• [deleted]


You did not respond to the statement I made in my Aug. 15, 2012 @ 17:54 GMT post, "I just looked at one of your Utube videos on EM waves, QED-28. Longitudinal EM waves are not like sound waves. Examine Laguerre-Gaussian beams with longitudinal components."

For an EM wave with a field component aligned with the axis of propagation, you now get a variation in the intensity in the direction of the axis during the wave cycle, but the frequency of the wave stays constant.

    • [deleted]

    I agree Time is simple the measurement of Energy's motion in empty space.

    If you take the equilateral geometry of Energy/second you have Planck's constant [kg.m^2/s] - ignoring the mass (which is Energy per second [c^2] you will find you have m^2 left over. I introduce the reality of this unit as the area of an Equilateral triangle. so Plancks' constant is really reflecting EQ.Energy/sec

    ie Quantised Angular Momentum = m^2/s

    mass = Energy /second = Energy/c^2 = kg

    put the two together you have Planck's Constant [kg.m^2/s]

    TIME is thus revealed as a measurement of the measure of the QAM

    equilateral geometries] of Energy in any region of Space

    QAM/c^2 = [m^2/s]*[s^2/m^2] = seconds

    As you rightly point out no Energy means no QAM geometry per region of Space

    this no TIME.

    And no changes to Energy means no changes to its QAM quanta [h] - without changes to the Energy content of a region of Space there can be no measurement of what we perceive and measure to be TIME, and from that we can clearly identify the 2 'directions of Time' as being what causes the 2 forms of Electric CHARGE to arise.

    'Travel forward in Time' - Positive Charge

    'Travel Backward in Time' - Negative charge

    To illustrate that point I drew rotational vectors onto the geometries of equilateral Energy geometries. You can then view them as the Energy flow in idealised quantum inductive loops. [remember inductors are the electrical equivalent of inertial mass]

    It is important to remember here that Angular Momentum [as viewed currently by Physicists] is a measure of the rotational velocity component of a system - in Tetryonics it it a reflection of the EQUILATERAL GEOMETRY only - there is no rotational component only changes to the Energy quanta per unit of Time.

    Additionally, you may find a lot more information of what I am explaining here in my QED video on You Tube particularly the Spectral line calculations and the work on Photons wavelengths and frequency.

    CH29 illustration 17 shows clearly how frequency, wavelength and wave numbers are all directly related through mass to QAM geometry.

    see attached

    CH60 may be of help in understanding how QAM is the source of the Fine Structure, various coupling constants and Charge itself

    I'll look over your paper and get back to you.Attachment #1: Figure_01.07__Quantised_Angular_Momentum_800x600.jpgAttachment #2: Figure_61.08__Time_800x600.jpg

    • [deleted]


    Apologies if the response was delayed somewhere but I did reply - perhaps my being in a AUS time zone [GMT+10] had something to do with that.

    Re Longitudinal wave correct they are directional EM waves with their E fields aligned with their direction of propagation[DOP] and are produced by spark gaps as utilised by Tesla at the turn of the century.

    Whereas Hertzian/Maxwellian waves are Transverse EM waves produced by accelerating/oscillating electrons and have their E fields orthogonal to their DOP.

    Tesla attempted to persuade Hertz of this when he first announced his discovery but when the photoelectric effect was discovered transmission technology switched to accelerating electrons instead of spark gaps and the debate died down.

    Transverse waves are like sound waves in that they create a pressure gradient in any region of space, while Longitudinal waves have their momenta aligned to their DOP [consider one a slap to the face the other a karate jab to the eye].

    Additionally, (and this is hard to explain here] the Energy intensity of a Transverse wave is a function of its instantaneous Frequency [E=hf] while a Longitudinal wave's energy is more appropriately described by [E=p^2] because it is the momenta aligned to the DOP that does the work [hence the above analogy]..

    It is Longitudinal waves with their aligned momenta that can produce real damage as well being able to produce 'instantaneous action-at-a-distance'.

    You can produce EM waves with identical EM Energies (which only differ in the polarization of their constituent Energy momenta) but it is the Longitudinal wave that will kill you [ask Tesla' assistants or anyone struck by lightning].

    Reading up on Gaussian beans etc will also take me some time so I trust this helps.Attachment #1: Figure_28.07__Hertz_vs_Tesla_800x600.jpgAttachment #2: Figure_28.08__EM_waves_800x600.jpg


    Thank you for your earlier replies. I have a question for you which will hopefully tell whether we have a hypopthesis overlap or not: "How do you explain the well known Flyby anomaly?"

