Hi Heinrich, thanks for your points.There are abstract mathematical spaces, such as Hilbert space in QM, and time is used as a parameter. This helps with analysis and calculation but is not the space where the physics is actually happening out in the universe rather than on the 'mathematical stage'. t is used but there is no explanation of what that t is in the universe rather than in the calculation.
You say, "in physics (proper) nothing ever happens". That comes from using Einstein's space-time continuum or other block time model as the explanatory framework for understanding.I am providing an alternative explanatory framework. That is why "The realm of Newtonian time stretching from infinity to infinity where Newton's eternal God is, always, and Block time and the space-time continuum; Parents of paradox" are put on the, to be (at least temporarily) disregarded, heap at the start of the essay. In the proposed alternative things really do happen because of fondatioanl sequential passage of time. Which is change in the configuration of the entire universe. There can be true agency rather than just the semblance of it. As there is no future, it is fully open/non existent, rather than just waiting to be encountered. The happenings do precede the receipt of signals that lead to production of sensory information by which knowledge of what has happened can occur.
Over time many different kinds of classification and segregation of species have been developed and they are not all the same.There are different ways of thinking about what a species is, the 3 main are 1. appearance and morphological similarity 2. biological reproductive compatibility (able to produce fertile offspring together) and 3. not being geographically isolated, so reproduction opportunity can occur between the individual with reproductive compatibility. There is obviously over lap between the categories given. There can even be distributions of individuals (such as certain Gulls )so that the extremes at either end of the distribution are different in appearance, seemingly different species, but fully reproductively compatible.
Personally I don't think there needs to be a singular definition of species but wider recognition that the term does not have one meaning and provision of clarity about how it is being used in a particular situation. What springs to mind is prefixes, giving Identseg-species, Biolseg-species and Geoseg-species, with acknowledgement that there is overlap between the categories. Once familiar the prefixes could be shortened to I, B and G. The good thing about the notion of a species is that it can be evaluated. It is one of those 'Sandcastles', not a failure of science. Kind regards Georgina