Hi Akinbo,
Thank you so much for your kind words and looking at my essay so thoroughly. I'm delighted you left these useful and constructive comments.
I hope too that it provokes interest along the lines of Wheeler with regard to something from nothing, as this is a subject very close to my heart. In fact this essay arose from my geometric theory of everything that also gives rise to asymmetry from nothing.
So to answer your question, I think the current mass present in the Universe wasn't present at the pre-Big bang singularity, but the potential was.
Then a simple geometric trick allowed asymmetry to occur, which actually conserved nothingness overall.
Hopefully I'll be releasing a paper on this in a few months.
Similarly then, the Black Hole situation would allow mass to be conserved at a zero sized point, because it is conserved by geometry about that point, where (as you point out) it extends to and beyond the event horizon.
Again many thanks for your helpful comments!
Best wishes for the contest,