Essay Abstract

After hundreds of years of dedicated research why do we not have a quantum mechanical model of sub-atomic particles and forces that explains all their observed properties and interactions? One that will leads from the quantum scale of Electro-Magnetism through to the cosmological scale of Gravity. Equilateral trigonometry used as a priori definition of the true quantum geometry of Energy allows for a whole suite of current quantum mysteries to be resolved. In turn the geometry establishs a mechanical basis for all quantum processes and interactions and highlights the error of using Mathematics without formal models on which to base their results. Revealing the true geometries of all sub-atomic particles and their associated EM fields of interaction many long-held mysteries such as Charge, mass-Matter, Wave-Particle duality, Spectral line emission/absorption, Electricity and even the true geometries of all the elements and their compounds are swept away. Even the true nature and mechanics of Gravity is revealed uniting Einstein's GR with Newton's Gravitation opening the door to clean limitless Energy generation by revealing the true source of and mechanism behind the SUN's energy. Tetryonic geometry covers Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Electro-Dynamics, Chemistry, Cosmology and Mathematics and opens the door to countless major scientific and technological advances, in turn providing benefits for the human condition in ways never before witnessed. This is my gift to the Planet and all Future generations.......

Author Bio

Kelvin ABRAHAM 29/7/1965 Logan Australia Electrical Engineer with certificates in Data communications and Telecommunications network infrastructure Design and Standardisation.

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  • [deleted]

This is an interesting and ambitious paper. But it doesn't mention what in practical terms is (quoting Jan Zaanen) "the nightmare of modern physics," namely the fermion minus-sign problem.

Can strongly-interacting fermions be bosonized and mapped to Monte Carlo simulations? Or is strong fermionic interaction, as Matthias Troyer and Uwe-Jens Wiese believe, computationally NP-hard and mathematically intractable? Does your geometrical approach afford a work-around that might explain in sufficient detail the emergence of condensed matter?

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    Please see my essay in last competition about Tetrahedron Logic

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      This link about tetron models

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        Firstly I am not a Mathematician - I would prefer the term Geometer.

        As I understand it the crux of the minus-sign problem is finding a physical way to determine, sample and use both Positive and Negative probability distributions [please correct me if this is wrong]

        Using my work [] you CAN solve for this problem by using Charge geometries. Negative and Positive charge geometries result from the non-neutral component bosons of any charge [equilateral] geometry. The Bosons [odd number] components form a transverse quantum level and the Photon geometries [even numbers]form a longitudinal probabilistic geometry.

        Square roots are the heights of each 2D equilateral geometry leading to a physical representation of Euler's formula for the square root of Negative one.

        Super-positioned KE [electric]component geometries of each charge geometry are easily achieved resulting in our familiar physical Force constants.

        These functional geometries all combine to form the familiar quantum mass-energy wave-function probabilities [as formulated by Schrödinger etc]

        Fermions [4npi Matter geometries] can be Bosonised [ODDpi Charge geometries] as this is simply converting standing-wave Matter into radiant mass-Energy with all resultant charge geometries having a probabilistic n-distribution reflective of the [+/-] charge geometry and their [square n] energy content. (see attached)

        To me this is all much easier to view geometrically rather than explain mathematically here but you will find much of the geometry described here on my webpage in the Bosons and Photons/EM wave chapters.

        Applying these basic geometries to the problem the NP=P problem can be resolved physically through the geometry of Charge [both Negative and Positive] and forms the basis of my work on quantum computing [to be released].Attachment #1: Figure_80.22__Geometric_Physical_Maths_800x600.jpg

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        Your paper on the 3:1 ratios in Physics is reminiscent of many who seek to understand the 1/3 charges of Quark etc. and in fact was the starting point for my journey of discovery.

        Where I differed was that upon discovering the 'SQUARE' geometry of equilateral triangles I resolved Quarks to be 4 or 8 charge geometries [4/8] & [10/2] respectively.