      • [deleted]

      In the simplest terms:

      The SUN (and all Planets etc) emits radiant energies throughout the heliosphere in addition to the convergent gravitational energy produced by their Matter.

      These divergent energies have already been included in the Newtonian model of Gravitation (as well as GR) because both are based on observations not first principles [and so have not been noticed].

      Neither theory differentiates between EM mass and Matter [in fact GR - based on SR - must accommodate it in its formulation but simply lumps Energy in all its forms into the Stress-Energy tensor - EM mass is completely distinct from Matter]

      I propose the term Gravito-Electro-Magnetism [GEM] to reflect the three distinct forces produced by all Matter (particularly Matter in motion]

      The radiant energies produce a net DIVERGENT interactive component to gravitation that that diminishes under the inverse square law and as all Matter is comprised of charged energy fascia interacts with it BUT because our current models of gravitation do not include a quantum model of its source of mechanics (only the observations of the motion it creates) we cannot model the true interactions of the GEM fields of Matter in motion with the GEM fields produced by Planets as they move in their orbits and rotate on their axis.

      The divergent [radiant] components of GEM field [specifically the E field] accelerate charged particles, and as Matter is comprised of charged fascia [even neutral Matter] it creates a force on all Matter moving past another.

      These charge interactions are also responsible for other puzzling aspects of Cosmology namely Dark Matter and Dark Energy and is similar to the Pioneer anomaly [see attached]

      Much more detail will soon be released by me in my next release Tetryonics [4] -Quantum Cosmology [including the true mechanical dynamics of Gravity both at a quantum scale as well as the Cosmological].

      I trust this helps.Attachment #1: Figure_74.06__Pioneer_anomaly_800x600.jpg

      • [deleted]


      'Travel forward in Time' - Positive Charge

      'Travel Backward in Time' - Negative charge

      Only in "physics fiction" can time travel backwards. This would imply that an event can have a less than zero duration.

      I would like to know of a reference dating from the period of Tesla's spark gap oscillation process where someone measured the presence of longitudinal EM waves.

      It is not difficult to build an antenna that can efficiently detect longitudinal EM waves, but the same structure will detect transverse wave equally. I am unaware of receiver-signal processors of the Tesla era that could provide discrimination between longitudinal and transverse EM waves.

      • [deleted]


      "Much more detail will soon be released by me in my next release Tetryonics [4] -Quantum Cosmology [including the true mechanical dynamics of Gravity both at a quantum scale as well as the Cosmological]."

      Your Hertz vs Tesla diagram, Figure 28.07 (post Aug. 16, 2012 @ 04:16 GMT) does not explain how a longitudinal wave produces instantaneous action-at-a-distance. The notation below the Teslian wave, "The E fields are co-linear with the axis of propagation" would result in a negation of the field and action-at-a-distance because the positive and negative phases cancel in a collinear beam.

      I have a paper that explains how a longitudinal EM field produces action-at-a-distance. The paper is an iteration of six different papers, produced over several years with slightly different titles, that were submitted to five different publications, three being IEEE publications, two to the Gravity Research Foundation (GRF) contest (two different years), and one an ARRL publication. The GRF does not provide peer review rejection comments. Only one IEEE publication, of the two that went to peer review, provided me with the actual peer review comments, except the comments were truncated from one reviewer. The ARRL provided a simple rejection statement.

      The paper provides a simple EM explanation for the force of gravity. The paper contains a statement why a longitudinal EM field, if it is collinear, cannot produce a net force in the direction of propagation (DOP). I didn't use the term collinear, as I illustrated the vector condition with a simple Cartesian figure with the E field aligned with the DOP. The accompanying statement, "Even if a way was found to generate one of the fields to be aligned with the axis of propagation, such as EZ in Fig. 1b, the positive and negative EZ field vectors would be aligned and there would be no net force measurable in the axis of propagation."

      Helical Electromagnetic Gravity Field

      Except for the GRF entries, the other papers provided specific application processes that were topical to the IEEE and ARRL publications, the core helical electromagnetic (HEM) material was essentially the same.

      • [deleted]


      I didn't mean to post the above, Anonymous replied on Aug. 16, 2012 @ 19:44 GMT , as anonymous.


      • [deleted]


      It would appear that but you and ARRL have overlooked a very important point.

