I agree Time is simple the measurement of Energy's motion in empty space.
If you take the equilateral geometry of Energy/second you have Planck's constant [kg.m^2/s] - ignoring the mass (which is Energy per second [c^2] you will find you have m^2 left over. I introduce the reality of this unit as the area of an Equilateral triangle. so Plancks' constant is really reflecting EQ.Energy/sec
ie Quantised Angular Momentum = m^2/s
mass = Energy /second = Energy/c^2 = kg
put the two together you have Planck's Constant [kg.m^2/s]
TIME is thus revealed as a measurement of the measure of the QAM
equilateral geometries] of Energy in any region of Space
QAM/c^2 = [m^2/s]*[s^2/m^2] = seconds
As you rightly point out no Energy means no QAM geometry per region of Space
this no TIME.
And no changes to Energy means no changes to its QAM quanta [h] - without changes to the Energy content of a region of Space there can be no measurement of what we perceive and measure to be TIME, and from that we can clearly identify the 2 'directions of Time' as being what causes the 2 forms of Electric CHARGE to arise.
'Travel forward in Time' - Positive Charge
'Travel Backward in Time' - Negative charge
To illustrate that point I drew rotational vectors onto the geometries of equilateral Energy geometries. You can then view them as the Energy flow in idealised quantum inductive loops. [remember inductors are the electrical equivalent of inertial mass]
It is important to remember here that Angular Momentum [as viewed currently by Physicists] is a measure of the rotational velocity component of a system - in Tetryonics it it a reflection of the EQUILATERAL GEOMETRY only - there is no rotational component only changes to the Energy quanta per unit of Time.
Additionally, you may find a lot more information of what I am explaining here in my QED video on You Tube particularly the Spectral line calculations and the work on Photons wavelengths and frequency.
CH29 illustration 17 shows clearly how frequency, wavelength and wave numbers are all directly related through mass to QAM geometry.
see attached
CH60 may be of help in understanding how QAM is the source of the Fine Structure, various coupling constants and Charge itself
I'll look over your paper and get back to you.Attachment #1: Figure_01.07__Quantised_Angular_Momentum_800x600.jpgAttachment #2: Figure_61.08__Time_800x600.jpg