Dear Sir,

Many of your views in this essay has been discussed in our essay published on May 31 from a totally different perspective. You are welcome to visit us and comment on it.

In the field of science, the 19th century was one of experimentation, 20th century of excitement and 21st century of observation. Thus, it is no surprise that Wheeler was excited to find something he thought novel and was excited about it. But in hind sight, if we analyze his views minus excitement, we find a totally different story.

First: "everything we observe in the known Universe (the 'it') is less fundamental than the information that produces it (the 'bit')". Fundamental has been defined as of or relating to the foundation or base; elementary. Thus, the above statement means that the observable is nothing more than the sum total of ALL information (observation or reporting of the result of measurement) about the observable. Since every measurement measures only one aspect, how can we be sure that we have measured and correctly reported ALL aspects of something? Secondly, observation only reports the state and does not create or influence the state. The state can evolve in time independently. Thus, it is invariant to information or the absence of it. Information is the perception of the observer about the state of the observable in a universally communicable way. Hence the statement: "information that produces it" is not correct.

By definition, the first two numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are 0 and 1, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two. But what do 0 and 1represent? Number is a perceived property of substances by which we differentiate between similars. If there are no similars, it is one. If there are similars, it is many. Many can be 2,3,4,....n depending upon the sequence of perception. Zero represents the temporal absence at "here-now" of something that exists elsewhere. Only in this way, we can perceive the absence of something and label its number as zero. Thus, Wheeler's 0 and 1 represent the absence or presence of something or false and true about a statement. By themselves, they are meaningless. They acquire meaning only after they are associated with some observable. The concept was known as "ahoratra vaada" in ancient India and there is much literature on this subject. Nature functions in cycles and Fibonacci sequence is one such cycle.

As we have pointed out, observation is the reporting of a state of something at a given time. While the object evolves temporally, it the observation made at time t is "frozen" for use at other times when the state has changed further. Thus, information, which is the result of observation, is time invariant. The object, about which such information is obtained, is time variant. Hence the object cannot have information about itself. It is true that "no information from inside the black hole can be received"; but it due to our inability to measure in the first place. Without measurement, we cannot have information. Hence talking about its directionality is meaningless.

The concept of event horizon is based on false assumptions. A pulse of light evolves in time as a sphere and not as a circle. Hawking in his Brief history of Time has tricked everyone by first taking the Surface of Earth as 2-dimensional (which it is not) and then taking the example of a stone thrown into the surface of water. He added time as the third dimension (which it is not) before adding the third spatial direction as the fourth dimension. The circle formed on the surface of the water evolves in time as a bigger and bigger circle and not as a conic section. If you take the three spatial directions together, it will be an increasing sphere and not a time cone.

Direction has meaning only with reference to other objects, whereas dimension can be described without reference to other objects. Dimension of objects is the perception that differentiates the "internal structural space" from the "external relational space". Since such perception is mediated by electromagnetic interaction, where an electric field and a magnetic field move perpendicular to each other in a direction perpendicular to both, we have three mutually perpendicular directions. The talk of extra dimensions is non-sense. Even after more than a century, no one has any idea about it. When we talk about 1 or 2 dimensions, we really mean cross sections of a three dimensional object. Time does not satisfy this condition to be called a dimension. Yet, since space and time are infinite and co-exist independently as the base on which all transformations take place; we have to use unidirectional time to describe the state at any given moment.

There can be no negative direction for time or cause and effect. Consider an example:

A B → C D.

Here a force makes A interact with B to produce C and D. The same force doesn't act on C and D as they don't exist at that stage. If we change the direction of the force, B acts on A. Here only the direction of force and not the interval between the states before and after application of force (time) will change and the equation will be:

B A → C D and not B A ← C D.

Hence it does not affect causality.

Entropy is related to inertia. Elsewhere in these threads, we have discussed about it elaborately.

Let us apply our mind independently to everything that is told to us or are found in text books. Blind acceptance is superstition, which is harming the cause of science.



    Dear, Basudeba,

    I can't answer your comments above as we are clearly looking at reality in extremely different ways.




    Firts of all thank you for reading my essay.

