(As I have mentioned in my message to Daniel Wagner Fonteles Alves on his essay thread "Absolute or Relative Motion... or Something Else?") This paper ALGEBRAS, QUANTUM THEORY AND PRE-SPACE F. A. M. FRESCURA and B. J. HILEY Department of Physics, Birkbeck College, London WC1E 7HX UK (Received In February, 22, 1984) like my own framework, argues for different facets of reality.Called in that paper implicate and explicate order not Object and Image realities. The explicate order is emergent. I think the most important passage starts-
Quote:"For Bohr, this was an indication that the principle of complementarity, a principle that he had previously known to appear extensively in other intellectual disciplines but which did not appear in classical physics, should be adopted as a universal principle. The Cartesian view was thus limited and had to be replaced by a very different outlook which was to be justified by the principle of complementarity in which complementary views, which at a classical level are contradictory, enter the description of nature in a necessary and essential way." End Quote
I agree, as what something -is- and -does- is ('spread over') all scales that might be considered not just at the singular scale of one observer (or class of observers of same type) It is also the parent/source of the data that has the potential to be everything that it might be observed to be, not just one viewpoint.
THAT is what needs to be considered to get the probability of a particular outcome or manifestation in Image reality.The something in Object reality is everything it might become known to be, not just what it is seen to be in one detection.
That paper ALGEBRAS, QUANTUM THEORY AND PRE-SPACE F. A. M. FRESCURA and B. J. HILEY Department of Physics, Birkbeck College, London WC1E 7HX UK (Received In February, 22, 1984),is all very interesting, further on it says-
Quote "What then becomes a fundamental form of description is the relation between the implicate and the explicate orders. In this view, space-time itself must be part of an explicate order. When this order is in its implicate form, it is called pre-space (Bohm and Hi1ey [6]). In this view, the space-time manifold is not a priori given. Rather it is to be abstracted from a deeper pre-space.
In this pre-space, the notion of locality is not primary but is a relationship in pre-space which, in an appropriate explicate order, becomes a local order in the explicate space-time. Exactly what links this explicate order with our classical view of space-time is not complete1y understood yet....."End Quote (the spelling "complete1y" reproduced from the original)
The reference [6]is to this 6. Bohm D. and Hiley B., Generalisation of the Twistor to Clifford Algebras as a Basis for Geometry, Revista Brasileira de Physica, Volume Especial, Os 70 anos de Mario Schonberg, 1-26, 1984. These references are also very relevant 4. Bohm D., Wholeness and the Implicate Order (Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1980).5. Bohr N., Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge (Science Editions New York, 1961).
There is a parallel between the concept being described and what the explanatory framework I have set out is. Object reality is implicate, Image reality is explicate and the bridge is the potential sensory data within the (object reality)environment that allows fabrication of the explicate image reality by the observer. That is also what I am referring to in the essay when I indicate there may be some overlap with Roger Penroses' quaternion description of the light cone and Joy Christian's recent work.I think they relate to a specific aspect of reality, the bridge between implicate and explicate, not reality in toto.