• [deleted]

Dear Olaf,

Yes 0 and 1 is the start, and in this case the zero applies to the singularity, as being 0-dimensional. Ten 1 apples to 1-dimensional space. That is the fundamental part. We can't be more fundamental than if talking about a singularity and zero dimensions. That's the bottom up part.

Then I looked from the top down from 3-dimensional space and imagined what happens to any given point in space time. Please not I'm dealing here with spatial dimensions not time.

As it says in the essay itself, I was envisaging what a point in 3D space does. It observes information and releases information too. All across full 3-dimensions. Tis is empirically known.

Then at or the event horizon a point might observe information outwards from the BH but not below it.

Likewise it can't release information outwards.

So there is a 2-dimensional area that information is both received and revealed.

Then once inside the BH there are two distinct pathways - one where information can only be revealed, the other only received and these are both 1-dimensional.

Then the singularity 0-dimensional, where not information can do anything.

So we have 0, 1, 1, 2, 3.

Te rest is in the essay including the negative part of the sequence.

Hope this clears up things?

Best wishes,


Dear Bill,

Thanks for the kind comments. I thought your essay was very good and rated it highly. Nice work!

It ought to indeed be extremely applicable to black holes, as said in the essay, but clarified for Olaf above.

I'm fact this essay theory only came about as an aside for my main area of work, which has partly unified the four forces and resolved the three paradoxes of cosmogony.

It's a geometry based also on simplexes which gives natural asymmetry answering Baryon asymmetry and related the masses of several groups of particles very, very well versus prediction.

For example the electron, proton and neutron to 99.999988% of theory! Further this figure improves with newer results from collider data!

The theory also could be tested in a computer simulation to give dark matter effects and essentially with very few parameters should simulate out Universe.

I hope that helps as it really isn't guess work. Save for I haven't fallen into a Black Hole to check, but it also hints at Hawking radiation, as mentioned in the essay.

We even already expect that pathways verse away from 3-dimensions towards narrower 1-dimensionality.

Please let me know if you'd like to hear more.

Best wishes,


Dear Olaf,


Yes 0 and 1 is the start, and in this case the zero applies to the singularity, as being 0-dimensional. Then 1 apples to 1-dimensional space. That is the fundamental part. We can't be more fundamental than if talking about a singularity and zero dimensions. That's the bottom up part.

Then I looked from the top down from 3-dimensional space and imagined what happens to any given point in space time. Please note - I'm dealing here with spatial dimensions not time.

As it says in the essay itself, I then went on to envisage what a point in 3D space does. It observes information and releases information too. All across full 3-dimensions. This is empirically known.

Then at or the event horizon a point might observe information outwards from the BH but not below it.

Likewise it can't release information outwards.

So there is a 2-dimensional area that information is both received and revealed.

Then once inside the BH there are two distinct pathways - one where information can only be revealed, the other only received and these are both 1-dimensional.

Then the singularity 0-dimensional, where not information can do anything.

So we have 0, 1, 1, 2, 3.

Te rest is in the essay including the negative part of the sequence.

Hope this clears up things?

Best wishes,


report post as inappropriate

Again typos - was rushing out:

In fact this essay theory only came about as an aside for my main area of work, which has partly unified the four forces and resolved the three paradoxes of cosmogony.


We even already expect that pathways merge away from 3-dimensions towards narrower 1-dimensionality.



I have read and rated your essay with great interests. Linking Fibonacci's bit with black hole information dynamics is a great idea.

Have you seen this recent paper about Graphene titled "Black Hole in a Pencil", http://news.sciencemag.org/2006/08/black-hole-pencil ? Perhaps some experiments can be proposed.


Dear Antony,

Yes, I would like to learn more of your theory. Please give me the link. Again fantastic work! I am happy to enter this contest, I am learning so many wonderful discoveries just from our 3 pounds brain and conversing with these great 3 pounders minds.

Best wishes,

Leo KoGuan

Dear KoGuan,

I've taken it off viXra as I had some amendments to make, but I could mail something to you. It's quite rough but the basic concept is right.

Thanks for the interest!

Best wishes,


Hello Brian,

Thanks very much for reading and rating. I think I've heard something similar about Graphene so I'll take a look.

The geometry of my theories even fits and the a symmetric tetrahedral type structure suggests a nascent Black Hole mechanism within Neutron Stars!

Thanks & best wishes,


Hi Antony,

Sorry it took a while to reply. I have to translate the words into mathematics to understand them.

1. I'm not really sure what you mean by 3-dimensional information. Information is generally perceived to be numeric, i.e., independent of dimensionality. For example, if I communicate the statement 2 2 = 4, mathematical convention makes it unnecessary to answer which dimension the numbers live in. If I specify a dimensional context, e.g., I say "The natural numbers live on a 1-dimensional line," then I am mapping the geometry of the line to the continuum of dimensionless natural numbers. When we move up a dimension, to the 2-dimension plane of complex analysis with both real and imaginary lines, we get as a result both 3 and 4 dimensional analysis for free, because the complex plane is what mathematicians call algebraically closed. In other words, it allows 1 to 1 numerical mapping of every dimensionless point to every other point of the plane, sphere and four- dimensional hypersphere. So thinking it through, I guess you mean a bounded 3-dimensional ball of self interacting points? The BH event horizon, though, is still only 2-dimensional -- the surface of a ball -- so there is still the question of how, mechanically, to map your 3-dimensional information to the 2-dimensional surface, which is how the holographic principle (t'Hooft, Susskind) was born.

2. Maybe the foregoing is what you mean by "The astronaut can not receive information from inside the black hole. This is a point when information can only be BOTH received and revealed across 2-dimensions."?

