Quantum space -time is just gravitoetherton granules. First of all time is to be separated from space. Time is a space point variable as dictated by atomic clock due to force of gravity. Gravity varies due non isotropic directional push by the presence of gravitons. Gravitons are flowing like arrows towards center of earth . As such the concentration get increased by a factor 1/R.R. Therefore measurement of time depends on the atomic clock which varies with its position in space. So the time measurement varies from place to place. We do not know whether Newton is correct in saying that universal time which Einstein explained relative from reference frame to reference frame. Does that mean time dilation is actually measurement dilation. So I prefer not to attach space with time as space=time. Then what do we mean by quantum space-time? Space is gravitoetherton super fluid consisting of many dark/white particles including graviton . If we `fill all space with water then quantum space may be water molecules. Space will acquire the property of water. Space may considered as total empty stage where drama of all its contents take place. Our space is dark energy which I named gravitoetherton super fluid. In earlier days, we used to call it ether also. Even now Newton is right in space and time concept. I am attaching two papers --one commented in ASTRONOMY.NET IN YEAR 2003 and another published soon after to give some ideas about our approach for a new physics.Attachment #1: 1_I_Think_Dr._Datta_Makes_A_Valid_Point_-_an_Astronomy_Net_Blackholes_Forum_Message22.htmAttachment #2: 1_New_Physics_with_Emergent_Gravity_Mechanism.pdf