Interesting. Yes, motion does need time, but I see time as unphysical and focus on the physical, even if at sub matter scale.
That brings us to; "what "sees" the relative motion? I assume you mean to 'define' it, so before all 'detector' fermion interactions. Yes. I invoke that sub-matter scale 'dark energy' that's 84% of the universe. It CAN have some 'rest frame' as long as it doesn't couple with EM, so Dirac's 'new ether', but not 'lumeniferous'.
So perhaps in the beginning, simply; "something moved". Once something had moved the vortices started (more movement) and there went the whole neighbourhood! before you know it (just a few billion yrs) we've got a massive messy universe of motion! Does that gel with you at all?
Our views on consciousness are compatible. Mine was rationalised on terms of interaction layers and feedback loops in last years essay leading to much discussion but pleasingly no dissent (yet!). I like your description to.
Have you looked at Declan Trail's mathematical proof of my ontology for classical QM yet? That looks like a major advancement but I'm very disappointed it seems it's scared off any comment so far! Any thoughts?