        I then resolved 2D CHARGE geometries to be equilateral triangles [a major jumping off point] and built all 3D Matter geometries from them then allowing me to realise the physical geometries of all mass-ENERGY-Matter as outlined in my work to date.

        This charge geometry then allowed me to define Quarks & Leptons to be 12pi geometries with differing resultant net charges and Baryons to be 36pi geometries [see attached].

        The quantum building block of all Matter was then revealed to be a 4pi Tetryon which surprisingly has a mass-charge ratio identical to that of Leptons explaining how it has been overlooked for so long in particle accelerator results.

        The creation of all mass-ENERGY-Matter is the possible from the one geometric element of a neutral Z Boson [single equilateral triangle with positive and negative sides] or as I term it a Zero Point EM field with a Energy of hv.

        Note - of extreme importance was the precise and rigorous definitions of terms such as 2D mass-Energy and 3D Matter along with the clarification of the distinction between Planck's transverse [hv] mass-Energies and Einstein's longitudinal[hf] mass-Energies [Charge vs Photons respectively].

        Many patterns similar to the 3:1 ratio you noted can now be resolved down further to their base 12:1 charge geometries providing both a physical basis for CHARGE and highlighting its foundational role in the formation of all mass-ENERGY-Matter geometries in quantum mechanics

        As Wheeler alluded the result is a beautifully simple geometric explanation for all the Forces and EM mass-ENERGY-Matter that are currently described by many disparate and dis-jointed quantum theories.Attachment #1: Figure_10.07__Tetryonic_Charge_Geometries_800x600.jpg

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        It is the definition of equilateral CHARGE geometries and their role in creating 3D Tetryon[ic] Matter geometries that lies at the heart of my theory.

        The equilateral CHARGED geometry of ENERGY proves a clear foundation for all EM mass-ENERGY-Matter particles of the Standard Model

        It may be helpful to visualise this equilateral geometry as an 'ideal quantum inductive loop' of EM energy which forms the basis for inertial mass etc but it is also equally important to also note that 2D mass & 3D Matter are different properties of ENERGY and must be clearly defined.

        2D mass-Energy is a planar radiative charge geometry and

        3D Matter is a standing-wave mass-Energy geometry that is relativistically invariant

        Vectors are in fact the result of the longitudinal [linear] momenta [SQUARE ROOT] of all 2D Kinetic Energy geometries that result from 3D Matter geometries in motion.

        It is the 2D Kinetic Energy fields that undergo Lorentz contractions as a result of acceleration NOT the 3D Energy standing-waveforms of Matter has been supposed under SR and GR since their formulation by Einstein.

        As you allude to in your paper it is the invariant 4npi tetrahedral standing-wave geometry of EM mass-ENERGY that is the quantum of all Matter, with its various net charge fascia producing the many fractional 'elemental' charges of Quarks etc and neutral charges of Photons and Gluons etc.

        The quantum property of SPIN is the result of the geometrically enforced EM properties of 2D mass-Energy quanta of the 2D KEM fields of Matter in motion. [historically incorrectly viewed as the relativistic distortion of spherical point charges]

        Leptons have a unique geometry that is reflective of a quantum 6 pole electric rotor [see attached] that permits the development of larger magnetic moments than that of either Quarks or Baryons

        My YouTube pages go into these specific properties in greater depth that I can here []Attachment #1: Figure_19.03__Generating_Magnetons_800x600.jpg

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        The Universe has:

        Fermions 12(6 quarks+3 leptons+3 neutrino).

        Bosons 12(8 gluons+3 vector(2W+1Z)+1photon).

        Numerical supersymmetry not broken.

        3.From other side the Universe has:

        Fermions 3(proton,electron,neutrino),neutron non-stable

        Boson only 1 photon.

        See my essay

        Metasymmetry is broken

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        The asymmetry of equilateral Energy creates Positive & Negative Charges and Charges seeking equilibrium create EM field/particle geometries.

