I am new here, and I was not sure whether to send my question to the "Alternative Models of Reality" thread, or to the "Alternative Models of Cosmology" thread. So, I send it to both.

I have found a simple method to calculate alpha (α) based on phi (φ) .007297352569... My question is: An alpha constant based on phi, if true, (I guess only time will tell), would that confirm that alpha (α) is a perfect unchanging constant? Because phi is.

I am new here, and I was not sure whether to send my question to the "Alternative Models of Reality" thread, or to the "Alternative Models of Cosmology" thread. So, I send it to both.

I have found a simple method to calculate alpha (α) based on phi (φ) .007297352569... My question is: An alpha constant based on phi, if true, (I guess only time will tell), would that confirm that alpha (α) is a perfect unchanging constant? Because phi is.

I am new here, and I think I messed up because the link didn't open on my last post. Hope you don't mind another try.

Not sure whether to send my question to the "Alternative Models of Reality" thread, or to the "Alternative Models of Cosmology" thread, so I send it to both.

I have found a simple method to calculate alpha (α) .007297352569... based on phi (φ) My question is: An alpha constant based on phi, if true, (I guess only time will tell), would that confirm that alpha (α) is a perfect unchanging constant? Because phi is.

12 days later

I am a new contributor to FQXi blogs and I am submitting to both the "alternative models of Reality and alternative models of Cosmology blogs. In file 2 below you will find the introductory submission to the alternative model of Reality thread and in file 1 you will find the original essay entered into the 2019/2020 FQXi essay contest. Your comments will be appreciated.Attachment #1: Clarification_of_Physics_FINAL.pdfAttachment #2: FQXi_NEW_REALITY_BLOG.pdf

In my previous post I had two attachments that, when I tried, did not open. So I am resubmitting the same ideas. My FQXi essay "Clarification of Physics..." -- I will try again to attach it below -However, if it will not open, you can find it in the 2019/2020 FQXi "Undecidability...." essay contest under the author name John D Crowell. In that essay I introduced a new Successful Self-Creation (SSC) process and its relationships to physics/cosmology. However, the SSC process (and its model) go beyond the world of physics. The model covers the origination and progression of SuccessfulSelf-Creation as it creates/becomes all intelligence, the complete physical world and the successful interweaving of SSC/intelligent/physical compositions, capabilities and attributes into every progressive result.


Every SSC process/result is a SSC/intelligent/physical combination. The individual components do not exist alone.

Humans are successful self-creating/intelligent/ physical "beings". Each of us relate back to the original C*s to SSCU transformation. We are results of: participants in: and agents of: Successful Self-Creation. Everything we sense, think, do and create are results of this process.

An (amazing to me) aspect of the SSC process is that, in addition to creating the SSC/intelligent/physical world, the process also creates its own integers/mathematics, algorithms/computations, homonuclei/holograms, and fractal/hierarchies. All of which can be used to explain its processing and results. SSC also creates humans with the physical complexity and mental "minding" to understand and use those tools to adapt and create within the changing dynamics of SSC.

Alignment of human creativity and SuccessfulSelf-Creation will produce the next stage of successful human development.

I would appreciate your comments.

See my previous submission. I will try again to attach my essay to this submission.

6 days later

There is an easy way to solve quantum gravity; and then we could be on our way to experiments with gravity lasers. You only have to add one more particle to the standard model: the graviton. You could say that nature played a trick on the physics community. The trick was this: remember in your physics classes how particles were treated as point particles? Electrons, protons were always treated as points. Although protons and neutrons are actually a collection of quarks-gluons, which is not really a point particle. But the graviton, IMO, has a property that it starts as a point. It expands spherically at the speed of light. The idea of unifying quantum mechanics with general relativity is to say that the gluon interacts with other particles and is the the "thing" that wave functions are describing. But then, it can escape from the quantum system and continue to expand indefinitely. When large numbers of gravitons overlap, they become spacetime geometry. A graviton is an expanding sphere, so it has geometry built into it. The surface of the expanding sphere (of radium r = ct) is a virtual photon (unless it's energized which would make it a real photon). The interior of the graviton is made of quantum states for position/momentum/spin etc. When many gravitons overlap, then it's really quantum states for position/momentum/spin that are overlapping; this creates spacetime. The idea that gravitons expand into spheres, at the speed of light, is meant to explain (1) the invariance of the speed of light and (2) behave similarly to the big bang where the universe began at a point and expanded (faster than light). The inflationary epoch of the big bang can be explained because there are a near infinite number of gravitons, all of which individually expand at the speed of light, but together, they expand faster than c. I think you could create a gravity laser by using entangled photons. Each pair of entangled photons is actually two photons with a graviton between them. The graviton has, in a sense, captured two photons. If you trapped one of the entangled photons, P1, and you dropped the other photon into a gravity well of a blackhole, P2, then, I argue that the graviton between them would acquire a gravitational potential energy between the P1 and P2 photon. We don't have any black holes nearby, but we do have the Equivalence Principle. We could in principle, and someday in practice, we could centrifuge the P1 and P2 photons. We could blueshift the P1 and redshift the P2 photons by attaching a fiber optic cable to a centrifuge. If we centrifuged the entangled photons millions of times, we could cause the entanglement between them to build up a gravitational potential energy. We have centrifuges. We don't need exotic matter. We have lasers, We have quantum entanglements. We actually have everything we need to perform the experiments. We have everything we need to create gravity lasers.

