For me an essay is an expression of an opinion and not a demonstration of a mathematical proof. I am trying to express my opinion within the boundaries of our existent survival environment. The relevant terms are: existence, perfection, imperfection, possibility, changing, unknown agent, unknowable act, nothingness, space and purpose.
Here is a suggested chronological order of events that I am trying to express within my essay:
At first there is perfection. That environment is space-less and time-less with only one possibility for existence...perfection. An unknown agent within the environment of perfection performed an unknowable act that resulted in a point of nothingness being expanded into the possibility of an environment for the existence of anything imperfect. This environment was expanded until the possibility reached the critical magnitude that created the instantaneous reality of anything imperfect actually existing (care must be taken here because we sense from the human platform...we do not know the essence of anything). At this moment there are no survival environments. There is only the chaos of anything imperfect existing. From the chaos of anything imperfect existing survival environments evolved within the magnitude of possibility that was necessary to create anything imperfect instantaneously. This is the limit of possibility (magnitude of space) within our imperfect universe.
The objects, forces and relationships that we currently experience in our survival environment are the result of the chaos of initial existence of anything imperfect collapsing into survival environments where the objects, forces and relationships within them are capable of creating imperfect existence on their own.
This means there is a span of time where chaos is the engine of possibility. And this environment creates a boundary to understanding the motivations and actions that are within the environment of perfection. Thus the agent is unknowable and the act is also unknowable. I avoid the term God here because God has been chained to culture and many other human attributes. This term always assumes that some human beings actually know God and they are the accepted (self-professed) interpreters of God's Will. This has shaded human experience with many unnecessary tragedies.
The environmental observations that are currently part of human experience are observations of surviving objects, forces and relationships that are part of an evolved orderly environment. The result is similar throughout this imperfect universe. It allows the impression of universal objects, forces and relationships. It is the environment we can currently model with the laws of mathematics, physics and chemistry. This environment is the one in which we evolved into existence as the changing platform for human experience. The rest is frankly whatever our future becomes.