Georgina Woodward
Can QM be correctly described as science. I think it is more correctly described as pseudoscience? i think investment of scientists time and research funds gone on long enough. Is business investment in this area unrealistic about potential breakthroughs and technologies.
I would like to hear from members, and other professional physicists, and interested amateurs with a deep understanding of quantum electrodynamics theory or theory of science. I’d like to hear their defense of QM, as it is.
Can QM be correctly described as science or is it more correctly described as pseudoscience? i think investment of scientists time and research funds gone on long enough. Is business investment in this area unrealistic about potential breakthroughs and technologies
Alternative Models of Reality
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Gravity Two models are needed as the background for each is different.
1.Einstein /Minkowski curved space-time fabric corresponds to what we see, by the process of vision. It is a perdurant model in which matter bodies / objects and background are spread over time due to vision being possible because of photon particles being transmitted and the photon particles being delayed by gravity, affecting time of receipt.
The other model pertains to actual matter, existing wholly-Now. That can’t be seen. We see 1. This is an endurant model. Objects and background exist wholly at -Now. Their existing is not spread over time. Here we can use Newtonian gravity,which doesn’t take notice of time. matter with gravity affects other matter atracting it and particles if matter in the environment, non matter-bound particles in the environment (plasma) and other space filling substance, through which light is transmitted. In this model rather than having a constant speed of light assuming the vacuum of apace to be everywhere a vacuum,. objects of matter are affected by the density of what they pass through, the more dense the more light slows and bends casing refraction.
Space that we think of as empty may not be. It may contain matter, or non matter-bound particles or gravitationally significant other unseen substance. This could be the elusive dark matter ,which is hypothesized to exist but is absent from most models.
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Georgina Woodward
No need to fret any longer over the meaning of model 1.Space time represented as a continuious background, like a sinlge deformed elastic sheet. Curved in response to the presence of the gravitational mass, the gravitational mass acted upon by the curvature of the sheet. This is what is produced by regarding the sensory information. It is not material reality but a model of a vision generated observation product. Light rays are said to be curved in proximity to the gravitational mass. This means the photon is delayed compared to what it would be undfelected. As space-time is a generated product, caused by delay of receipt of photon carried sensory information ,the non eucidean nature of space-time need not concern us, it is not a model of what exists.
- Newtonian gravity is not an approximation of Einsteins. They have completely different backgounds/environments 1. set in a generated model of space-time. 2.set in space without taking time into considseration, as it has no effect on unchanging masses. For changing masses passage of time is relevant.
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I should mention that Newton did regard the creation to be three dimensions of space and one dimension of time. For him it was a matter of reiljigious belief. That there is no time without God, ie. nowhere God isn't ,so God's creation must be everywhere in space and time with God
I am proposing that what exists is not spread along a time dimension but exists at one 'time'.
The history of what has existed can be imagined spread along an (imaginary) time line. Not any part of the geometry of existence/the materiaL World /material Universe.
Georgina Woodward
Re.2.there is stilll a deformation of the environment around a massive body. Due to its presence and mass .Where there is more gravity there is consequently more attraction affcting other bodies of matter, particles of matter other attracted materials and substance.
Georgina Woodward
model 2. does not represent space-time.There is no equivalent of the taut elastic sheet representation in it.
By environment I'm refering to filled space.which is not space-time. Absolute time is not part of the model.
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21 December 2024
Modified from unanswered FQxI [blog] posts .[ forum replies]
21 December 2024
Science should not propose [a] phenomenn [/a] or entity that is entirely unknown in type, not adequately describable by the English language unlike any thing else in existence.[,when]
[T]the same happenings can be explained by waves. They are divisible can be recombined causing interference. That interference couold potentially effect the location in which the particle is detected. It just needs the void not to be empty but filled either with a very fine grained substance, smaller than the particles we know-maybe 'quark soup'. Or even less, a medium to host waves.
Entanglement is not something that really happens, It explains why under such circumstances the second measured particle has just the right state, as one would expect of a partner even though it has just become a singular material Universe. That is the universe of real existing things. There of having to be part of what does or has existed. A superposition is unlike anything known. So difficult to accurately describe with words because, we are told it is, though foundational, not a part of our experience, which words describe, limited to the macroscopic and astronomic scales.
Waves. however, are known., Waves are known at different scales. They don't require suspension of disbelief. Fractals or their quality,having been identified in a process that generated a fractal or the fractal product. it is unlikely that the very small quantum scale is utterly unlike lager scales rather than a smaller version of what exists. It is unlikely that the very small quantum scale is utterly unlike larger scales, That non locality applies to the smallest scale but not elsewhere and is not known from larger scales; It doesn't fit with self similarity found throughout nature.
Georgina Woodward
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Georgina Woodward
Consider , for example, a cat absolute, material being. A patchwork coat will work best. Then consider 3 men, observers, surrounding the cat at different distances from it. All exposed surfaces of the absolute cat object release photon particles into the surrounding environment. The photon particles travel to the men. Each man individually generates a semblance of the cat using the sensory data he has recieved and processed. All Are equally correct althouigh different from each other. None is the absolute object. Just a limited, incomplete, viewpoint .
I am aware this is a macroscopic example.
