No, I am sorry but there are a lot of probelms. Indeed I am parano. and you know it all. I have known FQXi at the begining. I have shared my theory in a total transparence. I don't understand the comportment of Tom, Joy, Christi,Jonathan Dickay, Brendan, Lawrence, and friends , I am stopping there for the names. I beleive in fact that it is a team trying for their vanity and hormons.Probably that they like this play. The Universal integrity is more than these comportments with superimposed algorythms for the confusions and the strategy. I continue even with your strategy. In fact, all is false. You have made a bad thing. For your knowledge, the laws exist and it is important for the good governances. The real integrity is essential. If these persons trying to discriminate, or to profit, or to steal, or to superimpose the algorythms are in a bad boat, it is not my probelm. The lawz are the laws. You are not generalists, just persons competent for the computing, it is totally different. Me without tools and strategy and alone, and you with all that.let me laugh , frankly it is ironical. I know the team behind. it is what the probelm, they want the nobel, because they need funds and investments, because they are not able to ponder works like mine, it is what the probelm?
I love FQXi , it is important for me,I respect Mr Wilszec,Mr Tegmark,Mr Witten,Mr Guth and friends. So don't try with your discriminations between Canada,USA and Netherlands.
You know, you do not imagine how I forgive this play of Tom, Jonathan ,joy and friends. and if people utilizes false names, be sure that I see it .No probelm dear team. each thing at its times.
They have hacked my computer, they check all.and what? where is the probelm?
You know Ben, I have been already lsot in the past in my country, due to bad people, they have caused me a bankrupcy. I have worked hard for my theory of spherization,I have learned a lot.and always I have people who are bad with me.always I have been nice and kind, always Ben. My economical situation, my health, mysocial situation are catastrophic.My state of mind is very weak. I am not well. I am isolated at home without job. This society disgusts me you know. I am tired.My theory is all my life.I just would sharing it in a total transparence.I would simply find partners and friends.I would like just finding a job also.I just would a little of recognizing for my works.and even on net, it is corrupted.Oh my god, but what is this circus. I am shocked by this planet. I have found FQXi and I said me, it is cool, a platform of physics for the theoretical physics. I am happy, I will can show my theory and I will find a job and coachs and mentors. and I see all this play from a team. It is sad. The technology of information is a tool, and this tool must be utilized with wisdom and universality. The cyber criminality msut be punished for the well of all in fact.
But where are the good persons ? on an other planet or what ?
I have 48 inventions ben and my theory of spherization, a revolutionary theory, general and rational and deterministic. I just want to evolve correctly with good persons. I search even my mentor. I need to learn more.Personally I will be honored if Mr Penrose, Mr Hawking, Mr Solomon or Mr Wilcszec could be my mentor. I need to evolve, there I don't evolve. I just decrease my health. I must move. I become crazy in fact there at home with my problems.
FqxI is a wonderful platform. so why ?