        [See previous attachment for table of charged particles]

        2D mass-ENERGIES

        2 Charged Bosons Charge carriers [vector +W, -W]

        1 Neutral Boson [Z boson]

        1 Photon EM force carrier [bidirectional]

        3D Matter

        4 Charged Fermions [1 Tetryon, 2 Quarks, 1 Lepton]

        2 Neutral Fermions [1 Gluon, 1 Neutrino]

        1 Charged Baryon [Proton]

        1 Neutral Baryon [Neutron]

        ......and their anti-particles resulting from nett Charge geometries of the same

        2D mass-Energy content of each charged fascia creates the particle families.

        Your 3:1 Tetrahedron ratio expands to become 12:1 CHARGED fascia ratio [with charges adding up to nett particle charge]

        Dear Kelvin

        Congratulations for presenting your ideas on fqxi. This led me to look at your website and youtube offerings. To use Dirac's criterion your work is too beautiful not to be true. I may be speaking as an artist who also thinks about physics geometrically. This is my first impression, but your work deserve detailed critical study.

        I am not an expert in particle physics so I would not be able to judge some of your conclusions, but I do have one objection about your physics: the is not a particle!

        To see why please read Eric Reiter's fqxi essay here. Also my own essay mentions this topic. I find your approach very interesting - you think geometrically in terms of elemental building blocks (the tetrahedron). Indeed two of the dielectric nodes which are the elemental building blocks in my Beautiful Universe Theory can make such a tetrahedron.

        Your illustrations are mostly in 2D so sometimes it is hard to see how the tetrahedra fit together. You show N/S/E as corners of the equilateral base of the tetrahedron, and I take it the apex is W - is there attraction and repulsion between these poles?. And what is the difference between N/S, E/W ? Thanks for clarifying this point.

        I wish you luck - you are definitely on the right track and have worked hard!

        Best wishes,


          Dear Kelvin Abraham,

          We have the same view on modern physics and it's many inherent problems. I agree with you that matter is a standing wave geometry, although I also believe in the emission and re-aborption of graviton particles as well. You have presented an outstanding essay with professional diagrams to aid in your vision of reality.

          I have made a potential discovery which shows matter to have a certain geometry with respect to it's gravitational field of influence. You would surely gain something from visualising what I have to say in my own essay entry: Newtons Isotropy and Equivalence Is Simplicity That Has Led to Modern Day Mass Misconceptions of Reality

          Kind regards,


            • [deleted]

            I agree the Photon is not a particle is a 2D EM wave consisting of 2 charged geometries. I must point out here as I always to the Photon is not 'massless' as is often is better termed Matter-less as it is a 2D Em geometry not a 3D Matter geometry.

            I have uploaded Tetryonic templates onto PirateBay that you can use to make the Tetryon[ic] quanta of Matter to give you a better feel for the real geometry of the theory [or just create your own using 4 ZPF geometries in 1 larger equilateral triangle and then fold into a tetrahedral geometry like nature does]. I do suggest this approach as I used it extensively when I was training my mind to visualise equilateral geometries and how it all works.

            The drawings [whilst in 2D] do actually reflect the 3D geometries when you look closer [ie positive and negative fascia are marked on them]. In attachment 2 you will note the 2D planar geometries of Matter compared to the representative 3D models on the right of the picture. Creating a paper Tetryon and holding it up will help see what I talking about here.

            But suffice to say close examination of all my work will reveal a lot of 'hidden' details resulting from applying and refining my wok over the past 4 years - even the colours used are specific - Pink of velocity, Green for Matter, Orange for Charge, Aqua for Magnetic fields etc etc.

            The E you identified as East is in fact the Electric field [permittivity] of the charged geometry either Positive of Negative with differing Magnetic dipoles

            So the Corners of all Tetryons are either North or South Magnetic poles as each fascia has a charged E field and an associated Mag dipole arrangement. .

