As per my response to your post on my essay, I at first did not want to repeat previous exchanges. However, here is a list of points I would raise (some of which to varying degrees you agree with). In other words, I sense that this correlates more with what I have said over the past year (I cannot spot any difference between the diagram and the one published in March), but there are some issues, and I found I could only follow the points as they occurred, rather than commenting on a model as such.
1 Ref 1a (white). Relativity is not about observation, it is about referencing. And the core hypothesis is dimension alteration. The explanation of it is incorrect, because that is based on a misconception of time, and the substitution of light speed for distance in an incorrect way in an equation expressing time. But, an incorrect explanation of a hypothesis does not invalidate the hypothesis. Dimension alteration may, or may not, be correct. In other words, it is Poincare with simultaneity, and spacetime, that is the problem (See my posts on my blog 11/7 19.33 & 13/7 11.24).
2 Ref 2 (white). QM incorrectly presumes a relationship between observation and physical reality that cannot occur. No form of sensing can have any effect on the physical existence of any phenomenon. That existence has occurred before the sensing, and it is not what is sensed anyway.
3 Ref 1-3 (white). Both these theories can appear to work, ie correlate with experiment, for two basic types of reason: 1 the flaws do not impact when experimentation is conducted, 2 there is self-fulfilment because of the model which depicts physical reality. They are not compatible, neither will they ever be reconciled, because both are based (in the case of Relativity, that is only the explanation thereof) on physically incorrect presumptions as to how reality occurs.
4 Ref 1 (black). Both are deterministic, in that they presume a physically existent phenomenon. Physical reality is deterministic in that it has occurred. Relativity proposes that under certain conditions this alters dimension. QM presumes that it cannot identify all the features, and therefore invokes probability based on some that have been identified.
5 Ref 6 (black). There are no paradoxes associated with relativity. These are a function of the failure to understand a perceptual illusion, and/or the incorrectness of the explanation of the theory.
6 Ref 8 (black). There only seems to be an arrow of time, because of the misconception of time. Physically, it does not exist. Alteration does, and that has a rate of change, apart from other characteristics.
7 Ref 10 (black). Free will, or any other form of organism intervention is irrelevant to the physics. Physical reality exists independently of all organism detection. Organisms are merely a component of physical reality. In other words, all organisms could be wiped out, but physical reality would still exist, just without organisms.
8 Ref 11 (black). Nothing needs explaining about observation or any other form of sensing by any organism, other than, the mechanics of sensory processing need to be understood so that validated reverse engineering can be effected. The paradox being that physical existence is independent of sensory detection, but is only determinable from individual perceptions.
9 Ref 1st sentence (red). What is needed is a proper understanding as to how physical reality occurs, so that models which purport to explain it are based on a factual basis.
10 Ref 3rd sentence (red). Any form of thinking is possible, the judgement is whether the outcome correlates with physical reality.
11 1st question (green). The answer is when new knowledge no longer occurs. A situation that has been arrived at in a number of circumstances. This is an epistemological, rather than ontological issue. By definition, knowledge is correct as at that point in time (forget mistakes). Since our knowledge is a closed system (ie a function of sensory detection) then it can become complete.
12 4th para (green). The image reality is part of the physical reality. It is just that part which is functionally usable by sensory systems. Its existence results from an interaction with other physically existent phenomena (one of which is the reality we are attempting to discern), and from the perspective of the sensory system it is a representation of that. In itself it is just a physically existent phenomemon, its acquired role in sensory processing is irrelevant to that. Physically, there is no "passage of time". There are only sequences of alteration, some of which occur faster than others. (5th para) These are not pre-written futures, they are sensory representations of various presents which has occurred. Only presents physically exist. There is no selection, other than in the sense that some of these physical phenomena are received by (in line of travel) suitable sensory organs, most are not.
13 3rd para (what is object). The extent to which it is Einstein's view is irrelevant, as such, it is the explanation which emanates from the spacetime model, which incorrectly reifies time as a variable within physical reality. Objects exist independently of sensing. They may, or may not, alter dimension in certain circumstances. Objects are a physically existent state which occurred at any given point in time. There is no confusion as to how physical reality occurs if properly understood. That is, at any given point in time there will be a physically existent state, and multiple physically existent states, which from the functional perspective of sensory systems, represent various states which did exist at different points in time previously.