Hi Anthony -

It's very interesting to see the Cosmos expressed in a system based on numbers. You make this approach intriguing even to non-mathematicians. No small accomplishment.

The 'chicken and egg' relation of It and Bit you describe, echoes my own view of their correlation in a greater energy field.

I hope you'll be kind enough to read and rate my essay which accounts for many of the phenomena you describe, but more structurally - or in physical terms, if you will.

All the best,


    Hi John,

    Thanks for reading and the kind comments. That's the beauty of the Fibonacci sequence, not only does it appear everywhere in nature, but it is also simple.

    I'll be reading all remaining essays - about 40 left I think - so I'll make sure yours if next. I will leave a comment over on your thread.

    I too have a theory where there is geometric structure going some way to answering many of the I solved problems in physics, so I think I'll enjoy your work.

    Best wishes,


    Dear Vladimir,

    Yours was one of the first I read. Great work! Looks like you're doing very well in the contest. Well done & thanks for reading my essay too.

    Best wishes,


    The Higgs Vacuum, the Higgs boson, the seven extra dimensions and the fibonacci serie,limited to the five fibonacci numbers divisor of 240, Kissing number in 8d, and the 240 non zero roots of group E8.

    mh = Higgs boson ; mVH = value of Higgs vacuum ; me = electron mass



    m_{h}=mVH\cdot P(2,l_{7})=126.177\: Gev





    [math]246.221202\, Gev\cdot\sin^{2}(2\pi/l_{7})\cdot(2/l_{7})=126.177\: Gev[/math]




    [math]lenght\,7d\, ratio\: to\: l\, Planck=l_{7}[/math]





    [math]1\cdot2\cdot3\cdot5\cdot8=240\;240\pm1=(239,241)\,(twin\, primes)









    [math]\theta_{GUT}=angle\: unification\, theories\: SU(5)


    Regards for everybody

    Hello Angel,

    This reminds me of some work I carried out around Coxeter and 5-dimensions where the answer was 40 for the kissing number.

    Very impressive way to utilise this scheme!




      Does it tell us anything with regard to the Leech Lattice and even higher dimensions than that?

      Best wishes,


      Dear Antony: yes are one very clear and exact conections from leech lattice in 24d and the Higgs vacuum value, mVH ( ratio to electron mass. The particle less massive and with electric chargue.And absolutely stable)

      24d= DIM(SU(7))/2= DIM(SU(5))=4d!

      Fn= Fibonacci numbers

      240= lattice 8d




      K(24d)=\exp({4\pi/3 }+8)-\ln({mVH\cdot{}\sqrt[4]{2}\cdot{}\cos({2\pi/20 })/m_e)



      20= \sum_{Fn/240}F_n



      Thanks Angel,

      Wow! There certainly does seem to be a nice relationship. Even better, because you've predicted the mass of Higg's and if it matches refined data over time, you're onto a winner!

      I wish I could handle mathematics as fluently as you. The links you've shown are strong, certainly don't seem coincidence.

      I used the Koide formula along with the simplex geometries to relate the mass of the proton, neutron and electron from an expected 1/2 value to a result of 0.49999994.

      I like this sort of way numbers relate to the real world!

      Nice work!


      Hi Anthony -

      Thanks for stopping by my page and reading my essay. Your kind comments were most appreciated.

      I only wish we could permit ourselves a more detailed analysis of each other's work - but there are so many works to read, and to rate, in order to make the contest as valid as possible for everyone.

      Thanks again, Anthony - and best of luck in the contest!


      Dear Antony I am very interesting in forms of koide formulas, for stong connections to electric chargue, the mass, and the square root of ratios of masses ( implications of existence of imaginary masses non observables)

      Do you like let me read yours papers for this question?

