I only now read your essay and would say that I mostly agree with your points. If I'm interpreting it correctly, it sounds like you have a fairly physicalistic/naturalistic (everything that exists is physical) point of view? That's my viewpoint, so maybe i'm reading my views into yours. Saying that there are things like consciousness, laws of quantum physics/logic, mathematical constructs, or other non-physical things that no one can see except in our minds is similar to saying God created everything. It's possible, but is more a matter of faith than science because it can't be seen or tested by others. When you said that humans are more like information systems than physical systems, my view on that is that "information" seems to be one of those things like the laws of physics or mathematical constructs. Physicists say the universe may be based on it; but what is it? To me, information is just a description in a mind of the properties, processes/interactions and relationships of physical things. It exists in the mind but is not fundamental. For humans, it's a process that physical things go through that leads to their self-replication and that allows new molecules to fit into the existing template of the old molecules.
I tried clicking on the Digital physics image at the bottom of your essay but it didn't lead anywhere. Was it supposed to? But, if by digital physics, you mean that the universe may be a cellular automata-like thing based on a few very simple rules, I totally agree. Back around 2000, I was more active in a google group about digital physics, but haven't been there in a long time.
For my answer to the issue at the end about "Why is there something rather than nothing?", I've got more at
In response to the last question about Kolmogorov complexity, I had to look that up, but now that I know what it is, I think it's extremely low in that the entire universe may come from the presence of a single existent entity that has a couple of properties. My reason for why that entity may exist in the first place is at the above link. Using the properties of that entity to build a very simple and crude cellular automata-like model of the universe is at:
in the section called Use of the Proposed Solution to Build a Model of the Universe. This second website is just a longer, more philosophical jargon-filled version of the first site but also contains the possible model.
I'm going to try and find your video and other writings by googling because I think this essay is well written and insightful. Thanks!