I have read your essay and commend you on what appear to be original ideas about information and black holes. You have read my essay so you probably realize that I focus on nonlinear gravity at the particle level, (where few other researchers spend much time) and I really have no expertise in black holes. Your linking dimensionality to the Fibonacci numbers is unique, as far as I can tell. You seem to have struck a chord with a number of others! I am agnostic on the black hole information problem.
One of the comments above questioned the applicability of the binary base to the real universe. My approach to information is based on a transfer of energy from a source to a detector, where the energy either triggers a threshold (changing or 'informing' the local structure, thereby registering information) or not. This provides the two possibilities represented by 0 and 1 and therefore establishes a binary basis fundamental to a physically real (energy-based) universe.
You have a number of interesting comments on this page. I'm pleased that, per Gupta's essay, you've concluded that, "at the very least, I would not say that information is likely more fundamental than reality itself." I concur.
I also agree that Eckhard Blumschein's essay is excellent and it is good to be consistently aligned with his points.
And you say (per Kyle Miller's page): "I too feel that nature ought to have one singularity [...] although the possibility that there are no singularities works well too." I agree with you here. I've been reading papers recently that claim no black hole singularities. They are somewhat convincing. On the other hand, I'm not bothered by a possible singularity at the 'point' of creation of the universe.
Patrick Tonin, above, says: "I also think that numbers in nature are linked." As I develop in my essay, based on the existence of energy thresholds and local structures, it's easy to create logic circuitry (in silicon or in neurons) that leads to counters and hence, Peano-like, to all integers, and, per Kronecker, to all math. Thus I view numbers as emerging from physical reality, but they are clearly our best language to describe reality and to reveal new features of reality.
Finally, I think the best measure of the quality of your essay is all the thoughtful comments by the other essayists above.
Edwin Eugene Klingman