Dear Gupta

Thankyou for your comments on my essay. I found your higher level approach to the essay question very interesting, and I admit I hadnt considered this route in addressing the question. I am not skilled enough in your work to offer comment, but again appreciate the avenue by which you address the question.

Best of luck with your entry and future work.


Dear James,

Thank you very much for your nice remarks, I request you to please have look at my blog also

I like to work with you for a combined paper on your subject...

best Wishes to you...


Dear SNP Gupta ! The cosmological learning model of your essay is an interesting viewpoint, i.e. the advancing dialectics of matter and energy leads to learning processes of higher order in living matter.The univeral purpose of living matter is (human) self-realization and the harmonic reflection of eternal cosmic law. Take these thoughts as my reader response to your labor of love. Best: stephen i. ternyik

    Dear Satyavarapu,

    Comment to your fifth, sixth, and seventh comments

    I put these three comments together because they each only require short answers.

    In your fifth comment:

    It is not yet the best time for me to go into the big bang theory, but if you are interested in how the universe was made you can look at the Christian Old and New Testament scriptures. There are many places that give some parts of the information about it, but you could just start at Genesis 1, 1. What we call the universe is called the earth there. It includes the part of the earth that we can observe and also the hidden part that we can't observe that generates the part that we can see.

    In your sixth comment:

    Thank you.

    In your seventh comment:

    I did not know that you were only talking about the body to body collisions that are due to singularities.



    Dear Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta,

    I read with great interest your essay with new deep ideas. Your theory says that to overcome the crisis of understanding in fundamental science needed a live competition concepts and theories . Today we, earthlings, need a big brainstorming on all the problems, especially in basic science - physics, mathematics, cosmology. I give high ranking to your ideas and theory.

    Yours faithfully,


      I have read your wonderful essays and remembered Rabindranath Tagore, taking into account the idea of the unity of knowledge, concept of the ontological (structural, comic) memory, Raj Kapoor's song '50s, which is very loved in Russia, and the theme of the Contest:

      «Tired in my way I asked the destiny:

      "Who pushes me in my back so ruthlessly?" -

      "Look back!" - I look - and the complaint ceases:

      It is my past who pushes me forward.»

      I wish you good luck!

      All the Best,


      Dear Snp.Gupta

      I read your essay and I agree that "Universe had an ability to reproduce Galaxies." as part of your conclusion, though I don't see time as you do. I see the causality operating as a spacial case in the occurrence of the phenomenon, and we are existences in a present continuous duration. the space is full of relationships with a potential movements. When a self organization chooses a movement (conscious or unconscious) it become a unique and subjective movement bound by the intrinsic and spacial state of the self organization, whether we are a "galaxy" a grain of sand or a human being.

      I see space with no beginning or end. It is a space with infinite occurrence of phenomena with an end (finitude) to each of one of them.(As explained in my essay)

      All the best

      yehuda atai

        Dear Satyavarapu,

        Comment to your eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh comments

        I put these four comments together because they each only require short answers.

        In your eighth comment:

        Normally even stars that were less than 1 light year away from each other would tend to hold each other from moving away from the effective center of their mass by gravity. The stars could rotate around that center and, therefore not all come together at that center of mass, but any star that would begin to move away from that center of mass would have more mass in the stars behind it that would pull it back toward the center than stars in front of it that would try to move it away from the center. Once in stable rotation around the center of mass, it would take an outside source of energy (motion) of adequate amplitude to overcome the gravity pull to allow it to escape the gravity pull of the stars in the center of the galaxy area. What kind of dynamical forces are you talking about? I tried to find your paper that you mentioned on vixra, but was unable to find it. I did find a paper of yours titled "Explaining Formation of Astronomical Jets Using Dynamic Universe Model and it gave more of an explanation of your theory, but seemed to be missing most of the actual data of the experiment. You have many good understandings, such as the fact that there is no space/time continuum, etc. The biggest problem that I see is the attempt to make the universe an endless time structure by trying to reverse the entropy operation of fusion in stars. To actually accomplish that would not only require capture of all of the energy emitted from the fusion reaction and all of the heavier elements produced by the fusion reaction, it would also require the addition of the extra energy required to force the reverse reaction to occur, much like in chemical reactions. That extra energy source would then be lost for future use and would thus run out at some point in the future also. It is just the nature of entropy to make things run down, such that all interactions cease in the long run.

        In your ninth comment:

        You are welcome.

        In your tenth comment:

        The use for gravitational nulls will become apparent to those who need and are able to use them when that time comes. Feel free to speculate.

        In your eleventh comment:

        That is a general problem that I have also had and I believe that others have also had. If you do a paper that is not restricted in that way I suggest that you give some details as to how the data figures about those galaxies are generated.



        Dear Simpson,

        So this is not empirical observation....

        Best Regards


        Dear Vladimir Rogozhin,

        Thank you very much for such a moral support. I went to the link you mentioned above . Though it was a old petition it is exactly correct even today. No research is supported even morally which is against Bigbang. Forget about the funding. I also tried to sign it, but it is going somewhere.

        This statement tells about an important aspect...."FUNDING"... Who so ever is funding this research thinks against the science or technology. The funding persons think that the contrary to science to be proved. Science tells that if there is an experiment, it should give same results to anyone. Science should not predict imaginary things. It should be real. History says even Einstein did not like and did not support Bigbang based Universe models.

        For the last 25 years I faced the same problem. Main stream people appreciated me in the front and they always laughed at me at the back. No support of any type. Now I am getting worried, as I am getting aged, to whom I will give out all this knowledge. So I kept all my BOOKs and PAPERs in my webpage for any person at free of cost. He doesn't even need to inform me about his downloads.

        Thank you for giving me high ranking. I am also giving ranking to your essay.

