Dear Alex,
Excellent essay. I found your reply to John above is more compelling to me pertaining to your conversation with Prof. Prigogine because I incorporated the concept of time as ONE dimension and it is in the zeroth dimension of time. KQID theory postulated that 3D time is space and 3D time as space is moving orthogonally inside time Lm, Minkowski Multiverse timeline in the zeroth dimension.
In KQID, The Qbit (00, +, -) uses one formula KQID-Euler Ee^iτ = A + S ⊆T to compute, simulate and project its Einstein complex coordinates (iτLx,y,z, Lm) to form our holographic Multiverse. The Ee^iτ = A + S ⊆T produces iteratively normalized unitary (1) as the Shakespearian meme-actor ΙΨ(CTE) that creates, distributes and operates in our relativistic stage Ψ(iτLx,y,z, Lm) hologram Multiverse. Therefore, KQID reveals that space is only 3D of time (iτLx,y,z) moving along inside of our Multiverse timeline (Lm). Time is permanently pregnant with our Multiverse and our Multiverse is the fetus of time. Our Multiverse and we are moving along inside this asymmetrical timeline (Lm). Thus, KQID is monism and is so simple: meme actor ΙΨ(CTE) and its self-created relativistic stage Ψ(iτLx,y,z, Lm). Thus, ΙΨ(CTE) and Ψ(iτLx,y,z, Lm) are the same player with different roles. Both is actually the Qbit itself. Everything is connected and it is one and only Qbit (00, +, -). Absolute simplicity that spawns infinite complexity that we observe. From absolute zero entropy to infinite entropy that is expanding without ending without cost to Existence and to our Ancestor Qbit.
You wrote amazingly similar idea: "In fact, all we know, all we experience about reality is always past: we cannot see the present, we usually suffer it, one way or another. So the things, in one occasion I said to Prigogine, "well Professor, then there exists only one dimension, namely, TIME, and what we actually call SPACE is nothing but the trace of time, this is to say, past". Professor Prigogine looked pensive after my statement; few minutes later he said that my idea looked a little bit extreme, however I might be right since I was young..."
I rated your highly to push up your rating up from 5.4 to 5.6 to be the top 40, so that your essay would be further evaluated fairly by FQXI judges. I hope we will become friend and perhaps even work together in the future. If you are available I would like to invite you to be our distinguished research fellow in Shanghai. Here is my email:
I will repost this in my blog.
Best wishes,
Leo KoGuan