding Universe. Red Shift anomalies, Dark Matter, Dark Energy are all explained.
A thorough understanding of CIG will clear up any confusion surrounding the Double Slit experiment as well.