Hi Eric,
I am going to write down my conception of what a photon is and what a particle is and perhaps show how they can fit with your experimental results. I hope others will join me in making theories to fit your data. This is not to denigrate Loading Theory, it may be The Theory, but when you have a very large pool of bright people, the bell curve can work its magic in finding other unexpected solutions.
This is not to take away from your essay or your work, I believe your place in history is certain and that you have broken a logjam that has been blocking physics.
I call my pet theory "Digital Wave Theory" (www.digitalwavetheory.com). If you visit my web site see the section "The Mechanics of Digital Waves".
Photons are discontinuous appearances of something that lasts for a Planck length and has a value of h (Planck's constant). This something is separated form the next something by a wavelength. A little thought will show that this string of somethings is a representation of the equation E=hf. I call the "somethings" Planck instances. A solitary Planck instant is undetectable but its reappearance after a wavelength has energy E = hf = hc/wavelenght.
A particle is similar to a photon but now the Planck instance is replaced by a Compton instance. A Compton instance is a photon that resonates at a wavelength that is the Compton wavelength for that particle. So, a particle looks like resonant high frequency light trapped in moving low frequency light.
Both Photons and Particles make their appearances according to Feynman's sum over histories technique, and can fit in with his diagrams. When light or particles are directed to a beamsplitter or a diffraction grating or to dual slits they technically do not enter the device but appear across it. An electron when it encounters a dual slit does not go thru it but hops across it. Technically an electron never goes thru even a single slit, because it does not move in a continuous fashion.
This is probably a good place to stop, with the comment that I believe this conception of a photon can fit in with your experimental results because with this concept it is very unlikely that your gamma ray source is producing what you conceive of as single quanta. If you are interested in how these weird ideas came about, you can find them on my website :)
Again thanks for your contribution.
Don L.