A thought-provoking take on the subject and an intriguing exploration of Pythagorean link between numbers and nature. In an accessible manner which can be convincing and comprehensible even to a layperson, the author successfully presents in few logical steps an attempt to combine the Fibonacci sequence with the questions of reality and its underpinning - information. What seems to be especially appealing is the intellectual effort to prove the possibility of deriving functions inherent to the fabric of realty from binary choices. In this concise essay the author skillfully manages to interweave the great questions of modern-day science such as the theory that information is fundamental to the physics of the universe, Hawking Radiation, entropy and quantum fluctuations. Fine base for further research that might possibly turn out to be an important jigsaw puzzle piece in tackling the problems of fundamental parameters, black hole information paradox and holographic principle.
It’s Fibonacci’s Bit - Seeding the Universe with 0 and 1 by Antony Ryan
Hello Anna,
Thanks for your wonderful review of my essay. I'm delighted by your comments, particularly that you found it thought provoking and that you describe it "as a jigsaw puzzle piece in tackling the problems of fundamental parameters".
Also relieved that you found it concise. These are the very aims I'd hope to achieve!
Best wishes,
Hi Hoang cao Hai,
Thanks for this "information".
Thanks for your comments on my essay blog. I was enjoyed reading yours, which was pleasant and interesting, and I suspect less hard work than mine, which is a bit 'dense'.
I can only take issue with one point, though my issue is further from the current mainstream view than yours. You say;
"...at a Black Hole's event horizon, information is not so free in all spatial directions - no pathways lead outwards."
As an astronomer I have the view that theoretical physics seems about 20-100 years behind in many areas, particularly black holes, which are 'active galactic nuclii' (AGN's) and very closely studied if still not completely understood. They are toroidal, and do have a 'pathway out', ('outflows) though on the perpendicular to the body, precessing around the axis. At full blast these are quasar jets.
But far prom being problematic this may add an interesting angle to your model, as all the information in the galaxy is re-ionized and blasted out to mix with fresh ionized matter to form the new galaxy (or possibly at a larger scale; 'universe').
Such a recycling model which predicted the peculiar CMB anisotropies is implied here; Short AGN paper. It does have some lovely pictures!
Anyway, well done with the essay. Certainly worth a higher score so delighted to assist. Best of luck.
Hello Peter,
Thanks so very much for reading my essay & your kind comments (especially with regard to the score). I'm glad you found it interesting too. Yours was very pleasant to read - not too dense at all.
I like your point raised about Black Holes/quasars. Fibonacci does allow for Hawing Radiation with the sequence -1, 1, 0. I agree that there are interesting implications when combined with the Galactic whole - great point.
The "no pathways lead outwards" I was mostly thinking along the lines of purely information from say a particle, which was falling into the Black Hole, so that once it arrives at the event horizon its information can only fall inwards.
The Fibonacci sequence in this context would suggest that information can skip past the singularity and be ejected as (Hawking) radiation.
Thanks again for your time and making this very valid point!
All the Best
Thank you very much Antony,
Thank you for remembering my essay.
All the reality, all the information about the matter by our 6 senses ( mind is another sense)are stored as stored as pictures in our mind. This picture we will share with other human beings when we live. What we transfer via the communication to others is INFORMATION, It is never a matter. We may hand ove a physical object such as a pen to others. That is only matter. That not information. The description about the pen is information.
Hence by just information we can not create matter.....
I also request you to have a look at Dynamic universe model:
- - - Dark enrgy , dark matter are calculation mistakes.
Please see, and discuss on any point, you feel not satisfied. . . .
Fundamental questions addressed by Dynamic Universe Model
This Model is new Cosmological model fundamentally and mathematically different from Bigbang, Steady state model etc. I am giving below its Foundational points, Present Day unsolved problems, which can't be solved by other prominent models, New Satellite Mass reduction technology and publications (Four Books published).
Main foundational points of Dynamic Universe Model:
-No Isotropy
-No Homogeneity
-No Space-time continuum
-Non-uniform density of matter, universe is lumpy
-No singularities
-No collisions between bodies
-No blackholes
-No warm holes
-No Bigbang
-No repulsion between distant Galaxies
-Non-empty Universe
-No imaginary or negative time axis
-No imaginary X, Y, Z axes
-No differential and Integral Equations mathematically
-No General Relativity and Model does not reduce to GR on any condition
-No Creation of matter like Bigbang or steady-state models
-No many mini Bigbangs
-No Missing Mass / Dark matter
-No Dark energy
-No Bigbang generated CMB detected
-No Multi-verses
Thanks for reply SNP,
I'll read over your essay again after reading the amendments & extra information.
All the best,
Please take a look at another essay from Hon Jia Koh. He kindly wrote this on his page, which I hope to discuss further here or there:
Thanks Antony. Your essay is a refreshing great read. The use of dimension as pathway for information travel at event horizon is inspiring. A missing part of my essay which I wish to discuss more is about how information, matter and energy translate (travel) and develop (change) over spacetime.
