I posted this a little earlier, under Lorraine Ford's essay. It is part of an ongoing discussion that Lorraine, I and others have been having, about the nature of information. Since that discussion is directly relevant to my own essay, I thought I would also post it here.
No need to apologize. You are in good company. Most of the world's physicists have their wires crossed in exactly the same way. Imagine a "Skyscraper of Perception", built on "The Foundations of Reality." As one journeys upwards, bottom to top, one passes through realms of increasing levels of perception; Physical behaviors, chemical behaviors, biological behaviors, and at the top, conscious behaviors.
You and the physicists are on the roof, looking downwards, through the mists, trying to "See", "The Foundations of Reality". I went to graduate school, in physics, expecting to spend my career doing the same thing. But before I had even finished school, I had noticed all the communication antennae on the roof, and began to wonder what all that was about. That was much nearer, and not surrounded by mists, and thus more readily discerned. Then, after having satisfied my curiosity about information and communications systems, I once again took note of all my former colleagues, the physicists, still peering intently down into the mists. But now, rather than joining them, I began to peer at them. I wondered if they were really doing anything all the different than the other antennae on the roof. They certainly believed that they were. But I had my doubts. They believe that they are "seeing", but like all the other antennae on the roof, they are only "perceiving". And when they set up their instruments, to enhance their "seeing", they merely perceive the perceptions of the instruments, in addition to their own.
The difference between "seeing" and "perceiving" is important. As noted elsewhere, in these posts, you can "see" "data", but "information" can only be "perceived." Data is what exists "out there", but perceptions and "information" only reside at the output, not the input, of an information recovery process. By confusing the two, you confuse everything you can ever know about what actually resides within the mists. Physicists have assumed that they were "seeing" "The Foundations of Reality", But they merely perceive "Our Reality", the false-colored, coded information, generated by our entire collection of perceptual apparatus.
By failing to take into account the "instrumental effects" produced by their own perceptual apparatus, they have convinced themselves that "Our Reality" must be necessarily identical to "The Foundations of Reality." But that is not in fact necessary, and as I attempted to demonstrate in my essay, it is in fact not the case. At present they are still quite different. The subject of this essay contest, is ultimately about why they no longer seem to be growing any closer together. My reply is "Because you have failed to clearly perceive perception itself", because you do not clearly understand what information even is.
Thus, while the physicists continue to debate if information is lost, when a book is dropped into a black-hole, I respond "NO!" Information only exists at the output of a recovery process, a perception. For information to be lost, all the observers capable of reading the book must be dropped into the black-hole.