All this is interesing but I beleive that we must differenciate the computing and its maths with our phsycis.Universe is not a computer.A computer is a human invention and the codes are binar codes,the turn on and the turn off simply.The algorythms make the rest with th axioms of choice corrlated with adapted mmaths.Now we must differenciate the universe and its laws and domains,the codes are photonic ,indeed mc² but it is not all ,the gravitational codes also.These codes are not binar codes and the axioms of choice of this infinite entropy above our physicality are not so simple.The mass energy equivalence is not a problem nor the special and general relativity, nor the thermo heat ,electromgnatism and this and that.I am doubthing that the central supermassive BH are just mega stars ,that has no sense.It exists a gravitational stable code there.You can tell us all what you want about axioms or this or that or publications or this or that.Don't forget that all publications or pappers are not always deterministic and foundamental.Dark matter and dark energy explain gravitation when we accept that we cannot pass c with bosons photons.But not with spherons.A computer is Under c ,not universe.The wave particle duality is not the problem and mc² is easy to encircle whenyoy see the generality.It is not sufficient mc² because it exists not only photons wich are encoded since the begining of the physicality.The gravitation is universal and is not an emergent properties of our standard model.The CMB the QCD or this or that are Under thisspecial relativity, it is not sufficient simply.The simulations on computing it is well or the pappers it is well but sometimes the complexity returns to simplicity.E=mc² is not sufficient and is a prison furtermore,that has no sense.You know in a simulation I can insert what I want like parameter,I can even change the number of stars or galaxies.But universe is more than our simple limited interprétations.Thanks for this course of university,go more far now :)the anthropical principle is interesting ,lifes are created everywhere in our universe ,we observe what ? :) and Tautologically speaking of course why we are created dear friends entropically speaking now .Regards Jedis and simulate well of course and choose well the axioms.Regards