      While light is comprised on super-positioned EM wave of various wavelength the longitudinal waves produced by spark gaps etc. are not of the same nature.

      Each photon comprising the EM wave they form lines up one behind the other.

      Note that even Planar 2D waves have a some minuscule Z component [else you couldn't have Pos charge on one side with Neg on the other to satisfy Lorentz co-ordinate changes]

      As the photons don't super-position they they line up like quantum railway motor-carriages and create a 'rod' of co-linear momentum.

      Once this 'rigid rod' of Energy momenta is established any momenta added at one end of it will 'instantaneously' cause the momenta at the other to respond - just like pushing the end of a stick.

      ACTION can be transferred in either direction along this wave as the momenta are lined up bidirectionally [like little carriages or rods] but any additional EM information added to the wave (apart from the co-linear momenta noted) is forced to propagate at c along its length

      LWs form the basis of Newtons 'action-at-a-distance' and the reason why Tesla's spark gap waves stung his face [but were revealed NOT to be electrons]

      Of course longitudinal waves can be super-positioned but that doesn't enhance the effect (just allows it to operate over a larger surface of action at each end]

      Why has this been overlooked by the Science community for so long? - the wave equations for both are identical, only their sources and E-field polarisations are different [another sad case of doing Maths without physical Models].

      When the photo-electric effect was discovered they moved from Spark gaps to oscillating charged particles to produce EM waves, then Einstein's SR explanation of Electrodynamics drove the scientific community down a blind alley [again because his model of mass-ENERGY-Matter was wrong]

      Longitudinal waves form the basis for electrostatic CHARGE in our Universe, and it is the separation of Charges that gives us the electromotive force for Electricity in our World.

      see attached.Attachment #1: Figure_21.05__Volts_and_EMF_800x600.jpgAttachment #2: Figure_28.17__Longitudinal_Action_at_a_Distance_800x600.jpg

      • [deleted]


      The ARRL Editor-in-Chief, and the two different IEEE Editors-in-Chief understood exactly what my papers were presenting, they could not get a consensus from their associate editors, their technical staff and/or those that participated in the peer review. If a paper tries to describe gravity as an EM phenomena versus the Einstein manifestation, it will be very difficult to get a consensus, and this is what editors-in-chiefs try to achieve before they publish an article. My papers have passed through a lot of hands, and I almost expect to see my material published with another person's name on it.

      Your Fig_27.17, "Action at a Distance" is representing exactly the same field configuration alignment as my Fig. 4, "Cut and flattened cylindrical surface depicting two complete cycles of an electric field having longitudinal polarization" when another Fig.4 field of the same type is at 180 degrees. Make a copy of Fig. 4, cut it out and turn it 180 degrees to the original Fig. 4. The plus and minus fields from a source must be displaced laterally, just as they are in the transverse configuration. I show the plus and minus fields being displaced laterally around a cylinder.

      An EM wave will consist of both plus and minus E-fields. Your Fig_27.17 is showing a single plus field at the top and a single minus field at the bottom, and the center show them coupling. Your figure will be equivalent to my Fig. 4 when you have both a plus and minus field set at the top, from one source, and then a minus and plus field set at the bottom from another source. Then you will need two field coupling lines in the center, one with plus at the left side and minus at the right side, with the second line have a minus at the left side and a plus at the right side. We are then presenting precisely the same coupling concept; you using a flat surface and mine using a cylindrical surface.

      Also, in my paper, I state the instantaneous influence-at-a-distance is required for solar system distances. The influence action is fast, but it is not infinite, which is why we have spiral galaxies. The EM fields propagate at the nominal speed of light, but once the field has propagated the influence is not limited to that velocity. The coupled longitudinal fields from two sources provides a perfect match to explain Newtonian instantaneous influence-at-a-distance and providing an attractant only force.

      I had used the railway carriage coupling analogy in some of my earlier papers, but decided it was too "provincial" for my formal paper submissions.

      "Why has this been overlooked by the Science community for so long? - the wave equations for both are identical, only their sources and E-field polarisations are different [another sad case of doing Maths without physical Models]."

      Because everyone has been taught that EM fields are propagated as transverse waves. In the second section of my paper, "Transverse Only", first sentence, I stated, "At the time Einstein formulated his gravity theory, the only EM field configuration known was where both the electric and magnetic fields were transverse to the axis of propagation."

      When I first realized a helical EM field configuration would produce an attractant field to another field of the same configuration at 180 degrees, I built a helical model so I could have a three dimensional depiction of the EM fields.

