Matter as a precipitate of energy in an energy super-saturate universe, conserves space. That is a different paradigm than your own operating theatre where space is the result of matter and time. So in the 'Big Rock Candy Mountain' picture, Hoyle could be more than half right, and the BB is a consequence of the limitations of GR. In eliminating force from the equation, Einstein leaves the question hanging as to what sort of 'field' there must be if there is no region of space devoid of a field. AND, GR does not address the problem of a causal theory relying on the Gravitational Constant for which there is no known cause. Are we to suppose that the precise orbital predictions of GR follow some limit of a magnetospheroid (?), or how about putting the gravitational field back into the picture and the GR orbitals following a line of equilibrium between the tendency for mass/energy to decelerate into matter, and it's tendency to accelerate into energy at light velocity? Existant light velocity would then be the limit of the gravitational field (zero boundary condition) at a finite energy density, not infinity of time, distance and density. No one has had any luck making a unified field theory out of GR, it is not a complete theory. There is a profound difference between 'constant' density and 'average' density, and GR uses 'average' mass density. And singularity is a mathematical property, not necessarily a physical property. :) jrc