    I just read yours. ersonnally I like very much The spirals of nature and Leonard de Pise, (Fibonacci). One of the causes of the beauty of our perceptance of nature is given in this mathematical sequence. Again a sequence....

    regarding the loss of information in Black Holes I tend to think like Abhay Ashtekar and Carlo Rovelli in their Loop Quantum Gravity perception. Their latest proposal tells us that in the heart of a black hole there is no singulairity (the same as my perception) but an entry to another dimension that can be the origin of a new universe. Infact they come almost to the same conlusion as I do , onlt my perception goes further because this "entrance" to another dimension (that I call Total Simultaneity) is everywhere . Indeed I do not believe in non dimensional points called "singularities". So when information enters a black hole it is not lost at all it just returns to its origins...

    best regards


    Hello Wilhelus,

    Thanks for your kind comments. I'm glad you like the sequence approach. One thing it suggests is that the singularity (0) would not be a final point, because the sequence is driven backward via entropy. Also, due to -1, 1, 0, 1, 1 part of the sequence information always conserves information away from the singularity, so effectively information can't fall into it, but are effected become new dimensions.

    Thus I think we have very compatible views here. Again I enjoyed your essay and wish you the best of luck in the contest!


      Good idea for use Fibonacci on the quantum cosmology.I am try it also on science forum

        Thank you Yuri,

        I will take a look!

        All the best,


        After reading Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta's essay (Information, Reality and Relics of Cosmic Microwave Background), where I noticed the abstract says - "a mere description of material properties does not produce material". While of course materials do give information.

        I realised I'd concluded differently in my essay.

        I think perhaps reality can be more fundamental than information. At the very least, I would not say that information is likely more fundamental than reality itself, but then that's the beauty of this competition, it encourages shared ideas!

          I've read Eckard Blumschein's essay - Shannon's View on Wheeler's credo

          I then posted the following - which I have pasted over here:

          Shannon's view "We know the past but cannot control it. We control the future but cannot know it" jumped out at me as analogous to my essay's observer/observation approach that revealed a Fibonacci pattern.

          In my case it would be: - We know some information but cannot reveal it. We reveal some information but cannot collect more.

          I already suggested an arrow of time from this, but your essay has further helped make it relevant given the Shannon analogy.

          Hi Antony,

          Thanks for your comment on my blog.

          Your paper is very nice and that is no flattery. There may even be something hidden and very fundamental in your description of Fibonacci sequences.

          But before I comment further, let me say I am still sceptical about the black hole idea, i.e. that all mass can be compressed to a point of "zero" dimension and the attribute of mass will still remain conserved with a surrounding event horizon.

          I suspect that mass is a derived attribute of extension (space) and this is not impossible to be derived from a peculiar Fibonnaci sequence. Another clue that mass is not an absolute attribute is from cosmology. Was all the mass now present in the universe now, there at a beginning or has the universe's mass been increasing with its radius?

          Let me leave that for now and comment on parts of your essay devoid of black holes...

          You say: I suggest in this essay that the foundations for reality begin with emergence of 0 and 1 dimensionality at a singularity resulting in the Universe we live in and in which information is processed.

          I agree perfectly with this, as you can see with the line of thought in my essay.

          You say: Despite Wheeler's 0 and 1 being mainly symbolic, the basic idea of 0 and something as alternative answers to yes/no questions lends to information. Likewise, Fibonacci begins with something and nothing.

          Again, I agree. If you see my reference to Julian Barbour's essay in previous year's essay, he argued that 0 and 1, though symbolic must stand for something that is real and has two alternative states, symbolized as 0 and 1.

          You say: Fibonacci sequences appear in biological settings, in two

          consecutive Fibonacci numbers, such as branching in trees [1], arrangement of leaves on a stem, the fruitlets of a pineapple [2], the flowering of artichoke, an uncurling fern and the arrangement of a pine cone [3]. The Fibonacci numbers are also found in the family tree of honeybees [4. Perhaps it isn't too much of a leap of faith to include reality's relationship with information, "It

          from Bit", as another of Fibonacci's attributes.

          Brilliant! Wheeler wished to derive mass from massless things, charge from chargeless things and field without field in his geometrodynamic scheme. The details are not yet worked out, but I suspect that similarly, monads and their ON (1) and OFF (0) may give rise to Fibonacci-like patterns that can cause annihilation of space between like patterns (attraction at a distance) or emergence of space (repulsion).

          Best regards,


            Thank you for reading my essay, I see that you appreciate my style: it is a satisfaction.

            I read and score quickly the essays, I remain a dozen to read and score (I am busy in this moment).

            I reread your article, that it is interesting (like many others this, and the others, year).