      I have a few other technical issues I need to discuss with you. I have read a few articles about Tesla, and I built a Tesla coil with a vacuum tube oscillator when I was in high school, in the late 1940s. I started building transmitters shortly thereafter, when I acquired my General Class Amateur Radio license in 1948.

      "Once this 'rigid rod' of Energy momenta is established any momenta added at one end of it will 'instantaneously' cause the momenta at the other to respond - just like pushing the end of a stick." That statement is not quite true, it is not rigid laterally. See reference [6] in my paper. I suspect the EM gravity wave field is not rigid angularly either, and I note this in my paper.

      • [deleted]

      Oh YES, YES, YES, YES, YES

      Nice to see someone else gets this as well

      Understand about the editors not being able to get a consensus on this idea - that's why I did all my work on QM, QED, Chemistry and Gravitation first - so I was VERY confident about what I am saying and the illustrations were as refined as they could be given the scope of corrections I am forcing on Physics and Maths. [Tetryonics covers all the Science fields using 1 quantum of equilateral energy - hence the 60 YouTube chapters released so far]

      I agree about the carriages statement I am loathe to use it myself but look at how scientists describe Lorentz contractions and it is everywhere.

      Agree also about the Transverse only teachings of science these days [but even Tesla couldn't get the idea across to the scientific community] although he did manage to put Hertz into a depression and almost forced him to withdraw his thesis paper.

      Your comments about Solar radiation are spot on [and as A result I'll let you know directly once I am ready to reveal my full Quantum gravitation theory to the public] Drop me you email address [mine is answers@tetryonix.com] and I'll send you a pre-publication release.

      Re: Rigidity - you are correct for a single co-linear wave-train BUT if the EM field Voltage is increased in the same unit of Time [second] then there will be additional lateral wave-trains 90 degrees out of phase with each other] Voltage is just Joules [Planck quanta] per Coulomb [Charge] as measured per unit of Time. [That's why Tesla experimented with high voltage spark gaps]

      Co-coincidently this phase relationship is geometrically identical to Euler's formula and it provides ta physical basis for the square root of Negative One.

      Neg One is simply a nett negative charge field geometry and the square root is the linear momenta it produces. see attached

      As you also suspected in your paper and noted here it is really only a matter of E field polarisation to produce Longitudinal waves[along with having a source capable of producing these waves on a continuous basis] in order for us to start utilising these waves.

      That source will be revealed in my QG paper as [using Tetryonics] I now have a sound working model of how the SUN really produces its energy.

      I look forward with you further on these matters.Attachment #1: Figure_26.05__Eulers_Formula_800x600.jpgAttachment #2: 1_Figure_28.08__EM_waves_800x600.jpg

      Thank you for the Flyby anomaly post. Your Pioneer diagram was impressive, although I'm still befuddled by your reasoning of course. I think we *do* have a potential overlap in our ideas. I'm about to engage in calculations using the Wikipedia data on Earth flyby anomalies as a way to confirm my exotic matter hypothesis. I believe that an additional force exists on the plane of rotation of the earth which interacts witht the iron of the spacecraft due to it's centre bodied cubic geometry. I'll show you my workings just as soon as I can.

      [quote]An analysis of the MESSENGER spacecraft (studying Mercury) did not reveal any significant unexpected velocity increase. This may be that MESSENGER both approached and departed Earth symmetrically about the equator (see data and proposed equation below). This may suggest that the anomaly is related to Earth's rotation.[quote]

      Kind regards

        • [deleted]


        "As you also suspected in your paper and noted here it is really only a matter of E field polarisation to produce Longitudinal waves[along with having a source capable of producing these waves on a continuous basis] in order for us to start utilising these waves."

        As I noted in my Aug. 16, 2012 @ 19:44 GMT post, some of my submissions contained application material. The IEEE and ARRL submissions had content related to communications, specifically the antenna-receiver-signal processor elements required to detect longitudinal polarized EM emissions that have EM fields with specific angular phase positions (APP).

        I have examined your web page, not completely, and am aware of the email address you just provided.

        My efforts are not quite as comprehensive as yours, first trying to wean the scientific community from their use of units of measure that have no basis in physical law: IEEE paper published with the title, "A methodology to define physical constants using mathematical constants". I have now gone public on the helical EM gravity material, and hopefully this will cause some intelligent people to revise their view on the mechanism of gravity. It is difficult to overcome 200 years of misinformation on units of measure and a century of misinformation on the mechanism of gravity.

