Essay Abstract

Tracing in the historical perspective evolution of our knowledge on elementary particles and Universe we come to the fundamental relationship of cosmology and particle physics. The revolutionary change by the quantum field theory of the notion of elementary particle put on more fundamental level particle symmetry and corresponding charges, reflecting the fundamental structure of micro-world. This fundamental structure of micro-world determines the structure and evolution of the Universe. Extension of the relationship between microscopic and macroscopic descriptions to the largest and smallest physical scales leads to the fundamental relationship of micro and macro worlds, studied by cosmoparticle physics in the proper combination of physical, astrophysical and cosmological signatures. Old V.A.Fock's ideas on physical rigor and on fundamentality of physical approximations can find interesting application in our modern approach to the foundations of cosmology and particle physics in their fundamental relationship.

Author Bio

M.Khlopov has completed his PhD at the age of 26 years from Moscow Physical Technical Institute and worked in Ya.Zeldovich group in Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics. He got the Highest degree of Doctor of Science in 1986 and is Full Professor of National Research Nuclear Unviersity MEPHI, President of Center for Cosmoparticle physics COSMION, the director of Virtual Institute of Astroparticle physics, a premier e-science and e-education complex. He has published more than 250 papers in reputed journals, 15 books, monographs and textbooks. He has been serving as an editorial board member of repute.

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"To explain the difference in the amount of baryonic matter and the total amount of matter in the Universe the dark matter is needed ..." I say that Milgrom is the Kepler of contemporary cosmology -- on the basis of overwhelming empirical evidence. What might be wrong with the following?

arXiv preprint -- Kroupa, Pavel. "Galaxies as simple dynamical systems: observational data disfavor dark matter and stochastic star formation." Canadian Journal of Physics 93, no. 2 (2014): 169-202.


    Cosmoparticle physics reproduces on the largest and smallest scales the fundamental relationship

    between the microscopic and macroscopic descriptions, typical for theoretical physics. It offers a

    new level of this relationship, which, for example, takes place between thermodynamics and

    atomic physics, hydrodynamics and kinetics. However, the absence of direct experiments on the

    cosmological scales and in superhigh energy physics on which modern cosmology is based, leads

    to the need to develop a system of non-trivial indirect methods in cosmoparticle physics. Such

    methods can be called Cosmoarcheology - search in the astrophysical data for traces of new

    physical phenomena in the Universe, Cosmoarcheology treats the Universe as a unique natural

    accelerator in which astrophysical data play the role of a particular experimental result of the

    thought experiment (Gedanken Experiment), carried out by cosmoarcheology.

    end of quote

    I am assuming what you call Cosmolarcheology is what you refer to as most fundamental

    In your essay you make good insights as to the the inter relationship of large and small scale components of cosmology and astroparticle physics

    My dumb question is this, is your term cosmolarcheology, a way to talk about foundational linkage between cosmological constituents, or are you more intererested in the evolution of the cosmos itself ?



      Dear Maxim Yurievich,

      The question: Why does the Universe not contain an equal amount of matter and antimatter? can be answered differently. The primordial Universe was a black hole with temperature absolute zero. (Reason is given in my essay: "Fundamental entities in Physics.") The neutrons evaporated from the Schwarzschild surface by Hawking mechanism. The anti-neutrons annihilated in the black hole, but neutrons pushed out. Some of neutrons decay to proton - electron pairs and convert to hydrogen. The rest neutrons now are the dark matter.

      There is not need for Planck's epoch and smaller particles.

      Best regards,


        Dear Dr Maxim Yurievich Khlopov,

        FQXI is clearly seeking to find out if there is a fundamental REALITY.

        Reliable evidence exists that proves that the surface of the earth was formed millions of years before man and his utterly complex finite informational systems ever appeared on that surface. It logically follows that Nature must have permanently devised the only single physical construct of earth allowable.

        All objects, be they solid, liquid, or vaporous have always had a visible surface. This is because the real Universe must consist only of one single unified VISIBLE infinite surface occurring eternally in one single infinite dimension that am always illuminated mostly by finite non-surface light.

        Only the truth can set you free.