            I am thinking that the dimension reduction near the singularity of the black hole (photon cannot leave the surface of the black hole: dimension 2) cannot be so abrupt, so that can be possible a continuous reduction of the dimension (with transcendetal number dimension); so that near the singularity must be a fractal photon path (used to measure the dimensionality): I think a foam of spherical curvature (like Swiss cheese), that deflect the photon path: an open-cell foam distant from singularity, and a closed-cell foam near the singularity, with the gravitational energy that produces balls of curvature.

              Yuri - I have left a comment over on your page - best wishes,


              Hi Akinbo,

              Thank you so much for your kind words and looking at my essay so thoroughly. I'm delighted you left these useful and constructive comments.

              I hope too that it provokes interest along the lines of Wheeler with regard to something from nothing, as this is a subject very close to my heart. In fact this essay arose from my geometric theory of everything that also gives rise to asymmetry from nothing.

              So to answer your question, I think the current mass present in the Universe wasn't present at the pre-Big bang singularity, but the potential was.

              Then a simple geometric trick allowed asymmetry to occur, which actually conserved nothingness overall.

              Hopefully I'll be releasing a paper on this in a few months.

              Similarly then, the Black Hole situation would allow mass to be conserved at a zero sized point, because it is conserved by geometry about that point, where (as you point out) it extends to and beyond the event horizon.

              Again many thanks for your helpful comments!

              Best wishes for the contest,


              Hi Domenico,

              Thanks for your comments.

              The fractal idea sounds plausible. Great to share these thoughts. Exactly - a photon could not leave the Singularity, so it can only observe more photons coming towards it. It can not be observed from anywhere else in the Universe.

              I agree that dimension reduction wouldn't be abrupt with regard to observation, but there are these defined locations where a change in observation occurs as we descend (theoretically) into a Black hole, that match the Fibonacci Sequence numbers.

              Best Wishes


              Great discussion over at Kyle miller's page.

              His kind comments encouraged more relevant thoughts on my part, which I've copied over to this thread:

              I too feel that nature ought to have one singularity, but perhaps as time stops there, then all Black Hole singularities are equivalent to the pre-Big Bang singularity...

              Although the possibility that there are no singularities works well too. Around the Fibonacci sequence - we can't decay backwards from 1 to 0 without replicating 1. Also 1 appears both "sides" (positive and negative) of the sequence, suggesting that 0-dimensionality might be skipped. This would lead on to Hawking radiation, where information emerges, albeit scrambled.

              I do agree that my system would be hard to test. I guess it starts physical in the 3-D and 2-D and extrapolates back to an assumed 0-D (potential/theoretical) singularity, and is abstract in between.

              I like that you highlighted the golden ratio relationship to galactic spirals. Perhaps this may be related to Fibonacci starting at the central Black Holes?

              Hi Antony,

              I will be looking more at the Fibonnaci attributes. I suspect that complex appearances and attributes can be derived from the simplest of things using this principle.

              Concerning, your planned cosmology paper, you may check out if there are any useful ideas on some aspects I have written about. search: Ojo on arXiv.

              Best regards,


              Hi Akinbo,

              I agree that the most complex aspects of reality must be derived from the most simple foundations. Ultimately, I like to start with complete nothingness.

              Thanks for your kind assistance - I look forward to reading your work on arXiv. Perhaps we may one day collaborate...?

              Delighted to "meet" you!


              A thought-provoking take on the subject and an intriguing exploration of Pythagorean link between numbers and nature. In an accessible manner which can be convincing and comprehensible even to a layperson, the author successfully presents in few logical steps an attempt to combine the Fibonacci sequence with the questions of reality and its underpinning - information. What seems to be especially appealing is the intellectual effort to prove the possibility of deriving functions inherent to the fabric of realty from binary choices. In this concise essay the author skillfully manages to interweave the great questions of modern-day science such as the theory that information is fundamental to the physics of the universe, Hawking Radiation, entropy and quantum fluctuations. Fine base for further research that might possibly turn out to be an important jigsaw puzzle piece in tackling the problems of fundamental parameters, black hole information paradox and holographic principle.

              Hello Anna,

              Thanks for your wonderful review of my essay. I'm delighted by your comments, particularly that you found it thought provoking and that you describe it "as a jigsaw puzzle piece in tackling the problems of fundamental parameters".

              Also relieved that you found it concise. These are the very aims I'd hope to achieve!

              Best wishes,


              Hi Hoang cao Hai,

              Thanks for this "information".
