Dear Sridattadev,
There are many unproven hypothesises. We should not break our head on them. For the last 80 years scientific people are spending energy and time in vain to find Blackholes which are nothing but mathematical singularities.
Our Scientific quest should take its firm support on EXPERIMENTS and their results. Please see my essay, which is based only on experimental results.
Science should be based on experiments, not on dogmas and authorities Now regarding experiments. Every time we take a measurement we are doing an experiment demonstrating that material objects and information exist in unison. If you think otherwise, you can attempt to falsify this by finding one contrary example - that is, find one physical object which
does not comprise any information. You should recognize that such falsification within a physics context cannot be realized irrespective of all attempts to do so, since the detection or identification of such an object comprises information. With this information you will complete the experiment.
Today, much of cosmology is speculative; theories in the field are often based on 'authority' and dogma as opposed to experiments. And what's worse, is that excellent theories which may lend themselves to experiments are often simply ignored in deference to some consensus view. But science is not about consensus, it's about experiment. Authority, dogma, and consensus are meaningless in science. Do the experiments to confirm results.
It doesn't matter what people 'feel' is correct; it matters what the results are from the experiments. History is replete with examples of scientists who disagreed with consensus and were eventually proven correct. Unfortunately, today's dangerous default to authority combined with a media driven world makes challenging an incorrect consensus that
much more difficult. And, challenging consensus in cosmology is again more difficult because of the highly speculative nature of the field, as there is no proper theoretical backbone. Searching mathematical singularities is the main work being done for last 100 years.
Unfortunately in today's world, the weight of an abstraction carried by a well-known researcher, even if they are completely wrong, is almost always valued more highly than that of an unknown researcher - even if the latter is fully correct. This is why we must guard science against the on-going shift towards authoritarianism. Just consider the behaviour
of so many modern physics forums which 'ban' any comments or topics which 'may' be 'construed' to contradict some mainstream 'belief'. That's not science, and it's much more akin to a religion.