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The Earth is a bit of a strange example, you might think, because it doesn't travel in a straight line, the reason being because gravity acts on the SUN- EARTH Together as a system, also influenced by other planets nearby. On the Earth's own gravity acts most where the mass is concentrated which is the core of the planet and centre of mass. This gives an attraction inwards. Felt all over the planet from the layers of the atmoshpere, where 'outer space' gives way to the region of influence of gravity,due to the EARTH'A MASSto the centre of Mass. Experienced as holding us close to Earth's surface and a tendency of objects to fall down to the Earth surface, if the surface is hard or into the Earth if thr surface is soft or hollow.
AI OVERVIEW FROM GOOGLE via google searchn;
Earth's orbit is not circular, but rather elliptical. However, it's close enough to being circular that it's sometimes considered nearly circular.
Earth's orbit is elliptical due to the gravitational pull of Jupiter and Saturn.
The Earth's orbit is stable and has the same amount of energy as a circular orbit.
Earth's orbit is faster when it's closer to the sun, and slower when it's further away.
The point closest to the sun is called the perihelion, and the point farthest away is called the aphelion.
Earth's orbit takes 365.256 days to complete, which is one sidereal year.