        Joe Fisher, Realist

        Thank you for interest to my essay and reference. The need for dark matter from physics beyond the Standard model became clear since 1980s. It gets still more support in the current data of precision cosmology on the cosmological Large Scale Structure, primordial chemical composition and Cosmic Microwave Background radiation. We cannot avoid dark matter in analysis of these data and the approach to which you refer can hardly explain them. Such approach is based on the old basis of known physics with modified theory of gravity. It illustrates Fock's note that it is psychologically easier to treat the data in the old fashioned framework and much more difficult to accept new basis for them. Possible, I am wrong and the Milgrom's approach should be accepted, but on my opinion it is highly improbable (remind Boltzmann's:"Possibly atoms do not exist, but it is highly improbable")

        Thank you for interest to my essay. It's main message is that evolution of cosmos is determined by fundamental particle structure, which in turn implies cosmology for its probe. To study simultaneously evolution of the Universe and physics, on which it is based, we need overdetermined system of equations for multidimensional space of the involved parameters which is provided by the set of physical, cosmological and astrophysical data, so that the number of equations is larger than the number of parameters. Cosmoarcheology is only one part of such multidimensional studies, which also involve accelerator and non-accelerator effects of new physics.

        Dera Ilgaitis,

        Thank you for interest to my essay. Let me study yours in details, but the idea that ordinary neutrons can play the role of dark matter sounds strange, since neutrons should decay after 1000 seconds, while dark matter should survive in the Universe to the present time.

        I have a comment on:

        "Extensions of the standard model imply new symmetries and new particle states....... .From this viewpoint, cosmology is sensitive to the most fundamental properties of micro-world, to the conservation laws reflecting strict or nearly strict symmetries of particle theory" page 4:

        "So, electron is absolutely stable owing to the conservation of electric charge, while the stability of proton is conditioned by the conservation of baryon charge. The stability of ordinary matter is thus protected by the conservation of electric and baryon charges" page 5:

        Yes, as you said the lepton number L (Electric number charges Le plus Muon number charges LВµ) is conservation in Beta Decay :

        n >> p + e- + ve

        L : 0 = 0 + 1 -1

        BUT in case of Louis Michel Decay there are violations of the lepton number (Electron number or Muon number) conservation laws:

        Вµ- >> e- + ve + vВµ

        L : 1 = 1 + 1 -1 Lepton number conservation ( L = Le + LВµ )

        Le : 0 1 + 1 + 0 Electron number violation

        LВµ : 1 0 + 0 -1 Muon number violation

        In this case, we search for new conservation law for this decay , so a new symmetry must introduce to explain this decay, hence a simple extension model for the Standard Model has been introduced. B - L model (baryon charges B minus lepton charges L) is the difference between the baryon number (B) and the lepton number (L).

        If Bв€'L exists as a symmetry, it gives heavy right handed neutrinos and new heavy neutral gauge boson Z' and new heavy Higgs boson rather thans SM- Higgs

        p >> ПЂ0 + e+

        p (B=1 ; L=0) >> ПЂ0 (B=0 ; L=0) + e+ (B=0 ; L=в€'1)

        Baryon charge: 1 = 0 + 0 No conservation

        Lepton charge: 0 = 0 - 1 No conservation

        B -L charge: 1 = 0 + 1 Conservation

        This quantum number (B-L charge) is the charge of U(1) symmetry B-L model, and called U(1)B-L. Unlike baryon number alone or lepton number alone, this hypothetical symmetry would not be broken by chiral anomalies or gravitational anomalies, as long as this symmetry is global, which is why this symmetry is often invoked.

        If B в€' L exists as a new symmetry, it must be spontaneously broken to give the heavy right-handed neutrinos if we assume the seesaw mechanism.

        In the case of a gauged B в€' L, the gauge boson associated with this symmetry will Z' boson as a new force carriers rather than Z0 of SM weak force

        The anomalies that break baryon number B conservation and lepton number L conservation individually cancel in such a way that B в€' L is always conserved.

        As we discussed the above hypothetical example of proton decay where a proton (B = 1; L = 0) would decay into a pion (B = 0, L = 0) and positron (B = 0; L = в€'1) and the conservation will be for B -L charge 1 = 0 + 1.

        So via B-L model which is a simple extension of SM we get a new conservation (symmetry) quantum number B-L (the difference between the baryon charges (B) and the lepton charges (L) ) and an associated new force via Z' boson.

          Thank you for comment. Indeed, B-L=0 conservation appears in the minimal SU(5) GUT unification of the Standard model. However, absence of proton decay to pion and positron at the level predicted by this GUT model, as well as problems of magnetic monopole overproduction and washing out of baryon asymmetry due to electroweak sphaleron transition ruled out this simplest model of unification, making us to consider larger groups of GUT symmetry with correspondingly larger sector of new physics

          Dear Maxim Yurievich,

          Thank you for answer.

          I have another understanding of elementary particles. They are exited states (energy levels) of electrons, protons, photons and neutrons in the gravitation field. It is well known that electrons in the electric field of atom has energy levels s, p, d, etc. Accordingly the electrons are marked as s-electron, p-electron, d-electron, etc. If the lower energy level s is free the d-electron release the difference of energy as photon and moves to s level. In the terms of particle physics it means decay of d-electron to two particles: s-electron and photon.

