Dear Vladimir,

I found it both dense and delightful! Certainly deserves a high rating.

You might find Lev Goldfarb's essay of interest, if you haven't already read it. And mine -- which explores in detail the vertical-horizontal unity you mention.

Thanks for a good read.


    Dear Tom,

    Thank you very much for reading my essay and a good comment. I had read an essay Leo Goldfarb and set a high rating. Your essay I will be happy to read it in the coming days.

    I wish you every success and respect,


    Dear Vladimir,

    I'm glad to find you agree with what I wrote, and that the carpentry metaphor I used had such resonance with you. Congratulations again on your excellent work, and thanks very much for posting so many more great references in response to my comment. You've introduced me to a lot of new and interesting material.

    Best wishes to you as well,



    I find the conclusions you reached in your essay much in keeping with the findings of the 12 year experiment I have recently concluded. Your statement, "Ontological memory provides the integrity and unity of reality, holds its structure, sets the frames and the framework, generates new levels of reality." rings true for me as well as exhibited in Fig. 8 of my essay. Well done!

    I enjoyed reading your well constructed and insightful essay and will rate it accordingly. Bets wishes to you in this competition.



      Dear Daryl,

      Thank you for your new comment. Your metaphor of "carpenter" inspired me and gave new thoughts, ideas and eidoses. Thank you very much!

      I wish you success and all the best,

      with regards,


      Dear Vladimir,

      Your essay is full of originality and imagination. You have, in your essay, a vision to revive the whole of science, especially, physics and even philosophy by introducing a fundamental new concept called Δ-Logit and to build up new physics on it (you have substantiated it with historical claims). According to you delta-Logit is 'information unit representing the idea of generating new structures and meanings', and is 'qualitative quantum or prototecton, primary organizing, absolute existential-extreme; it is also a symbol, primary matrix of limit field of absolute states of matter; "Heavenly Triangle" or the Absolute transcendental figure'. Since delta-Logit is a unit of information, information is the 'soul' of matter and hence there is no conflict between It and Bit. Materialism is an objective reality and we are here to comprehend and describe it on the basis of delta-Logit. But in the conclusion 2, you are saying that 'Reality and its phenomena at all levels of existence is the dialectic of "coincidence of opposites"'; there by claiming that reality is subjective oriented. You have stressed the importance of information in physics and mathematics, and also the importance of overcoming the ontological gaps between them psychologically. Your essay ends with the anthropic aphorism that "Observers are necessary to bring the Universe into being".

      I don't want to say how far the above observations are consistent, but what I want to ask is how you succeed in this herculean task to accomplish the above mission you have set forth yourself. If this is accomplished, you are bringing about a complete transformation in our epistemological view of the world and I wish you all the success in your great endeavor. If you have time, please, go through my essay also ( and post your valuable comments in my thread.

      All the best,


        Dear Sreenath,

        Thank you very much for your kind and insightful comment. One thing is clear that a new physical picture of the world of the information age with the deepest meanings can be constructed only together - physicists and lyrics. It is obvious that this model should be a model "self-aware Universe" (V.Nalimov), in which "Observers are necessary to bring the Universe into being.» (John A. Wheeler). This will be the model that David Gross called a "common framework structure."

        It will serve as a "framework", "foundation" and "frame" of knowledge for all of his "stories."

        I'm sure you carefully read your essay in the coming days and will give my fair comment.

        All the best,


        Dear Vladimir,

        Beautiful essay! I agree with you that it is important to overcome the "crisis of representation and interpretation". While, as you pointed out citing Galileo, math is the language in which we can read the big book of Nature, the exponential growth of mathematics made virtually impossible, or at least "unproductive" to pause and really grasp the meaning of the equations. Probably this is combined with a postmodern tendency to avoid interpretations in physics, and pictures in math (see this). I salute your efforts, and I think you may be interested in the writings of a philosopher who was concerned with related problems: here, here, and more you can find here.

        Best regards,

        Cristi Stoica

          Dear Cristi,

          Thank you very much for your kind and insightful comments and for your reference. Absolutely right V.Arnold: «Unfortunately, I cannot deny the culpability of the mathematical community in the present aversion of the society and of the governments toward mathematics and the mathematical education.» ... «In the middle of the twentieth century a strong mafia of left-brained mathematicians succeeded in eliminating all geometry from the mathematical education (first in France and later in most other countries), replacing the study of all content in mathematics by the training in formal proofs and the manipulation of abstract notions. Of course, all the geometry, and, consequently, all relations with the real world and other sciences have been eliminated from the mathematics teaching. »

          It is clear that the methods of teaching mathematics should be changed - this is required by the modern information revolution. You are given a link to a very interesting study Mihai Drãgãnescu: «L'Universalité Ontologique de l'Information», as well as his other studies. Reading them will require additional time, but I looked at links - it's very interesting! I will read your essay with great pleasure that in the near future, and will also write a comment. Title of your essay is very intriguing.

          With best wishes and regards,



          Given the time, I would like to hear your views on my essay, "It's Good to be King"



          I am sure to read your essay and give a comment. Sorry, have not had time.

          I will add to my previous answer.

          John Templeton spoke of the need modern interpretation of Scripture. I think this applies especially to the idea of the Trinity and of the commandment "In the beginning was the Logos ..." in its original Greek spelling: Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ Λόγος ... Logos geraklitovom I understand in the sense of a "celestial law", which runs cosmos. This saying of Scripture I interpreted as a Super Axiom. The idea of the Trinity and the logic of the Trinity, more extensive than in the embodiment mathematics B.Raushenbah eventually led to the idea of the trinity of the absolute (unconditioned) of the states of matter (the absolute form of existence) and triune space 9 measurements (absolute). As a result, a simple mathematical eidos was born, representing the idea of the trinity of absolute states of matter: absolute rest absolute movement absolute becoming. Physics shattered world, but it must be seen and understood as a whole. In order to be considered very fast, we must first understand and see the whole. Need a "generalized framework structure" as a foundation, frame and carcass of knowledge (David Gross). And I drew a structure and ontologically grounded. On this I have written in an essay FQXi 2012.