The idea of unifying quantum mechanics with general relativity is to say that the GRAVITON interacts with other particles and is the the "thing" that wave functions are describing.

14 days later

If you guys would listen to me, we could have superluminal drives. I know how the laws of physics are set up!

8 days later

What is really generally my Theory of Spherisation ? a small general resume....

1 it is an evolutive general point of vue of the universe, an optimisation evolution of the universal sphere or future sphere, the evolution is foundamental at my humble opinion.

2 I consider that the 3D spheres are foundamental, so the coded particles are 3D spheres and the cosmological spheres are 3D spheres also.

3 I consider philosophically speaking that the main origin is particles and they are coded and sent from the central cosmological sphere, it is like a supermatter , and it distributes the codes and informations in finite series of 3D spheres.

4 I utilise for the mathematical tools, the clifford algebras, the lie groups, the lie dferivatives, the lie algebras, the topological and euclidian spaces, the poincare conjecture, the hopf fibrations on surfaces of 3D pshres for the quasiparticles, I try to conjecture with the bott periodicity and the strings also .

5 I consider philosophically speaking that we have a kind of thing that we cannot define transforming at this central cosmological sphere the Energy in coded matters in an aether, so I consider 3 main finite series of 3D spheres sent from this central cosmological sphere, one for the space without motions and having the main codes and two fuels, the cold dark matter and the photons and when they merge they create our topologies, geometries, matters, fields and properties.

6 I have reached , I was surprised this quantum gravitation in encoding and superimposing the cold dark matter in our standard model, I have just changed the distances because the main codes are farer and so the electromagntism is just emergent but the gravitation is th main chief orchestra, I have also a fith force due to a serie of quantum BHs, so the standard model is like encircled by this gravitation, the 3D spheres so become relevant in their properties like the senses of rotations or others and their oscillations to make this universal balance between gravitation and electromagntism , negentropy entropy, heat cold, + , ....

7 I consider so this Dark energy like a simple anti gravitational push spherical necessary for this universal spherisation and this dark matter like a matter non baryonic permitting this balance ,

    I think you are ultimately right about a theory of spheres. I think the universe is made of spheres of gravitons that obey the equation,

    [math]x^2 y^2 z^2 -(ct)^2 = 0[/math]

    An continuously flowing, an infinite number of expanding spheres, gravitons, to create our spacetime.

    Hi Jason, thanks, I am persuaded that these 3D coded spheres are our foundamental mathematical and physical objects, but of course it seems difficult to prove them at this moment. I agree about a kind of graviton they are necessary to balance all this standard model, like you can see I have encoded this matter not baryonic in the cold in our nuclei and they permit to create these weakest fields , they are bosons also of spin different, a little bit in the same line of reasoning than these gravitons, thanks for your interest, best regards

    You were right all along! Gravitons are expanding spheres! The idea of the expanding graviton is that there is a chance it can be captured by a particle system. If it is, it behaves like what the wave function is describing. Or is could be the quantum entanglement between two particles. The reason the expanding graviton is a better idea than superstrings or quantum loops is because nobody has ever measured a superstring or a quantum loop. In contrast, quantum entanglements and wave functions are actual parts of physics!

    Thank you, I beleive that there is a kind of conjecture about the waves particles duality , so these 3D coded spherical particles and these strings, the main difference is that I consider that the origin of our universe is made of coded particles instead of fields like in the strings, the bott periodicty can be relevant to analyse deeper. The superstrings abd branes could converge and we could have a kind of answer about this main cause. The gravitons seem relevant also to converge , what I find relevant is that we need a balance for our heat,electromagnetism and our actual bosons and this cold matter encoded could help because we need this balance at all scales between matter anti matter, entropy negentropy, +. electrons positrons, heat cold, electromagnetism gravitation and others, so maybe this standard model is encircled by this cold DM , I am intrigued also about this fith force in my model and maybe also that this Dark energy can answer or a serie of quantum BHs farer than our nuclear forces. The universe seems very simple generally , but like you told, the problems of measurements imply our limitations and we can just have intuitive ideas at this moment, we need concrete mathemtical prooofs or experiments but not easy due to these scales to reach, friendly

    11 days later

    here is my intuitive equation about this matter non baryonic encoded also in nuclei, this cold dark matter seems an important piece of puzzle , it permits to balance this heat and electromagnetism at all scales, of course I must prove it and maybe improve it but if this matter is also encoded so we have more energy that we thought simply, if this matter exists so it is probably encoded also ,we know this equation of Einstein E=mc^2 , but in thinking deeper we can add this matter , so that gives E=m (c^2+X l^2) , with X a parameter correlated with the cold and l their linear velocity, it is I repeat intuitive and I don t affirm, but I doubt that we have only photons like primordial essence, we need a deeper logic for this universal balance,+-, negentropy entropy, gravitation electromagnetism,heat cold,....and probably if my 3D spheres are on the good road that the senses of rotations become relevant also to analyse like other properties of these motions rotations of 3D spheres, one space without motions like main codes and these two fuels the photons and cold Dark matter for the bosonic fields , this standard model seems encircled by a deeper logic and the main codes are farer than our nuclear forces furthermore, a fith force appears and the gravitation is explained in changing simplye the distances.

