Dear Satya,
I am replying to your queries one by one as well
As you have said that information as energy is not proved yet but again it is not proved that it is not either so what I said holds until proven wrong or right.
What is life but a struggle to be or not to be in a particular state of matter and energy. Consciousness is this awareness of the self and the surroundings and using them to continue existence in the desired state. Information is a constituent part of the consciousness which is absolute form of energy. Information is not converted to matter as you said, but the informational (thought form of energy) source of the consciousness is used to convert relatively available energy into matter. Please see my early essay in which I put forth the equation S=BM^2, where s is soul or the absolute source of energy, B is the body or material aspect of our existence and M is the mind or energy aspect of our existence.
GOD is the conscience in us all, it is the only common sense we all share.
Regarding using "iSeries" that I put forth for other astronomical objects, is the work that still needs to be done. I did find something in that regards at the following link
I have also mentioned that the universe is iSphere and that we humans are capable of interpreting it as a 4 dimensional 3Sphere.
I am giving a new meaning to the word Singularity (advaitha philosophy), to me singularity means absolute equality (samatatva) unlike the mathematical singularity of unknown meaning and relative infinity. I see my self every where and in everything, this state of knowing is what I consider as singularity.
Yes, I too want to thank all the members of FQXI for providing us all free thinkers a wonderful platform to express our thoughts and discoveries and enjoy this journey of life.