Using (What makes a good physical theory?) as a guide.As outlined by T,. Maudlin in YouTube video containgthat name.
1.Up to date dimensions of soacs and time ,their type and orientations givenib GEOGEellllis thread on existence. (check)
- Beables ( materially existing things external to the mind ) (check)
- Whatever else the theory needs. Physics is a human science made by humans for humans ,helping us understand our experience of the world /universe that we inhabit.
We experience it via our senses (and products) and human made, human accesssible techhnology, not directly. i.e.selected results or observations- viewpoints
The way it is expreerienced has an effect on what it sems to be to us, assuning eroneously direct access.
- Whatever else the theory needs. Physics is a human science made by humans for humans ,helping us understand our experience of the world /universe that we inhabit.