      I have remarked in all humility that if we want to unify this GR and this quantum theory to reach this quantum gravitation, we must think beyond the box, because we cannot quantify and renormalise if we consider only a photonic spacetime and these photons only and so the quantum gravitation cannot be an emergent electromagnetic force. We could to test my resulst having reach is consider a kind of Bose Einstein condensate and a kind of bridge beyond this electromagnetism. The aim so becomes to unifyc in thinking beyond the Box, the quantum theory, the newtonian mechanics, the General relativity and the quantum gravitation in considering the gravitational aether due to this matter non baryonic playing an essential rule of balance at all scales. The cold becomes probably a key, that is why this BEC becomes relevant. But we must consider a deeper logic that this electromagntism and so consider this bridge instead to analyse the electromagntis effects. We could utilise a kind of sten Gerlach experiment and spheres for the superimposings in this experiment. A partition could be correlated with the spheres in considering the finite series and the dirac large number for these series, so we could utilise one ball and so after extrapolate with the partition harmonical of these series and rank so the superimposings and properties, the senses of rotations become relevant at my humble opinion. That can permit to have superpositions and locations. All this is complicated but the simplicity of this universe also is essential even if the details are complex.

      Hello Zeeya, thank you for allowing me to express this novel idea.

      Is it theoretically possible for self-interacting dark matter to exist in the centre of the Earth and Moon (from their formation)? I propose that a strong gravitational attraction exists between the cores which is strongest when the Moon is on the equatorial plane to create the Spring tides.

      I propose that self-interacting dark matter came to be at the centre of stars and planets after the so-called 'Big Bang' at the very start of their evolution. (I imagine opposing helical structures before this event). The 'dark force' would be the equivalent of a strong gravitational force. Gravity would be dependent on the entropy of matter. Low entropy matter would interact via the strong gravitational force and high entropy matter would interact with the more familiar weak gravitational force.

      The precession of Mercury can be explained by a stronger gravitational force existing on the solar plane. Because Mercury is so much closer to the Sun, it has evolved to have a 'flatter' orbit and therefore experiences this force more often than the other planets.

      Gravity would require a corkscrew graviton as a force-carrier of attraction 'to make it work'.

      I beleive that the symplectomorphisms ands symplectic analysis can be relevant for the transitions of phasis and convergences with the oscillating spheres and a conjecture appears with the Mtheory and yang mills , we can superimpose this cold dark matter for the balance even.

      We need to consider maybe this gravitation like the main chief orchestra even and governing this standard model

      See that the hamiltonian of symplectomorphisms can consider the senses of rotation to differenciate the negentropy entropy , heat cold,.... and the riemanian geometries can be correlated and the quantizations also

      The canonical transformations need to go farer and insert new parameters superimposed, if not we cannot understand the general system and its main codes and origin, the transformations of phasis are not only electromagnetis, the gravitation must be considered.

      See now the convergences with the lie groups and algebras and derivatives and the sortings appearing considering the senses of rotations and this cold dark matter encoded in nuclei and see well all the transformations of phasis under a main gravitation cause , that implies a fith force and that explain the quantum gravitation also because the standard model is just emergent due to photons simply encoded.

      That implies 3 main finite series of spheres, one space for the main codes and two fuels, and when they merge they create our topologies, geometries, matters and fields, see also that the ricci flow is inside these coded series of 3D spheres and so the main origin of our physicality is not from fields but are coded particles,


      the relevances are the flows inside these coded finite primordial series of this space , so the symplectic manifold and the hamiltonian vector field with this intrinsic ricci flow becomes relevant also, the products of spheres appear .....

      15 days later

      Apparent Source Theory - A new explanation to the Michelson-Morley experiment

      Here I will present a simple explanation of the Michelson-Morley experiment null result according to a new theory ( Apparent Source Theory ).

      I will start by asking a simple question:

      What is the effect slightly changing the position of the light source in the Michelson-Morley experiment, for example along the longitudinal axis of the interferometer ?

      Based on classical optics, one can intuitively see that no fringe shift will occur because both the longitudinal and transverse light beams will be delayed or advanced identically.

      For other positions of the light source small fringe shifts could be observed because the longitudinal and transverse beams will be affected slightly differently.

      This is the mystery behind the 'null' results of the Michelson-Morley experiments.

      The new theory ( Apparent Source Theory ) states that the effect of absolute motion of the Michelson-Morley apparatus is just to create an apparent change in the position of the light source as seen by the detector. This apparent change in the source position will not create any fringe shift (or creates a small fringe shift) for the same reason that an actual change in source position will not create any fringe shift (or creates small fringe shift).

      A comprehensive description of Apparent Source Theory can be found on viXra:

      https://vixra.org/author/henok_tadesseAttachment #1: Apparent_Source_Theory.pdf