        Best Wishes


        Dear Vladimir Rogozhin,

        Spasibo vam balshoy...Many thanks...

        I was in USSR, Kiev for 6 months in 1982. I used talk and read Russian ok. Ya Jabil poruski...I forgot most the Russian language. I am still having many Russian friends, who contact me regularly. May be I will visit Kiev once again.....

        Thank you very much for taking me back into such wonderful nostalgic memories.

        Raj kapoor's ... 'Avaara hu..' song, Rabindra nath Tagor's ... "Where the mind is without fear poem".... Indian philosophical thoughts....

        I also liked the present concept of theme of FQXi contest... I got a wonderful experience of going into thoughtful wisdom of multitude of thinkers... very nice!

        Best Regards


        Dear Snp,

        Thank you for your comments on my essay, I left a reply to your question on my blog.

        I have read your essay and I agree that there is something fundamentally wrong with the Big Bang model and I also agree that dark matter does not exist but I have a different view and model than yours.

        I liked your reference to VAK (The mother of the Vedas) at the end of your essay, I believe there is a lot we can learn from the Vedas, and especially vedanta idealism.

        All the best,


          Dear SNP,

          Yes, universe is alive and we are living in it and it is living in us. Singularity or GOD in my perspective is not the scientific unknown, but one's true self, so the question is do we really know our self? and when we do we will realize that we are all much similar in our wants and needs than not and that is universal love. There is only one singularity, how can there be multiple singularities be it mathematical or physical as the definition of singularity means just one and only, if you encounter multiple in science and mathematics it means that we have not yet arrived at the absolute one singularity. It's easy to get to that absolute singularity that lies with in us and eastern esoteric philosophies have elaborated on how to do that and they are scientific in approach as well. As we are in the process of creating AI which will become omniscient and omnipotent , i recommend that we incorporate the values we share of omnipresence of life with it and make it loving just as the creator who created the reality let all forms of life co exist naturally while incorporating certain degree of hierarchy. So doing real and practical science is important, but if it goes unchecked it could lead to disasters. "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." - AE. "Science without religious morals is dangerous, religion without scientific truth is death."




            As I said before I like this a lot: By seeing all these, the author proposes a new idea (not published by him earlier) that the Universe had an ability to reproduce Galaxies.

            I was going to address that topic in my essay, but I wanted to keep the essay concise. Many years ago I discovered:THE ATLAS AND CATALOGUE OF INTERACTING GALAXIES by B.A. Vorontsov-Velyaminov. He talks about galaxies as if they were reproducing biologically. Halton Arp later talked about Quasars as galaxy seeds. I am wondering if you are aware to these ideas? I personally think that galaxies do reproduce by a process similar to some biological processes we know about.

            Dear Harry Hamlin Ricker III,

            Thank you for so much nice information to support my paper

            Thank you for your nice study. I said that the essay was not published by me earlier. That's true.

            Can you please send me some more details of that papers you mentioned..... "THE ATLAS AND CATALOGUE OF INTERACTING GALAXIES by B.A. Vorontsov-Velyaminov" and the paper "Halton Arp later talked about Quasars as galaxy seeds", you mentioned above. I don't k now about them. My paper uses the concept on UGF, the universal Gravitational Force, not biological processes.....

            Can you please tell me about your paper and send me copy of your paper. Is that here in this contest? I searched by your name, I could not get any.

            Best Regards....


            • [deleted]

            Dear Sridattadev,

            Wow wonderful analysis... What you said about Singularity is true, it is one only. The singularity what I was referring is from Physics and Math only, which does not exist Physically. You have clarified well about your concepts now. I am giving a good rating to your essay... I am also a firm believer of God....

            Best wishes to your essay...


            Dear Sri Dattadev,

            The above is my post only. I just refreshed web page before posting my reply to you, after few seconds the FQXi server logged me out...



            Dear Patrick,

            I know your words.... "At the start of the Universe there is nothing, nothing exists, not even time. The most fundamental notion, a state of existence itself, has to be defined. But as nothing exists, how can a state of existence be defined ? The only solution is simply to introduce a state of non-existence."... are concepts from Vedas only... As I remember it is from "Shristi suktam or the Hymn of creation"...

            I bow low for knowledge of Vedas..... Excellent... !

            Can you please send me some more details of your paper on your universe model.....

            Best wishes to your essay


            • [deleted]

            Dear SNP,

            Thank you for reading and commenting on my essay. I have now read your essay.

            As I quote in my essay:

            ...many successes of the Big Bang model "can be traced to the initial conditions postulated ... and put in by hand, without justification, other than to retrofit the data."

            Of course Standard Model and General Relativity parameters must also be put in 'by hand'. These form links in a narrative chain, linking basic principles to observed data. I discuss a number of mental/mathematical structures that we project on the universe. Rovelli agrees that we project structure onto reality:

            One such structure is 'dark matter'. Only this month several papers have reported their experiment's complete failure to find dark matter.

            Studying your paper, you project an absolute minimum of structure on the universe:

            No Isotropy; No Homogeneity; No Space-time continuum; Non-uniform density of matter(Universe is lumpy); No singularities; No collisions between bodies; No Blackholes; No warm holes; No Bigbang; No repulsion between distant Galaxies; Non-empty Universe; No imaginary or negative time axis; No imaginary X, Y, Z axes; No differential and Integral Equations mathematically; No General Relativity and Model does not reduce to General Relativity on any condition; No Creation of matter like Bigbang or steady-state models; No many mini Bigbangs; No Missing Mass; No Dark matter; No Dark energy; No Bigbang generated CMB detected; No Multi-verses etc.

            I think this is excellent. You seem to obtain good results in spite of not projecting structure on the universe. Very impressive. Your research is also impressive.

            Edwin Eugene Klingman