What is really generally my Theory of Spherisation ? a small general resume....
1 it is an evolutive general point of vue of the universe, an optimisation evolution of the universal sphere or future sphere, the evolution is foundamental at my humble opinion.
2 I consider that the 3D spheres are foundamental, so the coded particles are 3D spheres and the cosmological spheres are 3D spheres also.
3 I consider philosophically speaking that the main origin is particles and they are coded and sent from the central cosmological sphere, it is like a supermatter , and it distributes the codes and informations in finite series of 3D spheres.
4 I utilise for the mathematical tools, the clifford algebras, the lie groups, the lie dferivatives, the lie algebras, the topological and euclidian spaces, the poincare conjecture, the hopf fibrations on surfaces of 3D pshres for the quasiparticles, I try to conjecture with the bott periodicity and the strings also .
5 I consider philosophically speaking that we have a kind of thing that we cannot define transforming at this central cosmological sphere the Energy in coded matters in an aether, so I consider 3 main finite series of 3D spheres sent from this central cosmological sphere, one for the space without motions and having the main codes and two fuels, the cold dark matter and the photons and when they merge they create our topologies, geometries, matters, fields and properties.
6 I have reached , I was surprised this quantum gravitation in encoding and superimposing the cold dark matter in our standard model, I have just changed the distances because the main codes are farer and so the electromagntism is just emergent but the gravitation is th main chief orchestra, I have also a fith force due to a serie of quantum BHs, so the standard model is like encircled by this gravitation, the 3D spheres so become relevant in their properties like the senses of rotations or others and their oscillations to make this universal balance between gravitation and electromagntism , negentropy entropy, heat cold, + , ....
7 I consider so this Dark energy like a simple anti gravitational push spherical necessary for this universal spherisation and this dark matter like a matter non baryonic permitting this balance ,