I'll talk on this a little further..
The playful exploration of human children in the range of 2 to 2 1/2 years of age helps them calibrate; they are mobile and relate to things but don't yet have their full sense of dimensionality - for objects and their surroundings. Once this sense is acquired, according to the research of DeLoache; there is also an increasing ability to relate to information presented in symbols - and to learn through symbolic reasoning. That is; after their sense of 'dimensional confusion' has gone away, symbolic reasoning is more easily learned.
I equate this insight, in a broad way, with the Holographic principle, and with the specific line of reasoning and insight of Gerard 't Hooft - in his paper on "Dimensional Reduction in Quantum Gravity" that was the most downloaded arXiv Physics paper of all time, and which first inspired the whole range of Holographic Universe papers. I've talked about this connection of the determination of dimension early childhood with holography in several papers, but I thought it was important to mention it here.
I'll talk more about how the holographic principle relates to the process of abstraction, in a later post.
Have Fun!