          All experiments in the particle physics are made on the Earth. Hence the energy of particle represents allowed energy level of the Earth's gravitation field. For example the particles μ, π+, K+, D are exited states of electron in the levels 105.7, 139.6, 493.7, 1869.4 MeV. Particle research with accelerators is only investigation of energy level structure of Earth's gravitation field.

          The time of neutron decay has been found on the Earth. Hence 1000 s of mean life is only in the gravitation field of Earth. What is a lifetime in the different gravity fields is unknown. I suppose that in the space it can be very large like in the nucleons.



            I would like to mention the well known experimental fact - fine-tuning of the physical parameters. This produces strong restriction to any theory and nevertheless remains underestimated. Fundamental laws must be organized in such a way to explain the fine tuning and it could be the loadstar for researchers. This concerns both particle physics and cosmology.

              Dear Ilgaitis,

              gravitational defect of mass can work only in very strong fields. In teh interstellar space of Galaxy it is three oreders of magnitude smaller, than we need to stabilize neutron. Therefore your model doesn't work.

              Dear Maxim Yurievich,

              I think just the opposite - medium gravitational fields reduces the neutron lifetime. If it were not, then nuclear reactions would not begin and the hydrogen nebulae would be converted to neutron stars.

              The truth can be established only experimentally.



              Thanks for your clarification,

              from your essay, Can we say that GUT must contain all the physical basis of cosmology? Also the cosmoparticlephysics may remove the doubts about the String theory problem or not? Finally Do you think the experimental probes for String theory and its phenomenology are possible?

              Best Regards,


                Thank you for comment. Indeed, fine tuning demonstrates high sensitivity of evolution and structure of the Universe to the choice of particle physics parameters and their fundamental relationship.

                The physical basis of cosmology should be related not only to GUTs, but to probably more extended framework, like string theory. My hope is that methods of cosmoparticle physics can provide probe of string phenomenology in the combination of its indirect physical, astrophysical and cosmological signatures. Such set of probes should contain more consequences, than the number of invloved parameters: then the system of equations relative to these parameters is overdetermined and definite test is possible.

                Do you think that the proposed International Linear Collider (ILC) will help us in answering the cosmological questions which did not provide by the Tevatron and LHC colliders where we expected from the LHC casts light on some cosmological questions such as the nature of dark matter.

                Where from my point of view, the only success of the LHC is the discover of Higgs boson on 2012 but there are many questions have no answers as: Why dark matter doesn't matter here on Earth and will space reveal new properties at small distances such as extra dimensions or SuperSymmetry?

                I hope that the ILC gives answers for these questions and also relates the very small particle physics and the very large cosmology (cosmoparticle physics) and find out how these two fields fit together and plays the crucial role of opening the door to find new physics beyond the Standard Model and answering cosmological questions.



                  The Cosmological and Astrophysics topics potentially addressed by the ILC are wide ranging and include:

                  - Dark matter and dark energy

                  - Mechanism of Baryogenesis

                  - Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

                  - Cosmic microwave background

                  - Origin of large scale structure

                  If any of the these ideas is realized in nature, the coming revolution in particle physics will also yield profound insights about the Universe, its contents, and its evolution.

                    Greetings Max,

                    It is a delight to see this essay, and to see you participating in this contest, after enjoying your wonderful lecture at FFP11 in Paris and publishing your article in Prespacetime journal. I am a fan of astroparticle Physics and I see you have made a great introduction to the subject. You have clearly set out how important it is to the overall progress of Physics, given that it probes regimes unattainable in any laboratory, but also explained that the cosmos paints a mute picture we cannot probe after the fact, to examine interactively how it happened. There is, of course, a lot more to say.

                    I think astroparticle Physics works both ways. Properties of subatomic particles serve to precipitate cosmological events - like the onset of decoupling. But it is likely true the other way around, as well. If a 5-d precursor universe gave rise to our present 4-d spacetime, as in DGP gravity or in the Black Hole --> White Hole scenario of Pourhasan, Afshordi, and Mann, there may be particle species beyond the Standard Model trapped on the other side of the barrier. This might also include sterile neutrinos appearing in some octonionic inflation theories.

                    I am thinking that such cosmological events could play a part in gauge fixing mechanisms, perhaps at the electroweak scale. My current essay talks a little about the idea I presented at FFP15, Gravitation by Condensation. This was inspired in part by recent work from Dvali and colleagues making an analogy of the quantum critical point in BEC formation with Schwarzschild event horizons. But there is an astroparticle angle there too that I don't cover much in my essay, because it is gravitons which condense at the gravitational radius - and the exact properties of gravitons remain poorly understood.

                    All the Best,
