"that every instant of the universe is a brand new and unique creation event for you and for me, and that the past exists only in the memory of we conscious participants."
Yet it emerges from the shell of the previous moment. It has physical memory, as structure is sustained. What I see is that energy and information are a dichotomy and so as long as the energy maintains form, it exists and as we know from Moore's Law, that lots of information is contained in minute quantities of energy. Whether it is in our minds, star light that has traveled for billions of years, or everything from rocks to cultures on this planet, the energy has some form and is constantly rearranging it. So there is a relationship of energy constantly pressing outward, as form draws inward. Like radiation expanding and mass contracting, or youth pushing out, as age presses in. So energy moves toward the future, as form moves toward the past. The most generalized expression of this being where it becomes most evident, that of galaxies, as mass falls inward, while energy radiates outward.
The question then becomes how does this manifest and define biology and consciousness?
Essentially consciousness relates to how the energy functions, in that it is what is present and always pushing forward. Meanwhile thoughts are the forms it takes and either we are constantly generating new thoughts and shedding the old like breaths of air being expelled, or we are obsessing over particular ideas and constantly pushing them onward, like fuel pushing a rocket. Or, for most of us, somewhere in between.
Biology expresses itself by constantly moving onto new generations and shedding the old, as these forms are born, expand, stabilize and are propelled onward, until they too wear out and fade into the past.
Now it is assumed in scientific circles that consciousness must have arisen from material processes, yet does that reductionism apply, or is it the other way around? Does it make more sense to think of the basic element of consciousness as the seed of life and we are simply a concentrated, distilled and complex form of it? Not like we fully understand matter either.
It's not simply that the basis of neurological systems can be found in the most elemental organisms, as that is a top down view, but that our form of awareness is a complex expression of basic principles. Consider that we have a central nervous system to process form/information and digestive, respiratory of circulatory systems to process energy, so that dichotomy is elemental and a sponge would have some inherent need to relate on an informational level with its surroundings. Meanwhile our brain is divided into two hemispheres and I would argue the left, rational, linear side equates to a clock, while the right, emotional, intuitional, parallel processor is a scalar function, like a thermostat or pressure gauge. Thus we can both coordinate our internal environment with the external one and navigate an individual, linear path through it. Obviously non-mobile organisms have much less need for the linear function, but are very developed in the thermodynamic functions and are constantly probing their environments and processing the feedback, much as we do intellectually. Looking at everything from current cosmology to current economics and how we treat the environment, overall intelligence is not necessarily a given, from mere complexity.
As it is our concentration of attention creates these conceptual entities, but quickly overlooks any issues with their foundations and builds cultures around them, much as gravity concentrates to the most central point. Thus cultural belief systems from monotheistic religions to Big Bang Theory quickly gain adherents and resist questioning.
To paraphrase DesCartes, I am, therefore I think.
John M