            It is through the interaction of these charged fascia that large-scale Matter forms. ie Weak interact is via Magnetic dipole induction [Bosons] and Strong force is the result of parallel charged fascia coming together and binding. The nett charges then create the multiples of the elemental charge recognised in the Standard model.

            To summarise N-E-S is a Positive charge field and S-E-N is a Negative charge field...a bit hard to describe here, hence the many illustrations on the web [note 1st attachment]..

            Care always has to taken with letters symbolising things... I always use m for mass and M for Matter but unfortunately E can stand for Energy as well as Electric fields. [That's English for you]. You will note that in QM I tended to draw rotational EoUo vectors reflective of the classical flow of Energy in an ideal inductive loop to help illustrate Charge polarities. This drops away in QED as the reader should be more familiar with the true geometry of Energy by then and hopefully can distinguish it automatically from the Mag dipole polarity at that stage.

            Hope this help clear things up.Attachment #1: Figure_03.01__Zero_Point_Fields_800x600.jpgAttachment #2: Figure_06.08__Tetryon_family_800x600.jpg

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            Thanks for the kind words Alan,

            Having perused you paper I agree that the WEP has its limitations at the quantum level. I spent many days struggling to explain this very point when I applied Tetryonics to Gravitation at both the quantum and Cosmological scales. But once I realise what Einstein had done and what GR was really representing all the pieces fell into place.

            In short GR corrects for the observed fine perturbations of Mercury etc. but goes on to make erroneous assumptions as Einstein corrected for the motions but failed to recognise what was really causing the deviation from Newtonian gravitational mechanics. A shame as GR was based on SR after all.

            This along with a number of other subtle but important mistakes in the modelling of the mathematics of quantum field equations and GR theory has resulted in almost a century of misdirection in determining a true quantum theory of Gravitation.

            Gravitation is not on the web yet [a couple months time when I have finished reviewing it] but Tetryonic gravitation shows the true mechanism for Solar 'fusion' and points the way to clean limitless Energy using current technologies as I alluded to in this paper.

            Whee! First one looked at in the same ball park! Carried well beyond my entry.. Kudos!

            1st timer submission, not yet submitted, while reviewing selected works for adding End Notes. You extend my notions with different balls.

            I am pursuing consciousness, as Panpsychism which exists in ALL things to avoid Thermodynamic entropy,..Carnot's motive force of heat as primary to produce work energy.

            First,, mass and energy, respectively, as the inscribed sphere, tangent to the face of a regular tetrahedron where sphere and tetrahedron have equal surface-to-volume ratios at ANY size, e.g. equivalent "activity" as free energy , unbounded as size approaches zero. Conclusion, Tesla's birth and death of ALL things at a a frequency.

            Second, E/f = h and Power = E/t. Dividing one gets, t/f, so IF t = 1/f it implies either t squared of 1/f squared. Square roots generate plus and minus, a past and future with no present?

            Comment? (may use in end notes)

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              As one elec. engr. to another, I like the photon definition and related descriptions you provide in your essay. I did not use the term "photon" in the IEEE paper I cited in my essay, 1294, I described the phenomenon using wavelength and frequency. Your geometric approach to describing physical law is supported by a statement I made in the IEEE paper.

              "The basic tenets of electromagnetic waves were applied to the mathematical structure of algebra abut 200 years ago, wherein the methodology herein substitutes the mathematical structure of geometry. If one fundamental physical constant can be identified by a pair of simple right triangles based upon mathematical constants, it raises the issue that other fundamental physical constants might be identified using the same or other geometric structures."

              That statement passed peer review because I demonstrated unequivocally that a pair of right triangles, dimensioned with physical constants, allowed the velocity of electromagnetic waves to be defined mathematically. It made it difficult for the peer reviewers to state it cannot be done.