Georgina Woodward
When the first observer sees the cat, for him the cat has a definite location, to him, and intrinsic properties. The material being, absolute object is not a blurring of the 3 different possible outcomes into one, nor is it 3 separate outcomes spread over space and time as they are under usual circumstances mutually exclusive. We will not think about mirror images here.
The cat inside and out, all around and top to bottom is a whole and is observation-independent
Georgina Woodward
A superposition is neither the observation independent absolute reality, nor the sensory data released into the environment or an observer generated partial semblance from a particular view point or chosen and applied orientation of apparatus. it is instead a collection of probabilities obtained from previous trials. Numbers are asigned ,it is an abstract entity in Hilbert space. We do not live in Hilbert space. It has no material reality or sense given partial semblance
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It has been assumed that particles are in superpostion of both particle and wave of no singular location, prior to selecting apparatus orientation or viewpoint to apply, a particle pair must also have no intrinsic properties
or location. Rather than the partner particles being, albeit tiny, absolute, whole particles that exist though they don’t need observation to exist.
As real whole particles, they cause vibration of the environment that surrounds them and are acted upon by the wave interference caused by division and recombination of environmental waves. they are created as a pair behaving as opposites and conserving angular momentum. They just behave in a way that is fitting what they are, the first measured pqaeticle does not need to communicate with the other so it knows what behaviour is required. It just does what it must because of what it is.
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Georgina Woodward
Conventional QM is a non local theory. the first particle to be measured can communicate over a very large distance, with the other. There is talk of superluminal speed that allows this to happen. non locality is not found elsewhere in nature.
The alternative is a local theory. Self similarity is found throughout nature, where similar processes occur at different scales leading to fractal patterns. Waves are known to happen at many scales. It would be strange and unlikely if the smallest scale was completely different from the rest of nature. In this theory there is no supperposition, no non local behaviour, no entanglement, no proposal of faster than light communication.
My alternative model of reality has been to constantly find new places to open my perspective and allow myself to accept that there are many things that we will never find out the truth to, all I can do is learn what the possibilities may be and rough in %'s of potentiality.
- The sun does not rise in the morning, we turn to face it.
- Blackholes are Dark Dense Spheres
William Robson
An intresting view,
I have misplaced my recent writing. After an unproductive search i've decicded i'll start again.
Image reality also called more recently observation product, a product of observation; not necessarily perception which has additional assoaciations ,memory and learning and is interpreted. That is given a subjective meaning by the individual observer.
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Georgina Woodward
It is necessary that the obsever is able to recieve and process the potential sensory data available in the environment in order to generate an Image reality from it.
ultra violet
Bees and butterflies have photoreceptors that can convert some wavevlengths reflected light ino utra violet patterns. These patterns on petals of some flowers are nectar guides, which incxrease the chances of pollination, and so sucessful reproduction of the plant, and as aside benefit tell the insect about the presence of nectar that the insect collects as a food source. The ultra violet patterns are visible to observers able to process ultra violet light.
Georgina Woodward
Echolocation, sonar
Echolocation is famously used by bats for navigation and catching prey
Sonar is used by dolphins and whales. Both techniques rely on recieving reflection of sound waves from material objects.The animals produce a sound (may be inaudibble to humans) which is trasmitted and reflected by objects. by recieving andprocessing the reflected sound waves the animal can generate a semblance of the external environment detected by their senses.
It is still relative, partial and subjective product that is generated.
Radar and lidar technologies
Like echolocation these rely on reflection by material objects but using radio waves and pulsed laser light to be what is reflected and detected. By processing of the returned signals received by a sensor, a ‘surface picture semblance' of the matter present in the location tested can be obtained Often built up from multiple scans.
“In Ancient Greek philosophy “ether" or “aether” was considered a fifth element that naturally moved in perfect circles, [ being fine refined and pure.] explaining seemingly circular motion of celestial bodies like stars and planets, as the Greeks believed the heavens moved with perfect, continuous circular motion; this concept is closely associated with Aristotle's cosmology”. Wikipedia “Aether naturally moved in circles, and had no contrary, or unnatural force explaining motion. Aristotle also stated that celestial spheres made of aether held the stars and planets”. Quote from Wikipedia We no longer believe in Aristotle’s crystal spheres but the idea of an ether is still useful. Mfchelson and Morley tried to show an ether wind due to the Earth moving through the ether. The ether was at that time thought to be a static , un-moving background and possibly could be used as an absolute reference frame. Newton’s absolute space was similarly thought of as an absolute background reference frame for comparison. They did not find any evidence of an ether wind .The Earth, atmosphere, matter on Earth’s surface and in the atmosphere, ether and it’s content such as waves all move as one. under such circumstances it is not surprising that no ether wind was detected. The ether (Base substance ) is imperceptible and so one part is completely like another, as far as we are concerned but it hosts fields, electric and magnetic due to moving charges, and electrostatic forces, due to ‘so called “static charges” despite the movement of the Earth. As well as having differences in concentration due to he existence of matter within it and needing to avoid it as the base substance , although it is semi permeable to matter , it acts as a fermion particle, in not being able to occupy the same space already occupied by a fermion particle unless it can be made to move out of the way.