        • [deleted]

        Hi Alan,

        It would interesting to see if both of our ideas can bring about a clear and concise model and explanation of the quantum mechanics at work in this area of celestial mechanics.

        I understand that the intricacies of my work are a bit daunting on first impressions but you are obviously working on problems that I can model directly with my quantum theory of Gravitation.

        Not quite sure if I follow what you mean by 'centre bodied cubic geometry' but based on my definitions you would be right in saying that any model of Matter using Cartesian co-ordinates (ie c^3) would deviate mathematically from a spherical [c^4] second squared co-ordinate system - but I hasten to add that if done properly they both should yield the same force vectors on the body involved.

        The crux of Tetryonic QG is that the force of Gravitation [as historically modelled by Newton and in SR] is based on observations of the bodies concerned and not the real quantum mechanics that create the gravitational force between the bodies.

        There are convergent [attractive] force vectors and divergent [interactive] force vectors that present to us as the net Gravitational force we observe, until all of these quantum interactions are accurately modelled there will always be 'perturbations' and disagreements with respect to accepted theory.

        My work explains the quantum fields and forces responsible for 'Gravitation' but is beyond my abilities and time at present to develop a full computer model of the processes and present it.

        Tetryonic's Unified equation is all you need, but you need experience in writing the 3D CAD models for the computer along with a good overall grasp of Tetryonic theory. [remember Garbage in - Garbage out]

        Which brings me back to why I entered the competition - I am only one person with a clear, succinct answer to many of Science's questions - imagine what we can achieve when the whole World understands this geometry and starts using it.

        I have attached my definitions of Spatial co-ordinate systems (wrt Energy propagation [c]) along with an accurate 3D Tetryonic model of Iron for you - hope it helps you in some way..

        I am completing, what I hope will be, the final revision of my QG eBook as we speak and as soon as it is 'ready' I will release it and then I trust my explanations will become clearer for you and your work.Attachment #1: 2_Figure_01.03__Spatial_geometries_800x600.jpgAttachment #2: Figure_52.26__Iron_aufbau_800x600.jpg

        • [deleted]


        This wikipedia quote has an additional sentence.

        "The anomaly may be due to the rotation of the Earth. This rotation induces an azimuthally symmetric gravitational field."

        Flyby Anomaly

        If you would consider that the gravity field is EM, and has a helical field structure, with Earth's particular gravitational angular phase position, a host of odd spacecraft anomalies might be explained.

        Helical Electromagnetic Gravity Field

        • [deleted]


        I too struggled with the established non-rational definitions of Constants [but they had to start somewhere and they served their purpose]

        I too was tempted to re-define 'natural units' like permittivity and permeability etc. but felt that would best be done through consultation with all the stakeholders once Tetryonics was understood [there are numerous areas that need re-dressing names, units etc. in addition to the geometry of Energy].

        The constants became much easier to understand once I realised their underlying geometry. [super-positioned Energy-momenta in fields of differing strengths etc] see attached.

        Communications is an area that can quickly utilise Longitudinal waves - why wait 40 minutes to send and receive signals it Mars or anywhere else - just establish a L wave, maintain it and transfer the information as a modulation of its bi-directional linear momentum [two-way almost instantaneous communication paths].

        And this of course explains why there are no 'radio' signals being received by SETI at present - ET doesn't use slow transverse waves to communicate.

        As always, the first step in overcoming a problem is to recognise that there is one and then offering a sound concise alternative that provides answers while agreeing with the known observational data.

        But as you know having the answer and being recognised as having the answer are two entirely different things [and require dedication to the task]Attachment #1: 1_Figure_16.04__Coulombs_Constant_800x600.jpgAttachment #2: Figure_40.15__Coupling_Constants_800x600.jpg

        • [deleted]


        Frank is close here but I'd like to point out that there is a real convergent gravitational force created by all Matter, as well as a divergent interactive force created by the EM field of any Matter in motion.

        EM mass & Matter must be clearly and rigorously defined (as I do throughout Tetryonics) as radiant energies and Tetrahedral standing waves respectively if a quantum theory of gravity is to be developed that can account for the motions of space craft etc. as you seek to do.

        Both the divergent and convergent forces result in the nett force we observe as gravitation.

        It is the quantum mechanics of Energy momenta that provide all the macroscopic forces we know of, and there is much more at work than only the gravitation of Matter on the cosmological scale, hence why terms like Dark Matter & Dark Energy have become popular.


