Dear Edwin Eugene Klingman,
Thank you very much for such a supporting reply.
Many results were obtained using Dynamic Universe Model algorithm.
If you don't mind, I want to tell you that the dark energy, dark matter and black holes are not required in Dynamic Universe Model. I want to tell you a bit about this new model of cosmology......
This Model is new Cosmological model fundamentally and mathematically different from Bigbang, Steady state model etc. Dynamic Universe Model is based on laws of Newtonian dynamics. It is a simple multi-body problem solution. This Dynamic Universe Model is a singularity free and body-body collision free n-body problem solution based on UGF acting on each and every body with some mass in the Universe. In this model "time" moves in one direction i.e. into future only. 133 masses were used in this setup, and the "same setup" was used for last 25 years on a simple PC without any problem in its SITA simulations. Its SITA simulations can solve many unsolved cosmological problems and successfully published solutions to vast variety of present day scientific problems.
This new type of Tensor Mathematics as in Dynamic Universe Model is different from earlier Newtonian two body problem that used differential equations, and Einstein's general theory of relativity that used tensors which in turn unwrap into differential equations. There are no differential or integral equations here. This new Math approach was published as a paper in the journal of Tensor society of India. This Dynamic Universe Model approach solves many unsolved problems
Dynamic Universe Model of Cosmology is a singularity free N-body solution. It uses Newton's law of Gravitation without any modification. The initial coordinates of each mass with initial velocities are to be given as input. It finds XYZ coordinates, velocities and accelerations of each mass UNIQUELY after every time-step at that moment, and can create graphs for required masses. Here the solution is based on linear tensors instead of usual differential and integral equations. This solution was stable, didn't diverge, did not give any singularity or divided by zero errors during the last 25 years, in solving various physical problems. The calculations can be done over the particle's entire path throughout time. These calculations can go into future for making predictions. With this model, it was found with uniform mass distribution in space, the masses will colloid. But there are no singularities. With non-uniform mass densities, the masses trend to rotate about each other after some time-steps and they don't colloid. SITA is a simple computer implementable solution of Dynamic Universe Model. An arbitrary number of 133 masses were taken in SITA simulations using the same framework in solving various problems. Its many predictions came true like existence Blueshifted Galaxies in the universe. Its prediction that there is no dark-matter was experimentally proved later . Other variety of simulations like SAVITRI and SUBBARAO were also published. These other simulations addressed many other different problems like multiple bending of light etc. Here Cartesian co-ordinates did not give any problem. In this model Cartesian co-ordinates were used upto 10^55 meters, two or three times larger than our visible universe.
Many papers and books were published by the author, for example 'Absolute Rest frame of reference is not necessary' (1994), 'Multiple bending of light ray can create many images for one Galaxy: in our dynamic universe', About "SITA" simulations ], 'Missing mass in Galaxy is NOT required' , "New mathematics tensors without Differential and Integral equations" , "Information, Reality and Relics of Cosmic Microwave Background" in FQXi, "Dynamic Universe Model explains the Discrepancies of Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry Observations.", in 2015 'Explaining Formation of Astronomical Jets Using Dynamic Universe Model , 'Explaining Pioneer anomaly' , 'Explaining Near luminal velocities in Astronomical jets', 'Observation of super luminal neutrinos', 'Process of quenching in Galaxies due to formation of hole at the center of Galaxy, as its central densemass dries up', "Dynamic Universe Model Predicts the Trajectory of New Horizons Satellite Going to Pluto" etc., are some more papers from the Dynamic Universe model. Four Books also were published. Book1 shows Dynamic Universe Model is singularity free and body to collision free , Book 2, and Book 3 are explanation of equations of Dynamic Universe model . Book 4 deals about prediction and finding of Blue shifted Galaxies in the universe .
All these books and papers can be downloaded from freely from Dynamic Universe Model Blog or viXra
Thank you once again