3. "There ought to be a point, from a thought experiment point of view, where information can only be released, and deeper where it can only be received 1-dimensionally. Then at the singularity there are 0-dimensions." I can't get my mind around this -- relativity and Noether's theorem demand symmetry. That is why Hawking radiation was such a huge breakthrough in foundational terms -- the interaction of the BH with the outside world is no longer one-way, but allows information to escape via quantum uncertainty. The total evaporation of the BH should restore the total information "lost" behind the event horizon. So if any 0-D singularity ever existed, it would be annihilated (extinguished) in finite time. It couldn't be physical, therefore, and we would never know whether it existed or not.

4. "As mentioned the sequence allows 0 to be skipped over via -1, 1, 0, 1, 1 part via equivalence amongst other reasons." This would be more understandable in terms of complex analysis, where the unique point (0,0) allows a potential rotation in the plane with the result 0 0i. When one tries this with real analysis on the line R, "skipping over" a number looks too much like the famous cartoon where a theorist gets stuck and then declares, "Here a miracle occurs."

5. "The negative valued vertex is a quantum effect of the Black Hole that conserves space time between the black hole and the outside Universe." You explain that this makes the BH more stable. Before Hawking's result, most thought that this was the case -- everything goes in, nothing comes out. Even Hawking himself thought for years that thermal radiation (Hawking radiation) wouldn't allow the complete restoration of information going into the Black Hole. When one speaks of conservation of fundamental physical quantities -- mass/energy, angular momentum, time, what particle physicists call CPT conservation -- the symmetry has to be measured "backward and forward" to be physical. Time is the last mystery. The black hole you've described does not conserve time -- Hawking radiation does.

I am pleased to meet you, too -- all best in your research, and the contest!


Hi Antony,

My apology for not leaving a message behind when I reviewed and rated your essay highly on July 2. That was a hurried day for me to say the least. I am glad to see that my support of your essay, among many, helped you out in obtaining your much deserved rating.

I believe it was your statement, "Hence, it seems decay onward to 5-dimensions isn't favoured either symmetrically or asymmetrically, giving 3-dimensionality a limit in our reality and in information exchange." that resonated with me the most.

Best wishes and good luck,


    Hi Manuel,

    Thanks very much and I'm pleased to see you are so near the top! Well deserved too.

    That's a good point you raise. The Fibonacci sequence here seems to match an empirically spatial 3-dimensional Universe. Glad you emphasised this, as it is one of many strong physical points to come out of this theory. So many can only see it from an abstract point of view, but there are indeed real and observable hints this is a way (not the only way) reality works.

    Also the scheme ought to be testable via computer simulation. With very few extra pieces of data - i.e. my symmetrical symmetry breaking system.

    Best wishes for the remainder of the contest - your comments are much appreciated,


    Hi Antony,

    Our entire communication is on my essay web page. It is not right to send you publicly speculative Koida upgrades. So, send your email.



      Hi Branko,

      No problem. antryanet@outlook.com

      Best wishes,


      Dear Anthony,

      realy nice article. I agree with you about the digital construction of the universe in "0" and "1" bit, but I see no reason why the dimensions are limited to 3 or better 4 Dimension (including time)in our universe.

      Good lick for the contest.

      Dear Kai Henkel

        Dear Kai,

        Thanks for your comments. There are many good reasons why the universe is limited to 3 spatial dimensions. I acknowledge 4 dimensional space time. This essay deals with geometry hence only the spatial nature NOT time.

        That why 4 doesn't appear spatially and hence ties in with the Fibonacci sequence!

        The entropy system on my scheme shows why there should be a limit of 3-dimensions, as mentioned in the essay.

        Also, my essay utilises the exchange of information - we don't exchange it along more than 3-dimensional geometry.

        Also there are many great reasons generally in physics why 3 spatial dimensions ought to be the limit.

        Further, our empirical evidence constantly shows us 3-dimensions of space. There is mathematical evidence why 3 spatial or 4 space time dimensions may be a limit around proofs of kissing numbers too.

        Best wishes,



        Thanks for the link. Beautiful Essay. There is much good work languishing in the lower and middle regions. He's now deservedly a bit higher.


        Hi Peter,

        It is indeed. This contest is making me dizzy. One minute I'm 9th, then 19th. I dread to think where I'll finish.

        Been a great experience reading so many excellent ideas though!

        All the best,



        A few people have mentioned that they doubt Black Hole's or singularities existence. Please see below either way:

        Indeed we can utilise the Fibonacci sequence away from a black Holes too. Further, the essay hints that singularities perhaps may be avoided and are rather a mathematical trick. However, the jury is out on this. I'd say they do exist, but my essay says information ought to bypass the singularity - so who am I to argue!

        My main theory away from the esaay revealed the Fiboancci sequence and 3-dimensional space as what we ought to observe in our universe, (with an extra dimension of time). See the section about the arrow of time and entropy.

        The main theory partly unified the four forces and resolves the three paradoxes of cosmogony, with prediction which relates the masses of the Proton, Neutron and Electron to within 99.999988% of the known values. Further, this has improved over the last few years with EVERY new data that comes from mass measurements! A modified Koide formula was used based on my symmetrical symmetry breaking geometry.

        There are other more important points in my essay than the black hole, but the mathematical concept of a singularity is used to show why this is a foundational concept in that it is tackling Quantum Gravity type theory.

        Best wishes,


          *** BLACK HOLE DEBATE - Please see comment above ***

          Some great points and discussion coming out of this contest!

          Hi Thomas,

          Thanks for your comments - there's a lot there.

          I'll reply in separate posts I think for clarity.

          Best wishes,
