Dear Gupta
Excellent essay about the dynamic universe, it is so close to me.
You very correctly said that
«Ours is single universe and is a closed one. In other words, our Universe reproduces its Galaxies, as and when light and other electromagnetic radiation condenses to form enough matter».
I completely agree with you, although we use different terms.
The energy of gravitational waves is circulating in the Dynamic Universe. Galaxies emit electromagnetic waves, and the intergalactic medium of the physical vacuum converts their energy (red shift) into gravitational waves that condense the energy in Quasars. Quasars transmit energy to galaxies through their toroidal and spiral gravitational waves (honeycomb structure), which lead to the self-organization of galaxies, in the form of solitons, and leads to the emission of electromagnetic waves.
And the evolution of self-developing systems is carried out by the quantum parametric transformation process.
The power of the synthesis process of the elements of the galaxy is equal to its power of electromagnetic radiation. For example, by the Hubble constant easily is calculated the solar radiation power in our Galaxy.
Nevertheless, let me disagree with you that the universe is influenced by the Newtonian force of attraction between galaxies.
«Dynamic Universe Model is based on laws of Newtonian dynamics».
«In our Dynamic Universe every mass is moving in a direction and goal determined universal gravitational force (UGF) as the indomitable resultant vector of gravitational forces acted by all the other bodies in the Universe».
On this to you also rightly pointes out Avtar Singh
«This is impossible since if there is no anti-gravity force to balance the gravity force, the whole universe would collapse on itself and there will be no universe, no galaxies, no stars, no planets, and no biological life».
«But such a model based only on gravity does not explain the observed star velocities in galaxies and the observed accelerated expansion of the universe and far-field supernova observations. UGF cannot correlate and explain the cosmological constant, dark energy, and the observed Hubble constant».
Your train of thought is understand.
Few doubt validity of Newton's law, according to which massive bodies interact with each other at any distance, due to some ideal magical force of attraction.
However, reality does not allow ideal and abstract properties of matter and fields. I hope, that we are materialists, not idealists.
Already during his lifetime, Newton had a discussion with Descartes and his supporters who argued that Newton's law of gravity does not have circulation of energy and there is no reason for the formation of force. This dispute continues to our times.
In my essay is shown that Newton's law of gravitation is a special case, which is valid only near the surface of the cosmic bodies of the Solar system. Moreover, the gravitational coefficient is not at all a fundamental constant.
All galaxies, like the planets of the solar system, move in orbital toroidal gravitational waves, which are formed due to the Newtonian force of attraction. However, after the formation of stationary toroidal gravitational waves, all galaxies and planets move by inertia and are in a potential well of stability, which is not taken into account in Newtonian mechanics.
I.e., cosmic bodies interact with each other with the help of toroidal gravitational waves, between which there can be both attractive forces and repulsive forces, as for example between atoms. Moreover, these forces are impulsive forces as result of quantum processes of transformation of toroidal gravitational waves.
For example, it only seems to us that the planets in circular orbits are held at the expense of the Sun's attraction, but on attraction must be spent energy.
In fact, the gradient of the gravitational potential in the soliton orbital toroidal gravitational wave of the planet completely compensates for the gradient of the gravitational potential of the Sun. In this case, there is no force of attraction and the force of centrifugal inertia.
Orbital gravitational wave is a self-organizing soliton that reduces the force of interaction, in accordance with the extreme principle of least action. In according this principle occurs any rectilinear motion of bodies by inertia. Now the principle of motion of bodies by inertia must be extended to bodies in circular orbits.
The criterion for the presence of force is the Unruh effect, according to which the force causes radiation. For example, comets have orbits with a large eccentricity, so they are attracted to the Sun and emit X-rays. Very small comet emitted x-ray waves with a power of 1 GW, and Jupiter also emits 1 GW in a circular orbit, but their masses are not comparable. Consequently, Jupiter, in fact, is not attracted to the Sun.
All galaxies in a dynamic universe are in an equilibrium state, like molecules in a liquid. But the liquid has a certain temperature, so there are vibrations of molecules and atoms around certain equilibrium centers. And the Galaxies oscillate around the centers of equilibrium.
I hope for mutual understanding and constructive discussion.
Kind regards,
Vladimir Fedorov