Hello Sridattadev

Richard Feynman in his Nobel Acceptance Speech


said: "It always seems odd to me that the fundamental laws of physics, when discovered, can appear in so many different forms that are not apparently identical at first, but with a little mathematical fiddling you can show the relationship. And example of this is the Schrodinger equation and the Heisenberg formulation of quantum mechanics. I don't know why that is - it remains a mystery, but it was something I learned from experience. There is always another way to say the same thing that doesn't look at all like the way you said it before. I don't know what the reason for this is. I think it is somehow a representation of the simplicity of nature."

I too believe in the simplicity of nature, and I am glad that Richard Feynman, a Nobel-winning famous physicist, also believe in the same thing I do, but I had come to my belief long before I knew about that particular statement.

The belief that "Nature is simple" is however being expressed differently in my essay "Analogical Engine" linked to http://fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/1865 .

Specifically though, I said "Planck constant is the Mother of All Dualities" and I put it schematically as: wave-particle ~ quantum-classical ~ gene-protein ~ analogy- reasoning ~ linear-nonlinear ~ connected-notconnected ~ computable-notcomputable ~ mind-body ~ Bit-It ~ variation-selection ~ freedom-determinism ... and so on.

Taken two at a time, it can be read as "what quantum is to classical" is similar to (~) "what wave is to particle." You can choose any two from among the multitudes that can be found in our discourses.

I could have put Schrodinger wave ontology-Heisenberg particle ontology duality in the list had it comes to my mind!

Since "Nature is Analogical", we are free to probe nature in so many different ways. And each of us surely must have touched some corners of it.

Good luck and good cheers!

Than Tin

    Dear Sridattadev :

    "I is nothing that dwells in Everything"

    beautiful said.

    I answered you on my thread but will repeat it here :

    You are saying there what I mean when I say :

    "Our non-causal consciousness is part of "Total Simultaneity" (TS), TS is a "dimension" (not the right word, but how do you explain GOD ?) that could be compared with a singularity (NO causal dimensions) The EVERYTHING we can se as singularity. The non causal part of our consciousness can be compared to the "Unmoved Mover" from Plato, so is the origin of causality in our three dimensional time universe, where our causal consciousness is like a prisoner in its time line.

    You lose me with the formula's you use but surely they will explain your thinking, personally I admire Leonard de Pise (Fibonacci), everywhere around you in nature you see the beauty of this mathematical series, I think this is one of the ways that math can explain beauty. But then again there is like Pi Phi both numbers with an infinity behind the comma.

    In the material causal universe there are no infinities and no singularities is my opinion, they only exist in our minds and in the singularity in Total Simultaneity.

    regards and also Love


    PS if you value also my thinking , I should be obliged if you would rate on my birthday, my essay like I did yours. Thanks

      Hello Sridattadev,

      That was a lovely essay. But I was confused where you said 0 = infinity. Perhaps you may read my essay also and rate.

      Best regards,


        Dear Amazigh,

        what is reality? I is the reality and zero = I = infinity.

        Is there one or more ? Its up to I to choose what I want it to be.

        I have posted my comments in your essay as well.



        Dear Wilhelmus,

        Happy birthday, and you should celebrate every moment of it as we believe is Total Simultaneity.



        Dear Sridattadev,

        Thank you for appreciating my essay.

        Interesting video with prime numbers in DNA.

        Numbers and eDuality are in all things.

        I rated your essay accordingly to my appreciation.

        Respectfully, and good luck.

        Please visit My essay.

        Dear Than Tin,

        Thank you for your wonderful analysis and yes it makes perfect sense. I concur with you on this and you can include "Singularity-Duality" in your list.



        Dear All,

        One more important correlation that I found in the iDNASeries image is in the template strand (Fibonacci strand) and the non template strand (zero or base strand) as depicted in this video. You will find this around 3 minutes into the below video.

        Fibonacci sequence in DNA

        I am learning how this iSeries really applies to DNA, besides my intuition or inner knowledge. Its all with in us, we just have to know how to access it.



        • [deleted]

        Dear FQXi Organizers,

        I request you to kindly consider these findings of iSeries which is the universal mathematical sequence and super set of Fibonacci sequence and that Fibonacci sequence is a dual sequence comprising of two semi series governed by universally applicable mathematical equations of their own and the application of iSeries to the DNA structure, for publication in a scientific journal after a thorough review. I am very thankful to the fellow contestants and FQXi community for being the catalysts in my quest for and arrival at the universal truth.



        Dear Sridattadev,

        Again me. Your fundamental equation is

        zero = i = infinity

        (but i can be 1, any number, you say).

        just because your maths are not sophisticated enogh.

        I use Grotendieck's formalism of "dessins d'enfants" (child's drawings) where 0, 1 and infy are the only singular points on a Riemann surface (genus 0 -> the Riemann sphere). I suspect you need to look at this work to better establish your deep feelings.