        I believe that the rotation of the earth is important because the exact location of the closest approach of a flyby is relevant. The exotic matter distribution within the earth is irregular due it's existence being due to exotic matter comets impacting from supernovae events. It's all speculative, yes, but also reassuringly consistent. This is why the data from Wikipedia is inconclusive. I believe that a spacecraft crossing the equator at a shallow angle and low speed will give the greatest energy increase. This because it spends the greatest amount of time in earth's 'equatorial exotic band of influence'. The results don't quite reflect this due to irregularities within the innermost core as well as exotic matter comets embedded within the crust, but will be confirmed in the future with more data such as Juno imo.

        We think similarly with regard to your helical field structure, but I detail this with imagery of a self creating universe [P.S. which author spoke about SCUs? I can't find it now!] given in my last FQXi competition entry Reality Was Born Analog But Will Digital Die?


        I don't mean to be rude, but my thinking is very back-to-basics and fundamental. I'm putting myself in the shoes of Newton as if he'd thought of an additional force to explain the flyby anomaly *before* reaching a conclusion on planetary motion. The combination of explaining the ice age data as well as the flyby amomalies as well as the galaxy rotation curves would have convinced him of additional *anisotropic* matter interaction on planetary scales, I'm sure. This is in addition to his ideas on ordinary matter interaction. Why not have this 'exotic matter' at the centre of planets and stars? Why does it have to be in a hypothetical'halo'?? (Ans: because science has already made the assumption of isotropy and equivalence for *all* matter, therefore it *has* to be in a halo)

          • [deleted]

          You're on the right track but you don't have to create new exotic Matter to explain the accelerations. As you point out if Newton had been given the data he would have pointed out F=ma [so any acceleration of mass/Matter must be the result of an additional force - other than what he had already modelled]

          In fact that is what happened with Mercury, and Einstein then came along with GR and corrected for the force giving GR 8piG as opposed to Newtonian 4PiG. ie twice the acceleration for EM masses that come close to a gravitational body than what was expected by Newtonian mechanics.

          GR reduces to Newtonian gravity far away from the bodies - where the 'curvature' is weaker. But GR is based on SR and any Physicist will tell you Gravity is the only force acting between planetary bodies so what causes the additional 2pi of G-force close to Planets etc?

          Back to what GR was based on.....SR.....

          'when to impossible is removed - what remains however improbable must be true'

          All Matter not only creates a convergent [gravitational] force but also possesses interactive [divergent] forces - Black-body radiation is well established in physics and these two forces apply to all Matter [as defined in Tetryonics].

          Also of note is that Tetryonics gives us the geometry for these 'missing' fields and shows how it applies to all material bodies in the universe regardless of scale. ie it explains Mercury's perihelion, the bending of Light, galaxy rotation curves, and many other phenomena current using Dark Matter as an explanation.

          And the force it creates is strongest in the equatorial region of a gravitational body [defined wrt to its magnetic axis of course] just as you propose.

          So why do we struggle to explain this acceleration?

          Gravity to date has been mathematically modelled on the observations of the motion of large scale Matter. As the observations get better the theory must be 'adjusted' in an attempt to explain these tiny inconsistencies but I believe I am the first to present a theory from first quantum principles that coherently explains the processes at work and agrees with current observations without the need for DM halos etc.

          I am half-way through my final review of my QG illustrations and then it will be released for all to comment on.

          • [deleted]

          Abraham, Alan,

          On a close approach to earth, or any large solar body, it is no longer a point source. There are gravity influence maps that show irregularities in the force of gravity due to material density changes. Do any of the studies of a flyby anomaly examine the flyby path in relationship to these known variations in the force of gravity?

          Many papers that are attempting to describe some spacecraft anomaly do not identify all the parameters about the spacecraft or the spacecraft/object relative dynamics.

          One of the parameters that should be identified is whether the spacecraft is or is not spin stabilized, and if spin stabilized, the angular direction of the spin and its angular rate. What is this spin direction relative to the objects rotation? Secondly, on a close encounter, is the spacecraft going in the same direction of the objects rotation or opposite to it? And as Alan pointed out, what angle did the spacecraft pass by the object relative to the objects equator? This also has implications on the force of gravity, as it will be influenced if the object has an equatorial bulge.

          Can I assume a flyby anomaly study accounts for the position of any nearby object(s), such as a moon?