Sara Imari Walker,
The human race may have been forced to become Reductionists simply to stay alive. One way to assure command over the elements that one must face for survival is to become a "Reductionist" and absorb all the physical knowledge required for assuring one's survival. A total "Holistic" approach to life may suffer extinction if the basic Reductionist manifestos "physically correlated event" concepts are not comprehended - like predicting the season for planting, etc, etc.... a club kills quicker then a stick, etc, etc. It therefore appears that human life is caught exactly in the middle of Reductionist & Holistic because for each Reductionist "learned action" we build a physical event string of correlation having Holistic value (i.e., a correlation between events, ie., comparison information). It seems like our thoughts may be caught in the very middle of building a physical Reductionist model (say the standard model of physics for instance) for the Holistic purposes of achievement, completion, curiosity, all Holistic.
If you agree with the statement that Reductionism can feed a Holistic quality, and visa versa, then we may consider that we have a superposition of Holistic and Reductionist information going into "any" event (biological included) - our two brain hemispheres could accommodate the dissociation of Holistic and Reductionist information with our final physical actions that explore a common ground that is a balanced reaction to support the two extreme lines of thought, Reductionist and Holistic. It would be as if life has an "all from one" and "one from all" way of thinking and acting ... local, global... one physically affects all ..... all physically affect one ...
Assume we can dissect information on BOTH Reductionist and Holistic grounds, can we find a model that allows us to combine the two seemingly extreme set's of information? To accommodate these extreme sets of information, we might want to look at the duals in string theory as providing a mathematical avenue to physically describe this information. "Astronomy" and "quantum physics" certainly fit into the Holistic and Reductionist information categories, respectively ... which brings us back to unification of measurable information. This is where ADS/CFT (super symmetry) tells us that that information regarding that which is extremely large (of cosmic size) can be exactly described by measuring information of that which is extremely small (sounds like a quantum worls to me)!! There appears to be a perfect reflection of information content (T dual) if one considers the conformal quantum field as the "information space" that can possibly be utilized to model BOTH the Holistic and Reductionist information. This implies that the quantum physicist and the astronomer will be capable of predicting each others information findings when they find the correct way to interpret the correlation of each bit of information whose common ground analysis provides the actions incurred by the masses ... whether they be atoms, cells, organs, humans, ecosystems, planet, galaxy, universe... The exact correlation of Holistic to Reductionist information (super symmetric string theory dual) may provide the proper boundary conditions for life to emerge and exist in a manner that maintains life by adhering to information gathered by the Reductionist (sustains physical life) but at a cost of losing sight of the Holistic contribution that actually provides half of the net information regarding any event (biological events included). This implies that by focusing on reductionism we may defocus on Holistic information and visa versa (possibly the result of information existing in a hyperbolic space, but, that's another story)... as if information used for physical reasoning has a Reductionist Holistic switch (the 2 sheets in the hyperbolic space) ... when the fact is that the switch has been set to 50% for everything that our senses that feed our conscious mind w/ information can measure (a Feynman/Wheeler emitter/absorber argument used for the 50% ... but... that's again another story).
Anyway, I greatly enjoyed your article and appreciated your use of the word "information" extensively. I believe that we must define everything measurable simply as "information" (L. Suskind methodology) to build a model that allows this information to sustain life by merging both the Reductionist and Holistic information to drive all of life's measurable information (to which a physical action is the net result of the balance achieved between Reductionist and Holistic information that is reasoned out between the brains hemispheres). This top/down approach also appears to be on the minds of many more essay authors, including that by G. Ellis whose essay had many overtones of what you state you measure and observe. Maybe with information provided by J. Barbour's shape dynamics and G. Ellis's top/down approach you can model (via the string theory basis) the exact living biological shape and physical actions of a known life form that uses BOTH Holistic and Reductionist information to sustain life. You may then begin to predict your biological measures w/ functional stability?
Best Regards,
Anthony DiCarlo