          Dear Vladimir,

          Your essay is worth reading.

          I am not sure that there is a crisis in physics and in mathematics. There is a plethora of useful concepts and symbols to approach the real world and, according to Wheeler, we are participating in this creation.

          I am not familiar with the representation you are talking about: 'Δ-Logit', I understand that there is a triangle in the Δ-Logit, there is the it, and what is the Log?

          May be you can have a look if the 'triangle' O, 1 and \infty may be useful here.

          The latter triple rigidifies the Riemann sphere to create the structure of 'dessins d'enfants'.

          Best wishes,


            Dear Michel,

            Thank you very much for reading my essay, your profound and important comment for me. Physicists and mathematicians themselves say about the conceptual crisis of physics and mathematics. Take "The Trouble with Physics" Lee Smolin and "Mathematics: the loss of certainty" Morris Kline.

            "Delta-logit" is the Logos It (the form), or in fact - representant dialectical increment of the material structure as a whole (information matter energy).

            I am happy to read it carefully in the near future your essay.

            Best wishes,


            Dear Vladimir,

            Yes, you're absolutely right. I think the problems with the physics appeared in connection with the unsolved problem of the foundations of mathematics that mathematicians and philosophers decide for over a hundred years. Some say that it is - a perennial problem. I do not agree with this statement. The result of this development the fundamental sign systems: physics mathematics today - it's science ontologically unfounded! This is nonsense. I think from here stems and modern problems of physics ("The Trouble with Physics ...").

            Yes, I, too, English is very weak and I also use GOOGLE. The Academy of Foreign Trade studied French and Arabic. Yes, the problem of translations of articles of physicists from different countries it relevant. Of course, you have a very interesting biography and knowledge of Russian would help you to know more, including articles of physicists from Russia. Unfortunately many of them do not participate in the cotests FQXi.

            I wish you every success,


            Hello Manuel,

            Thank you very much for your kind comment! Today, I also read your essay and also will appreciate it.

            Best regards,


            Hello Vladimir -

            I believe we're on a similar track - at least, that we're both concerned with unification of the field of observation - which naturally means including information in it.

            I myself describe a cosmic paradigm of correlated energy vortices that include the evolving observer while describing a quantum/classical world correlation. The evolving observer, I show, is the missing link in many of our quests. I think it is this that impels Physics' expansion into Bio- and Neuro-Physics.

            We are continually realizing that the Cosmos is fine-tuned to develop life.

            You might be interested to see how I treat this argument, and - like you, I believe - how I expand the definitions of It and Bit far beyond those signified by Wheeler. I'm sure you'll find the resulting structure useful.

            I totally empathize with your point of view, and have rated essay; I hope you will find something of interest in mine ...

            All the best in the competition,


            Dear Vladimir,

            At the bottom of Zenkin's interview


            there is

            "Drawing is a very useful tool against the uncertainty of words" - Leibniz.

            Of course, this is exactly what Grothendieck did with his 'dessins d'enfants'.

            And as I said in the post on your webpage, the underlying triangle O,1,\infty possibly relates to your cognitive triangle Δ-Logit.

            I fully agree with Zonkin's view. I appreciate very much what Vladimir Arnold did for science (including a lot of geometrical ideas and drawings). I am not so surprised that he wrote

            "the possessing a large influence mafia of "left-hemispheric mathematicians" has managed to eliminate the geometry from the mathematical education (at first in France, and then also in other countries), by replacing all informal part of this discipline by training in a formal manipulation by abstract concepts"

            For many reasons, I really believe that 'the crisis in physics' will start unveil by the use of these dessins.

            Your second question is much more difficult to answer. You know that Descartes studied music as well.

            Thank you very much for your very positive feedback and the high rate you gave me.

            Good luck for the final issue of the contest.


            Hello John,

            Thank you very much for reading my essay and your profound comment. I'm sure in the coming days will read your essay and fairly valued.

            Best regards,


            Hello Vladimir,

            Great essay! I'm so glad I read yours. I loved your quote of John Wheeler, "We can well believe that we will first understand how simple the universe is when we will recognize how strange it is." I had not run across that one, but I think that it is true.

            I also think you hit the nail on the head regarding, "Physicists have only recently started to delve into the essential foundations of their science - and very carefully." That's why I think it's a good thing that there are some groups out there asking the questions and there are individuals outside the area of physics, but deeply interested in the subject, that are beginning and continuing to push the envelope. If the answers were limited to our current thinking, we'd already have them. We have to stretch out thinking outside the current comfort zone, despite the fact that when we do, there are those who object.

            I also think you made a couple of profound observations in your conclusions. One of them was, "Reality and its phenomena at all levels of existence is the dialectic of "coincidence of opposites." How true.

            And your conclusion that, "New physics of the information age is a New natural philosophy with the new "mathematics principia", new fundamental "la structure - mère". Understanding mind overcomes the ontological gaps in the grounds of basic sign systems - mathematics and physics" is precisely on point.

            Thank you, and I look forward to looking at your website; perhaps we can correspond in the future.



            P. S. You mentioned in your kind comments to me about you and your daughter's birthday. I noted with interest that the date of your essay, June 5th, is my oldest son's birthday . . .