The ability to extend the use of a well-studied area like Fibonacci Sequence to a new horizon is impressive. Mathematics phenomenons have a sublime beauty in manifesting and explaining observable nature that capture the imagination of many great people. Challenging their hidden mysteries and limits could be rewarding and illuminating. From Pythagoras up until before Bernhard Riemann and Einstein, Pythagorean theorem was taken to imply that space was flat as opposed to curved.
Hon Jia
Hi Antony,
Thank you for your comments on my blog.
I also think that numbers and nature are linked. Your Fibonacci approach is interesting. In my theory, I speculate that the Planck Length has something to do with the golden ratio. I said "speculate" because as soon as you start talking about the golden ratio or the Fibonacci sequence in explaining the Universe, a lot of people, unfortunately, don't take you seriously.
Good luck with the contest.
Hi, Antony,
First, thank you for taking the time to read my essay.
Your essay is a fascinating use of the Fibonacci sequence that I had not encountered before. Combining the present use of simplexes in mapping out the information of a black hole with the reduction of dimensions which apparently occurs to an object falling into the black hole in order to avoid the Information Paradox, your further extension of these ideas appear quite natural. Of course, the devil is in the details, and one would want to see if your approach would mesh with the more intricate details of black hole mechanics, but it definitely is worth a try to bring such a concept of dimension conservation into play. The way you interpreted the negative numbers in the sequence was quite elegant. All in all, a thought-provoking essay.
All the best, David
Hi Patrick,
My pleasure - I enjoyed your essay. I think that speculation is what this contest is all about as that's the way to answer Foundational questions. I think we've both had a really good go at that! I feels intuitive that Planck and thus other constants of nature should unite in a simple way. Nice to find essays sort of overlap and/or compliment each other.
Thanks for your kind comments and best wishes for the contest,
Hi David,
I am really enjoying reading the other essays. Yours was a pleasure!
Glad you found the Fibonacci approach thought provoking and thanks for your kind comments.
I would like to see if the concept would extend to more intricate details of Black Hole mechanics. This would be a good test of the idea!
Thanks so much for the valuable discussion here!
Best wishes,
A friend sent me the following message:
"Superb rationale and reasoning. One question, what happens to the Higgs field within the event horizon :-) I'll leave you to ponder that one"
Great question - I'll have to think about this one thoroughly. My first instinct would be that it exists as the dimensions do - so information about mass passes out of a Black Hole via the negative sequence.
Great question! Any thoughts on this anyone else?
Hi Antony,
an interesting interpretation of the essay question. Very different, meant in a good way. The Fibonacci sequence does seem to be a recurrent theme of nature, associated with growth, and popular with many people too. Probably because we find it beautiful. You lost me part way through, though I read on to the end. Black holes and number theory are not favorite topics to contemplate I'm afraid, but I appreciate what you are demonstrating. Its good to see how much interest your essay is getting in this discussion thread. Good luck, Georgina
Hi Georgina,
Glad you found it interesting and original. Thanks for your comments - I appreciate that you mention the beauty of the sequence as this can be forgotten when simply looking at the numbers, but nature does seem to work this way. Anything I can clarify - I'd be glad to!
Good luck to you too,
Best wishes,
Dear Antony,
I have down loaded your essay and soon post my comments on it. Meanwhile, please, go through my essay and post your comments.
Regards and good luck in the contest.
Sreenath BN.
Hello Sreenath,
I've a few I still need to read. I'll look at yours asap.
Regards & good luck,
Dear Antony,
I read your essay and found it interesting and imaginative. Perhaps my main concern, a result I am sure of being grounded in conventional physics for far too long, is your early remark :
"Perhaps it isn't too much of a leap of faith to include reality's relationship with information, "It
from Bit", as another of Fibonacci's attributes."
Personally, I would say it is an enormous leap of faith, however attractive it may be :-) It would be great if one day we could show that the physical laws of quantum theory and quantum gravity reduce to an aspect of number theory intimately related to the Fibonacci sequence. But right now we are very far from being there, isn't it?
It would also seem interesting if you could relate the Fibonacci sequence to quantum probabilities and the Born rule, as well as with quantum linear superposition - key principles underlying the qubit and quantum information.
But caveats apart ... it is nice to come across an imaginative idea ...
Dear Tejinder,
Thanks for reading my essay and your comment - it is very much appreciated.
I can see that it appears a leap of faith, as I decided to mention in the essay, because I assumed the reader may think so - which is why I'm glad you raise the point.
From my other cosmogony work it is more empirical in nature.
Quantum superposition should be related to the Fibonacci sequence around a Black Hole since spatial dimensions outside allow all theoretically possible states, but according to the sequence (and my extended theory) measurements become limited, reducing to eventually one possible state only at the singularity.
It is very, very logical, but hard to prove though.
In the context of the contest though, I thought information and reality had to be at their mutual most fundamental at a Black Hole/singularity.
I really am grateful for your discussion with me and glad you found it interesting and imaginative too.
Best wishes,
If given the time and the wits to evaluate over 120 more entries, I have a month to try. My seemingly whimsical title, "It's good to be the king," is serious about our subject.