      I put here my paper for the masses of quarks obtained in koide form and solely with the sin and cos of Cabibbo angle. The formulas are very simple and very accurate


      Simple Formulas that Generates the Quarks Masses

      Authors: A. Garcés Doz

      In this paper we present a very simple formulas that generate the quark masses as a very direct functions sine and cosine of the Cabibbo angle. The accuracy of the results are very big in relation to the latest experimental values.


      Dear Angel,

      I'll take a look, and yes I'll post a link too, as soon as I can.

      Best wishes,


      Hi Anthony,

      If nothing can escape from behind the event horizon of a black hole, no photons nor gravitons so an outside observer cannot interact with what's inside, then to him all positions within the horizon would be physically identical. Though such a thing is possible in a mathematical space where all points are defined to be identical but for their coordinate numbers, this is impossible in a physical space where different points by definition are different physically, so the diameter of the event horizon cannot be non-zero so a black hole doesn't have an event horizon. I'm afraid that there's something wrong with general relativity, that part of it describes the physics of a fictitious universe (see my post at this thread).

      I do, however, agree with your statement that ''It and Bit appear equally fundamental - a sort of ''chicken and egg'' relationship.''

      The information as embodied in particle properties (which can be thought of as internalized rules of behavior, the expression of laws of physics) in a self-creating universe must be the product of a trial-and-error evolution. If 'its', particles, particle properties must be as much the cause as the effect of their interactions, of a continuous energy/information exchange, then information only can evolve, become information when molded into material particles and tested in actual particle interactions: only such information survives which enables its embodiments to survive, to manifest themselves as real particles. So you cannot have one without the other indeed.

      Best, Anton

        Hi Anton,

        Thanks for reading and your comments. I'm not sure event horizons don't exist. Certainly observation horizons are very real, and indirect evidence does indeed point to black hole existence too..

        However, this type of relationship ought to apply to particles too, so should become evident from particle collisions as you correctly state.

        Also computer simulations using simple parameters from my more comprehensive theory should produce a Universe where Fibonacci sequence is produced and Black Holes occur.

        Thanks again for being so kind as to read and comment. I'll take a look at the link you've left.

        Nice to "meet" you and best wishes,


        Also, some matter does escape as Hawking radiation. But nice to see somebody else conclude Bit and It are equally fundamental.

        Best wishes,


        One quick question. Why can't a black hole have a non zero diameter? A singularity is zero in size, but the black hole as a whole does have size.

        Interesting point though.

        Agreed - no problem John.

        Best wishes to you too!


        Hi Antony,

        I like your essay connecting the Fibonacci sequence with information storage in black holes.

        The concept of black holes and their link to singularities seems to be shifting these days. My own viewpoint is that there is no singularity and that the entity that is a black hole can be viewed equivalently as a mass with a radius or as a ball of energy with a wavelength. I do not know if this would be of benefit to your thesis, if you think it may check out:


        Thanks for your essay,

        Don Limuti

          Hi Dom,

          Thanks for the kind comments and link. I'll take a look. The singularity can be skipped in this model while still being mathematically allowed. The model suggests information can't be there, but instead remains in flux, whether there is a physical black hole, mass with a radius or just a ball of energy expressed by wavelength. So hopefully the sequence fits well with many other schemes.

          Thanks again and best wishes for the contest! Really liked your essay.


          A black hole have not singularity

          Singularity = infinite wawe lengths with limit zero= energy infinite

          This problem is equal to renormalization metod of quantum

          The fusion GR-Quantum will be for quantization of space-time with a minimun length, time and mass

          The power evaporation of a black hole and de fibonacci serie

          P= (h x c^6)/15360 x Pi x Gn^2 x m^2

          15360 = 240 ( K(8d) ) x 8^2

          Fibonacci divisors of 240


          Golden number = Phi

          233 = 13th fibonacci number

          15360 = (Phi)^20 + (Phi)^-20 + 233

          {DiM[SO(7)] + cos(13.04 degree)} x 233= 5120

          5120 = integer factor time evaporation equation blackhole

          13.04= Cabibbo angle ( quarks)