                • [deleted]

                "As I understand it the crux of the minus-sign problem is finding a physical way to determine, sample and use both Positive and Negative probability distributions [please correct me if this is wrong]"

                Not wrong so much as not complete. It's more than a computational problem designed to give numerical simulators headaches. It appears to be a fundamental barrier to progress in condensed matter physics. It's plain awful.

                "Using my work [] you CAN solve for this problem by using Charge geometries. Negative and Positive charge geometries result from the non-neutral component bosons of any charge [equilateral] geometry. The Bosons [odd number] components form a transverse quantum level and the Photon geometries [even numbers]form a longitudinal probabilistic geometry."

                Okay ... without evaluating your video let me say this: you need to appreciate the goldmine you might be sitting on top of. If you're right, and you can get someone to mathematize your geometry, you may have managed to put strongly-interacting chiral fermions on the lattice and bosonize them for Monte Carlo simulation, and in addition (by disproving Troyer-Wiese) proven P=NP. That last could be worth a million dollars (US) from the Clay Mathematics Institute. Seriously.

                  Hello thinkers,

                  Permit me to tell this:

                  I don't agree, the photon is a particule !!! relativistically speaking.The wave duality takes all its meaning in fact.It is just that this light turns in the other sense than fermions. So indeed it has not mass, but it possesses the quantum number ! This line of reasoning shows the road for a better understanding of our duality w/p. The duality is rational.

                  ps:All is composed by the same essence , the light.


                  • [deleted]

                  1. Important key here is the fact that Energy has an EQUILATERAL geometry and TIME as measurement by us [Physics] is the radial distance travelled by light in a unit of Time.

                  Remember that light is bidirectional radiant Energy - thus in 1 second = c^2 radial.

                  This leads us to mass = Energy per c^2

                  ie An equilateral triangle [ET] circumscribed with a circle.

                  [Energy is just an ET without a circle]

                  2. The AREA covered by mass-Energy's ET geometry per second has the physical dimension of [m^2] which historically has been mistakenly viewed as classical angular momentum [ie a rotational vector] it is in fact a triangular geometry

                  3. Quantised Angular Momentum [QAM] as I refer to it, (to distinguish between the two]is revealed thus to be is a ET geometry and its Energy content per second forms EM mass. Its two possible directions create the two forms of CHARGE [Pos & Neg]

                  4. Linear momenta is simply the SQUARE ROOT of any Energy geometry [ie Vector Height of triangle] and as you point out it is then physically possible to represent the square roots of both Positive AND Negative EM mass-Energies.

                  [The SQR of Neg One is a physical reality] and Time is simply a measure of the QAM/Second of any physical system.

                  ie QAM/c^2 = [m^2/sec / sec^2/m^2] = seconds [pos or neg]

                  These points form the foundational [priori] points of Tetryonics that must be clearly understood by the reader so sense can be made of quantum physics.

                  More illustrations on these points are available in the opening 2 chapters on my webpage

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                  Photons must be clearly defined against common physical interpretations.

                  They are 2pi EM energy geometries that radiate bidrectionally from a point.

                  They are EM mass-Energies when mass-ENERGY-Matter are all clearly defined.

                  Photons are Matter-less not mass-less [All Energy per second is mass].

                  Historically the very poor definitions of mass and Matter have led to a very confusing picture of what the 2 are.

                  2D mass is radiant ENERGY/c^2 [in a planar form] and

                  Matter is a standing-wave Energy geometry [Tetrahedral].

                  You will note that I repeat this point incessantly throughout my work.

                  So depending on your definitions your comment can be viewed as correct but in order to gain a geometric view of quantum mechanics and to gain a precise understanding of the two forms of Energy [mass & Matter] my definitions are better.

                  My youtube channel [Tetryonics] has expansive explanations of W/P duality, Photons and EM waves and QED itself is dedicated to the complete explanation of Electricity and all the nuclear Spectral lines.

                  Equilateral charged Energy geometry is the essence of everything - Light is a secondary form [2pi radiant] and the first physical manifestation of Energy perceivable by us