Dear my fellow contestants and readers,
Our species in general is good and our species is kind, only scarcity, ignorance and conditions that they find themselves in (only the minority as part of mutation, selection and co-evolution) make them sometimes evil. Most people even in hardships are still doing good for themselves and for others. Our species by nature is good. Life despite of its many shortcomings is Leibnitz's best of all possible worlds.
Like our ancestors before, they applied their science and technology of their days, we must do the same. We must use our accumulated Wang Yangming's unity of knowledge and action to deal with our species existential real risk of extinction at our moment of Feynman's sum-over-histories. We must unite with diversity of all thought and wisdoms in humanity and science, East and West. KQID has done this. KQID unifies Existence into one entangled hologram Existence in one source, one principle, one theory, one equation and one entangled Existence. One in many and many in one. KQID Five Ones and KQID Five Laws of Existence are actually only one and only our Ancestor Qbit(00, +, -) that computes, stimulates and project Existence onto our world. Thus, KQID is monism and is so simple: Shakespearian meme actor and identity operator ΙΨ(CTE) as the bits-waves function of consciousness C, time T, and energy E. This sole actor and conscious identity operator sets itself its own stage where all its dramas are staged and played. This stage is KQID relativistic stage Ψ(iτLx,y,z, Lm) hologram Multiverse. Thus, ΙΨ(CTE) and Ψ(iτLx,y,z, Lm) are the same Shakespearian actor in our Multiverse's stage with different roles with different exits and entrances. They are actually the Qbit itself. Everything is connected and it is one and only Qbit (00, +, -). Absolute simplicity that spawns infinite complexity that we have observed phenomenon as the real Wheeler's phenomenon. Seth Lloyd's simplicity and complexities of quantum computer spawns Existence from absolute zero entropy to infinite entropy that is expanding without ending and without cost to our Ancestor Qbit as no qbits/bits is ever allowed erased. All qbits/bits are immortal. Thus per Susskind's QM and Landauer's principle, dS/dt = 0. According to KQID, surprisingly delightful, our Multiverse is only the Wheeler's observed "particle" as the standing bits-waves of Existence. Our Multiverse (iτLx,y,z) is living in time (Lm); and time is pregnant with our Multiverse.
KQID calculates when our universe theoretically ends and compares our universe lifespan from the Bit Bang to now about 13.8 billion years with our human lifespan of about 100 years, our fetus universe exists about 1/100,000 seconds or 10^-5 seconds just after the Cosmic conception. Thus, if this is true and I certainly believe so because this truth revealed by nature through KQID theory, we might be the only species of our intelligence in our universe, we are the aliens who will spread our intelligence to all known worlds. That means we are the most precious cargo that our fetus Universe carries. We are the most precious children that our universe gives birth to. Let's united in diversity of thought, opinions, desires, personalities and wills; let's fight together against our common enemy: dead, suffering, ignorance, scarcity, uglyness, meanness and evil; and let's fight for our common goods: life, knowledge, joy, abundance, beauty, kindness, and wisdoms. Let life lives free here, now and forever.
Best wishes to all contestants who are brave and generous enough to subject themselves to humiliation and defeat, so that others would live in dignity and be victorious in life. To FQXI team and contestants, it is my great honor and privilege to participate in this contest of ideas. Thank you for giving me the stage to share my thought. Thank you for giving me your praises and critiques.
Let's all hymn the song of Humanity's delight,
With joy and tears in my eyes, I sing this song,
Leo KoGuan
I would rather be a bumblebee poet than not to be,
Red lantern pearls of Wang Yangming's blood and tears are lighting up paths in darkness,
I sing and dance Xuan Yuan's Da Tong.