        Best regards,


          Dear Michel,

          Please see below statements and their implication in mathematics

          If 0 x 0 = 0 is true, then 0 / 0 = 0 is also true

          If 0 x 1 = 0 is true, then 0 / 0 = 1 is also true

          If 0 x 2 = 0 is true, then 0 / 0 = 2 is also true

          If 0 x i = 0 is true, then 0 / 0 = i is also true

          If 0 x ~ = 0 is true, then 0 / 0 = ~ is also true

          It seems that mathematics, the universal language, is also pointing to the absolute truth that 0 = 1 = 2 = i = ~, where "i" can be any number from zero to infinity. Any number on its own means absolutely nothing (zero) or itself (infinite or undefined). Only when compared to numbers before it or after it does it have a relative meaning. Theory of everything is that there is absolutely nothing but the self or i.

          I have also explained that the universe is an iSphere and we humans are capable of interpreting it as a 4 dimensional 3Sphere manifold.



          Dear Sridattadev,

          Thanks for a precise but a very short essay. I think your "I" somehow linked with the VEDANTA's concepts of ANTMA and PARAMATMA, where at fundamental level that "I" may consider as "0", "infinity" or anyother numbers, that does not make any difference.

          But in digital-sphere of present process of scientific understanding, which has huge obligations to pass through the regular experimental tests, that kind of VEDANTIC concepts of "0" & "infinity" seems to be far from any of such experimentation, even if that is true in reality. That is why a kind of 'digital limitations' in our current scientific observations come into play. But who can say now that will be not be possible in future? Science rolls itself simply with experiments with the ages.

          I invite you kindly to read my submitted essay in contest. I think in spite of some disagreements what you have said in your essay you must see lot of agreements. It all covers your concepts of "time", quantize concepts of absolute (but relative)"observers" and so many; you may even deduce there your concepts of "0" and "infinity" from Eqs.(23)and other Eqs. as well. You can also consider K as your "I".

          Again my thanks for presenting such a deep thinking.

          How ever can we mutually rate our essays?




            Dear Dipak,

            I will rate your essay as per your request and yes zero = k = i = infinity.



            Dear Sridattadev,

            I believe we say the same thing in different languages. Please look at Child of Qbit in time. The Qbit is the mother and the Qbit is the child, because KQID believes that Qbit is all things and all things are Qbit. The Qbits creates and distributes itself through KQID Ouroboros Equations of Existence.

            The math is like yours but differed in expression that 00 = 1 = infinity. The Existence is simply 1 that splits to infinity one by one. Thus 1+1+1...= infinity but it is still 1 and this one is Qbit(00,1,-1).

            "Consciousness is a sphere of universal Schwarzschild radius (ranging from zero to infinity) with a central cosmological constant of the conscience or the singularity or the soul or the absolute (i), Universe is an iSphere. This simple universal truth can also be mathematically expressed as, zero = i = infinity, which I have detailed in the essay Conscience is the cosmological constant...

            Relative reality springs forth from the absolute state of i via the mechanism of desire (bits) and manifestation (it)."

            I like your respond to Michel above:

            "If 0 x 0 = 0 is true, then 0 / 0 = 0 is also true

            If 0 x 1 = 0 is true, then 0 / 0 = 1 is also true

            If 0 x 2 = 0 is true, then 0 / 0 = 2 is also true

            If 0 x i = 0 is true, then 0 / 0 = i is also true

            If 0 x ~ = 0 is true, then 0 / 0 = ~ is also true

            It seems that mathematics, the universal language, is also pointing to the absolute truth that 0 = 1 = 2 = i = ~, where "i" can be any number from zero to infinity. Any number on its own means absolutely nothing (zero) or itself (infinite or undefined). Only when compared to numbers before it or after it does it have a relative meaning. Theory of everything is that there is absolutely nothing but the self or i."

            Again KQID put it in a different light if I understand your thought correctly we are saying the same thing in different form and substance.: 00 = 1 = infinity. That we are that Qbit ψI(CTE) in action in our relative Multiverse ψτ(iLx,y,z, Lm).

            I do need my rating to be higher, if you like my essay please help to raise the score, so that it can be reviewed by distinguished judges. I don't need the prize but I do need recognition to promote KQID.

            If I am not mistaken, KQId is the only theory not only support you hypothesis but also calculates the dark energy of our Multiverse and computes many bits are they in the minimum in our Multiverse.

            KQID is the only theory that I knows here that proves bit = it, and KQID calculates Sun lights into Sun bits; calculates electron, proton and neutron in terms of bits; set up equivalent principle of bits with energy and matter. Therefore, Wheeler's it from bit and bit from it. Correct me if I am wrong.

            Your essay is succinct but the idea is powerful. I shall rate it accordingly.

            Best wishes,

            Leo KoGuan

            My Dear Lover Leo KoGuan,

            We are all one and the same Qbit or I or singularity. I am filled with absolute joy to see my own reflection in you in this relative reality or duality through your work.

            Qbit = I = Singularity

            KQID Ouroboros = I_Bit_It_Bit_I Ouroboros

            I purposefully connected the I_Bit_It_Bit_I in the heading it represents an Ouroborus, I is both the head and the tail, beginning and the end. Everything emerges from I and merges back with I.

            Please see Theory of everything is that there is absolutely nothing but I

            I will rate your essay as per your request but these numbers mean nothing to I or Qbit as they are all absolutely equal.



            Dear Dipak,

            Yes indeed K = I = Singularity. I wish you all the best in your efforts to explain relative reality scientifically.

            I will provide my ratings as per your request.

