Quite apart from a Universe which might well be deterministic and clockwork-like in its make-up, or even a Simulated (Virtual Reality) Universe where you are software, and software rules, (OK?) your free will is limited at best or perhaps lacking in substance entirely. The Universe is the way it is and no amount of wishful (free will) thinking is going to change that.
ORIGINS - No Free Will
You had absolutely no say in your origins. You had no say in what species you became; no say in what your sex was; no say in what time or era you were hatched into; no say in what place either; no say in your genetics; your parents; your race; your family ancestry, even your here and now family. If you had that free will, I'm sure you would have changed in hindsight one or more parameters of your origins.
You can't un-burn your bridges by travelling back in time.
Six Impossible Things (no free will can change): You can't travel south of the South Pole; you can't calculate Pi to the last decimal place; you can't make a spherical cube (or cubical sphere); you can't divide by zero; you can't draw more than one straight line connecting two dots on a flat piece of paper; you can't be in two places at the same time.
You can't travel faster than the speed of light.
If Mother Nature is in a bitchy mood, you're not going to change it. All you can do is duck and cover (and maybe pray).
BODY - Its Body Over Mind, Not Mind Over Body.
You can't stop of your own free will the ageing process. You can't fight entropy and win in the long term.
You can't cheat death (and probably not even taxes in the long term).
You can't stop catching various diseases.
You can't negate the physiological effects of food, illegal drugs, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, poisons, lack of oxygen, etc.
You can', in the long term, of your own free will; negate the need for sleep, breathing, an intake of an energy supply (food) and liquid intake, the elimination of solid, liquid and gaseous waste products.
You have no control over the chemical processes that govern your physiology like digestion, respiration, etc.
You can't control to any great and lasting extent via free will your blood pressure or heart beat.
You naturally fall asleep but you can't will yourself to fall asleep.
When you sleep your body (normally) goes into shut-down mode to prevent you from sleepwalking. You probably cannot free will yourself to walk in your sleep (nor would you want to).
You apparently have no control over your dreams or nightmares. You are just a passive observer within the passing dream parade and you have no free will about the content or context of that dream parade. So what you dream is beyond your conscious control whether you like it or not (but at least the price of admission is free).
Okay, let's say for a moment you have conscious free will (though see immediately below). There are still some flies in the ointment. Firstly, you don't have infinite free will since at no time are you ever faced with an infinite number of choices. Your free will choices are often limited to either this or that. Okay, that's free will but perhaps not as free in terms of options as you may like. Secondly, you believe you have free will so you reject determinism. You don't want something or someone determining what you should or shouldn't do. Yet, I'd wager dimes to doughnuts that this is a case of do as I say not as I do. You often wish to impose your determinism on others. You may not say so; you may not actually put in train that which will determine the decision-making of others; but you will damn well think it (and maybe mutter under your breath). You want things to happen; you want people to do, what you want to happen and what you want other people to do. Good luck with that!
Then there are those bits of false 'reality', realities which you know aren't really real, as in optical illusions, where your mind is playing tricks on you and you are aware of that albeit helpless to dispel the illusion. All the free will you can muster won't alter what your mind is telling you even when you know your mind is lying to you!
You would tell me that you have free will to lift your leg up, or not. But if you are paralysed from the waist down, that free will is irrelevant and immaterial.
You have no conscious free will control over the exchange of oxygen for carbon dioxide when you breathe in and out. The same applies as noted above to the various chemical (blood, liver, or digestive) and biological (cell reproduction) processes that are part of your reality but which you only have theoretical (book learning) awareness of.
So, mind over matter, or free will over matter, cannot be taken seriously
Despite the above, you probably believe you have free will. What you are actually thinking or saying is that you believe your brain has free will since you are your brain. Your brain is what makes you, you. Or, in other words, your brain believes your brain has free will. But your brain is just an interconnected lump, with the consistence of soft butter in a vat of salty water, of neurons, synapses, all firing thither and yon due to neurochemistry and biochemistry. And of course chemistry is just molecules and atoms and therefore electrons, neutrons and protons doing their electron, neutron and proton thing. So how is free will an emergent property of physics and chemistry?
Say you make a decision and then direct your brain to set in train whatever it takes to make that decision so, which is to say your brain decides to do something and then directs itself to make it so. There's something odd about that notion. Your heart doesn't decide to have a heart attack and then proceed to implement that decision.
Say you, or rather your brain, decides to cross the road, and puts in motion what's needed for you to cross the road and so you start to cross the road. You would tell me that you decided to cross the road of your own free will. As you are crossing the road a runaway car heads right at you and so you decide to leap out of the way. But did you really consciously decide, of your own free will to leap out of the way, or did you just do it without any hemming and hawing and pondering whether or not to leap out of the way. You would probably tell me you had no choice in the matter, you just leapt out of the way, yet you (or your brain) still had a choice and still made a decision.
So what is the difference in principle between your decision to cross the street and your decision to leap out of the way of the runaway car? I maintain there isn't any and thus your initial decision to cross the road was predetermined, by your subconscious if nothing else even before you became aware that you had apparently made a free will conscious decision.
Actually it has been experimentally verified that decision-making stems from the subconscious and not the conscious mind. Your perception that at least some of your decision-making is made consciously is an illusion. Therefore, there's no such thing as conscious free will (which makes perfect sense if we live in a Simulated (Virtual Reality) Universe).
You can't fight city hall. Even if you have some degree of conscious free will, society takes some of that away from you - you can't just do whatever you damn well please (unless of course part of that free will is accepting the consequences).
Now tell me all about your free will.