Now we are free will an intelligent act or is free will a mechanical act? I am surprised that you are still engaged since usually I am thrown out of the bar by now...
Notice that we have moved the free will/free choice argument down the field a little bit further than is typical. Now we are differentiating between an intelligent act, which certainly does not include creativity, and a mechanical act, which is like a machine programmed to make an object, but evidently now also includes all creative action as well.
I am afraid that you have left me to choose neither...but just 50% of the time! The really nice thing about free will is that it is very flexible in a quantum universe. No matter what you do, in a quantum and probablistic universe, the future is never completely certain and that means that both intelligence and mechanics have roles in determining the future.
Suffice it to say that mainstream science is a universe that is mostly empty space with a few objects here and there. The universe of matter time is full of the possibililties of the future with very few empty moments of time. Is your universe full of possibilities or of empty space?
Look...people have been arguing about free will for several millennia and I daresay that those arguments will likely continue in spite of what I or you say. What I do know is that the future it not certain and yet we do have a role in determining that uncertain future. Is that intelligence or is that mechanics?
Free will is really neither intelligence nor mechanics. Although we like to think that all of our choices are rational, it does not take much analysis to show that is certainly not true. It is likewise easy to show that our choices are also not just random chance. Free will is simply not either intelligence and mechanics, rather free will is due to the feelings of our primitive mind. While our rational mind and reason has much to do with choice, it is really by the feelings of our primitive mind that we make choices. The feelings of our primitive minds are what give us free choice and free will, not rational logic.
So it is with both the intelligence of reason as well as the mechanics of belief that we choose a desirable future.