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A photon particle, quantum of vision, provides the wavelength of visible light that a phoreceptor cell is able to respond to via interaction with the pigment contained by the cell. Or it can activate a photocell belonging to a device such as a ditgital camera or robot. OR cause reaction in a light sesitive film of a film camera. Photons also give relative position information , of the many photons input -after passing through a suitable lens. The relative position of parts of the source object, when the photons were shed is knowable from this. The multiples of photons arriving at a photoreceptor gives total energy or intensity (brightness) information. The various inputs , suitable quantum , position, intensity are used in processing that eventually leads onto subject recognition process and image/semblance formed. Often along with associations, such as name , memories and learning connected with the source object identified. Wavelength is converted to Colour product if its a bright light adaption cone cell that's stimulated, lower intensity input is insufficient to stimulate a cone cells but can stimulate monochrome rod cells.