Dear Antony,
I just read your essay. You write well, and the idea that fibonacci numbers might play an even more fundamental role in nature than we thought does not seem so implausible. Also, the notion that instead of going from 3 dimensions to 0 dimensions we must go sequentially to lower dimensions by increments of one dimension is at the core of the framework that I work on.
Unfortunately, I was not able to understand your black hole argument. I failed to see how the Fibonacci sequence is related to the dimensionality of a region inside the black hole, and, as a result, I can unfortunately not comment on that aspect of your paper. Perhaps there is more that could be said about the relation between the two. Assuming the Schwarzschild metric correctly also describes the interior of an event horizon (a big assumption, btw) the transition from the horizon to the singularity is smooth. There are no regions where the dimensionality is reduced. Perhaps you meant to refer to some infinitesimal region outside the singularity that is "too small" to be captured in the metric?
Also, the connection between entropy and the n-simplexes seems unmotivated to me. Can you think of a real world example of entropy closer to our immediate experience where your model might help understand entropy more deeply? In fact, I would advise you to focus on such situations over the situations pertaining to black holes because if you arrive at an as yet untested physical prediction that differs from standard physics, there is a fighting chance to do an experiment.
You deserve kudos for some original ideas, hopefully you can develop these further and particularly in empirically testable regimes.
All the best,